Part 3

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: Speech
- Thoughts


Also just imagine all the Horikita lines as Shirogane. I don't want to find every instance where it's different.


The Room

The Bookman: Welcome back.

Kaguya: Oh we're back. Are you alright Miyuki?

Shirogane blushed.

Shirogane: I'm fine...Ka...Shinomiya.

Kaguya pouts.

Chika- Spineless coward.

The Bookman: Let's continue shall we?

Kiyotaka was walking around to get a drink when he heard a voice.

Manabu: So you've followed me even here huh Suzune.

Shirogane: They must have missed each other.

Kiyotaka peered past the corner. A boy with black hair and glasses was talking with Suzune.

Suzune: I'm not the failure I was back then.

Manabu: Don't get so confident just because you rose to B-Class. I can already see that it had nothing to do with you. You're still the same as ever.

Kaguya: Why is he speaking so harshly with her?

Manabu suddenly grabbed her wrist and pinned her to the wall.

Manabu: And it all doesn't change the fact that you were initially assigned to D-Class. My own sister.

Shirogane: What is he doing!?

Miko looked afraid.

Ishigami: This bastard.

Kiyotaka rushed in and grabbed his wrist.

Kiyotaka: Let her go. Now.

Manabu: Hm? Who are you?

Suzune: Ayanokoji-Kun?

Manabu: Ayanokoji? So you're the one who scored perfectly on each of his entrance exams. Truly impressive. Not even I accomplished that.

Suzune is shocked by this.

Suzune- Not even Brother could do that? How smart is he?

Kiyotaka- What is this feeling? I don't want anything to happen to her. But Why? She's just a tool, isn't she?

Kaguya- A tool? That mindset...

No one else caught that thought.

Kiyotaka: Don't make me repeat myself. Let her go.

Kiyotaka strengthened his grip as Manabu winced slightly.

Shirogane: I give him full permission to woop his ass. I'll do it myself when he gets back.

The Bookman: Um. Two things. Manabu is highly trained in martial arts. He's a 4th Dan in Karate and also you won't see hi till the end of that year.

Shirogane: Huh? Why?

The Bookman: Their School Advanced Nurturing Highschool is a Boarding School.

Kaguya: I see...

Suzune: Ayanokoji stop. Please. This has nothing to do with you.

Kiyotaka: I refuse.

Manabu- Interesting. Has she gained a friend? Let's test him a little.

Suzune: If you don't stop then I'll never speak to you again.

Shirogane: Why isn't she accepting his help?

Kiyotaka loosens his grip and lets go when Manabu backhands at him to which Kiyotaka dodges backwards. Then Manabu lines up a kick to the face but Kiyotaka sways his head slightly dodging it. Manabu then tries to grab him but Kiyotaka grabs his wrist forcing him away from Suzune as he positions himself between them.

Kaguya- Such expert movements.

Shirogane: Woah...

Ishigami: That was a close one. He could have gotten really hurt.

Miko: Such disgraceful behaviours from a SCP. It seem's he's not his father's son after all.

Manabu: You fight like an expert. Which of the arts do you practice?

Kiyotaka: Karate, Ju Jitsu, Kick Boxing. A few more too.

Kaguya- An experienced Martial Artist huh...

Kiyotaka- I'm honestly glad we're not going to keep fighting. Things would end badly. After all, I would end up injuring the Student Council President. It would be hard to control my strength so as to not kill him.

Everyone- Kill? Just how strong is he?

Manabu: Honestly I'm surprised to see you've found yourself a friend Suzune.

Suzune: He's...

Before she can finish Kiyotaka places his hand on her shoulder.

Manabu: If you really have changed like this then I can honestly say that you might reach Class A. I look forward to your progress. Don't disappoint me. Either of you.

Shirogane- He seems more content now...could it be he wanted her to have friends? But why attack her?

Manabu leaves.

Suzune: Why did you stop me?

Kiyotaka: You may think your Brother thinks badly of you but I think it's quite the opposite. He can't stand to see you alone like this. It annoys him to see you willingly choosing to be alone.

Kaguya: I don't understand why he attacked her though.

The Bookman: ANHS is a difficult school that will test your limits. It's not possible to graduate on your own strength alone. Manabu knew that since he is a part of Class 3-A.  He was also angry at her for continuing to imitate him instead of being herself.

Kaguya/Shirogane: I see.

The Bookman: He was a little harsh but he meant well.


Kiyotaka was at the cafeteria with Kushida.

Kiyotaka: Thank you for coming.

Kushida: Not at all. I was afraid we'd gotten off on the wrong foot so If I can do anything to help I will.

Kiyotaka: Help me convince a Senpai on something.

Kiyotaka and Kushida approached a student from Class 2-B.

Kiyotaka: Hello there. You're in the B-Class for your year too right?

2-B Senpai: Yeah so what?

Kiyotaka: I want you to sell your past papers to me.

Kaguya: Huh?

