chapter 9 - nobody understands

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{Makis pov}

Kaito looked at me, in shock. "M-maki roll!? Why haven't you been-" "Because I can't slack off! I need to get more information on future targets..." I interrupted him.

He looked really upset, his normally bright and happy eyes were dull and he frowned, as he turned away from me.

"Maki roll... why are you an assassin?" He said, with his back to me. "..." "if you're not gonna tell me then you get get out!" He shouted, angrily.

Surprised by him shouting, I quickly got up. I put my hand on the door, ready to leave, when I felt tears forming in my eyes.

I tried to cover my face, but Kaito noticed. "Maki-roll... Im... hey... please stop crying! I don't know how to comfort you... you're... you're-"

"I'm what? 'Emo, Emotionless'? Well it's not MY fault! I'm leaving..." I yelled, before I opened the door to leave.

{Kaitos pov}

I made Maki cry, she probably really hates me... she walked out the door, chasing after her I shouted "maki roll! Please wait up! I'm sorry..."

She stopped, so did I. "I'll tell you why I'm like this..." She looked at me, and wiped away her tears.

"I was brought up in an orphanage, I had a friend around my age. As we were older than most of the other kids, we had to look after them.

The little kids liked me, but I didn't like them back... they were annoying... one day, an assassin group came. They were collecting assassins.

They wanted to pick my friend, but I knew she would suffer... so I volunteered to do it. The training was horrible... they abused me physically and mentally...

I would cry myself to sleep every night... Once I was finished with my training I went back to the orphanage to see my friend...

It turned out that she had died saving one of the younger kids. After killing countless people, I stopped feeling emotions..."

I stared at her, my body froze. "Maki roll... im... im sorry for shouting... I-I pressured you in to telling me this..." I mumbled.

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