Mauritius! Part 4

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Hi guys! Back with an update.
Next Morning
Kaira wake up in each others embrace. Kartik kisses Naira on her forehead. They get off the bed and Kartik goes to freshen up. Naira feels like sitting under the sun and she goes on a bikini and rests in the patio area. Kartik also joins her soon.
They have a nice coffee made by Kartik. After a while Naira enters the water and Kartik watches her play around. Keerti and Naksh join them too. Keerti is blushing looking at Naksh and this doesn't go unnoticed by Kaira. Even Naksh is shy and Kaira start teasing them. Soon both Naksh and Kartik also enter the water and they all play a game of water polo. Gayu and Rohan join in as well. They enjoy their morning going to the beach, shopping and watching a movie. They have lunch which is made by Keerti and Naksh(Keesh). They then decide to go to the Carnival.

Some pics from the Carnival

They enjoy their whole evening in the carnival. They have dinner and then go back. They all are very tired so they sleep.

Next Morning
Today was their last day in the cottages. Then they would go on Kartik's Superyacht.
Naira wakes up in Kartik's embrace. She plants soft kisses on his bare chest. She then kisses his forehead and then goes down to his lips. She gives him a peck on the lips and Kartik wakes up and the kiss turns into a lip lock. Kartik picks Naira and goes to the sauna. They both make love inside the sauna. Then they dress up and go to have breakfast. After having breakfast Kartik tells everyone that today we have nothing to do so we can just enjoy. In the evening we have to check out and go to the yacht. Kartik has to make the payment for the cottages and he decides to do it now. Naira goes back to the cottage. She is in a romantic mood. She wears s*xy l*ngerie. Kartik comes back and sees Naira and is mesmerised. They make love till lunch time. Then they go have lunch and come back to enjoy in the water. They go down the slide, swim in the water and also watch a movie. After that they dress up and start to pack. They have to leave for the yacht, Kartik calls and asks about the Yacht and he is told that they Yacht has arrived and is stocked up and is ready to leave. Rohan and Gayu want to go on the boat. So Kartik tells them to leave their bags and take the boat that is his waiting near the yacht. Then they can directly come to the yacht in that boat. The Yacht has a floating Garage. Everyone else get in their cars and they leave. The luggage is delivered to the yacht. The cars are driven straight into the Yacht. It has a garage both for cars and a boat. They still have time before the Yacht departs. So they plan on taking a helicopter ride over Mauritius.

Gayu and Rohan's boat


Naira's POV
We arrived 10 minutes before departure time. The back Helipad was already occupied by another helicopter. So we decided to go to the front of the yacht where there was another Helipad. I quickly got a snap of our yacht from the Helicopter.

Soon we departed from Mauritius. I just loved this place. It was going to be a very long journey to Dubai. After a while the Yacht slowed down and then stopped. We went out to see Gayu Di and Rohan Jiju coming in a boat. Suddenly a part of the hull lifted up and their boat went inside. We also went down to receive them.

(Imagine those two ppl to be Gayu and Rohan)
They came in. The yacht was so cool. It had a parking for a boat. It was called a floating garage. We all went back up from this side while they both came from the lift from the other side. The Yacht was so big. It was just awesome!

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