Miko: He's going to cheat? That must be how he got 100s on his exams.

The Bookman: That is false. He got 100s on his own ability. The reason he's buying them is because his classmates are far less capable. Anyone who doesn't meet the threshold in any exam is expelled.

Kaguya: How... strict.

Miko: Still...

2-B Senpai: Are you serious? But why me?

Kiyotaka: It's obvious from your food selection that you need points and so you'd be willing to do this for me.

2-B Senpai: I don't know. Isn't this against the rules?

Kiyotaka: No one needs to know.

Kushida chimes in.

Kushida: Please will you help us?

Ishigami: So that's why he brought the girl. 

The 2-B Senpai blushes and agrees.

2-B Senpai: 100,000 points.

Kiyotaka transfers the points.

2-B Senpai: Wow seriously? Just like that? How did a 1st Year like you get your hands on so many points already?

Kiyotaka: Just hand over the papers.

The 2-B Senpai complies and Kiyotaka has the same discussion with Kushida but she isn't surprised with his intellect at all.

Kaguya- He truly is a genius to think that far ahead but it was already obvious from his results.


Kiyotaka gives everyone the past papers at the right time.

Kei: Did you make these?

Kiyotaka: I bought them off of a Senpai. They are past papers. I checked and the questions are the same each year.

Shinohara: Wow.

Sudo: Nice!

Ike: We'll totally ace this exam.

Kiyotaka: Kushida shares some of the credit though. I don't know if I would've been able to convince the Senpai without her.

Then all the boys start glazing Kushida.

The girls cringe.

Suzune: That was a well-thought-out plan.

Kiyotaka: Thank you.

Suzune: You didn't think to come to me about it first?

Kiyotaka: Do you want me to from now on?

Suzune: I mean you chose to get help from Kushida instead of me.

Kiyotaka: No offense but Horikita-San. I think with your demeanor you might have scared away the Senpai.

Boys- bad move Ayanokoji...

Suzune: I see. So that's how it's going to be.

Suzune reached into her bag pulling out a compass and stabbed him.

Ishigami- Oh god no. I'm scared. It wasn't Shinomiya-Senpai who would become a violent murderer but her daughter.

Kiyotaka: It hurts you know.

Kaguya/Shirogane- His response says otherwise.

After the Class results were shown Chabashira revealed Sudo had failed to reach the cut-off line of 40 by a single point. Kiyotaka followed her and made a deal with her like in Canon but paid the amount in full.

Kaguya: Paying Private Points to Prevent Expulsion... How interesting.

Shrogane: This system is pretty good.

Suzune: To think those points from that incident would come in handy like this.

Kiyotaka: Let's return to class.

They both return to find Sudo who is sullen.

Suzune: You're not going to be expelled Sudo-Kun. Ayanokoji made sure of it.

Sudo: Seriously man? You keep saving me. I'm really grateful.

Kiyotaka: It's nothing really.

Suzune: You put him into quite a difficult position you know. You best not do it again or he might just leave you to drown.

Kaguya/Shirogane- That should teach him a lesson.

Sudo gulps at this.

Sudo: Yeah okay. I got it.

Chabashira returns and shows off the new Class Point Totals;

Class A- 1004

Class B- 802

Class C- 663

Class D- 492

Ike: Huh? We fell back to the bottom? How.

Everyone- Idiot.

Yamauchi: This is bull!

Sudo: We couldn't be that far behind everyone else.

Chabashira: You fools. Your Class name has been updated. You're all officially Class B now.

Everyone breathes a sigh of relief.

Suzune- Still 202 points behind Class A. We've only closed the gap by a mere 23 points.


The idiot trio, Suzune, Kushida and Kiyotaka all celebrate together until everyone leaves except Kiyotaka and Kushida.

Kushida: Ayanokoji-Kun...

Kiyotaka: What is it?

Kushida: Do you actually like girls like Horikita-San?

Girls- Asking just like that?

Kiyotaka gets a cold sweat but his face is still as Monotone as ever.

Kushida: I always see you two together. The girls in class have started talking about it you know?

Kiyotaka: They are? I hope they aren't making any rash assumptions.

Kushida: But you do like her?

Kiyotaka: Well I don't think it's out of the question.

Kushida: But I don't want that.

Kiyotaka: I'm sorry but I'm not following.

Kushida began blushing.

Kushida: Um... Ayanokoji-Kun. I think I've developed feelings for you. So would you please go out with me.

The boys are stunned.

Kiyotaka: Me? You're joking right Kushida-San?

Kushida: Please call me Kikyo.

Kiyotaka: Kikyo. I apologize but I can't return those feelings.

Kushida: So you really prefer Horikita-San huh? I'll be going back to my room then.

Kushida left while gritting her teeth.

Kaguya: Does this girl really think our daughter will lose to her?

Shirogane- Gritting her teeth like tat. Out of jealously or something else?

The Bookman: Alright. That's it for now. Take a break.


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