Part 12

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The Room

Everyone returned.

Chika: You bastard! You left me on a cliffhanger!

The Bookman: If you don't sit down quietly then you can miss out on the payoff.

Chika its down behaving herself.

The Bookman: Let's continue.

Kiyotaka meets Suzune in the library.

Kiyotaka: You understand the basic rules correct?

Suzune: I understand how the pieces move yes.

Kiyotaka shows her a chess move named Castling.

Kiyotaka: This is Castling. You move the King 2 spaces towards the rook and then put the rook on the adjacent space on the other side of the King.

Shirogane: You can do that?

Ishigami: Huh?

Kaguya- Well I guess she doesn't know about it so it makes sense. However, I started playing chess from when I was five. I think my rating is 1900 right now.

Suzune: I see.

Kiyotaka: It can only be performed if the King and said Rook you're using haven't been moved in the game yet. Also, the King must not be in check and cannot pass through check while castling.

Suzune: I see.

Kiyotaka then moves a pawn from his side up fourth rank. Then he moves his pawn up 2 steps landing next to it.

Kiyotaka: This in En Passant.

Kiyotaka moves Suzune's pawn diagonally forward in front of his pawn and then removes his pawn from the game.

Suzune: ...! That's allowed?

Both father and daughter had the same reaction.

Kiyotaka: It's to prevent players from skipping pawn battles too often.

Suzune: I see.

Kiyotaka: Remember a game of chess is about always making the best move no matter how bad it gets. Don't ever resign.

Kaguya- that's good advice

Suzune: I see.

They play the game for a while and naturally, she loses.

Suzune: Where did I go wrong?

Kiyotaka: When playing chess you must not be selfish.

Suzune: Huh? What's that supposed to mean?

Kiyotaka: You must first watch your opponent's move and assess what they desire. See if that's problematic or ignorable. After this then you can think about your offense.

Suzune: I see. But wouldn't that mean Chess is primarily a defensive game?

Kiyotaka: Generally yes but when you play against higher-rated played the game becomes very offensive.

Suzune: I get it. If you can't spot your own weaknesses how can you spot the opponents.

Kiyotaka's pieces constantly check Suzune's King forcing her into his back rank (The row of spaces closest to him) as he finishes the game by checkmating her via casting.

Kaguya- Showboating is a chess player's worst tactic. HE's only doing this to teach her a lesson.

Suzune: I was completely helpless.

Kiyotaka: That is an example of a bad way to win the game.

Suzune: Huh? I don't understand.

Kiyotaka: It may be flashy but I had multiple opportunities to checkmate you. Never delay checkmating your opponent. While flaunting your talent you may make a mistake and that could cost you the game.

Suzune: Then why?

Kiyotaka: Because I wanted to show you so you'd understand.

Suzune: I think I understand. The instant I hesitate to defeat someone it invites them the opportunity to defeat me. I see now why you wanted to teach me this game.

Kiyotaka: So you caught on huh? Not all strategists are good chess players but most good chess players are good strategists.

Kaguya: I see. he's teaching her well.

Kiyotaka began teaching her more about the game.

Suzune: I've heard people spend their lives studying the game to become proficient.

Kiyotaka: While it is a good strategy it's not viable for someone not seeking to pursue a career in it. You should simply just think logically about every decision.

Suzune: I see. But why chess? You could have taught me this all some other way.

Kiyotaka: I wanted to have something in common with you. To make it simple I wanted to play chess with you.

Chika: Oh come on. Kiss already!

Suzune blushes at this.

Suzune: I'm not really a match for you though. I apologize for that.

Kiyotaka: It's fine. I enjoy it nonetheless.

Suzune- Could he have feelings for me?

Suzune leaned in closer as Kiyotaka sat there.

Shirogane had a dark look on his face of despair.

Kiyotaka- My heart is beating faster than normal. She's the one. Definitely.

Suzune then stops as she feels the gaze of someone. Kiyotaka feels disappointed at this.

Kiyotaka: Shina. It's not polite to spy on two people playing chess.

Chika: No!!! Curse you random girl!

The Bookman: Hey don't be mean to Hiyori.

Hiyori steps out.

Hiyori: I'm so sorry to disturb you, President. I just wanted to give this to you.

Hiyori hands over a book to him.

Kiyotaka: Ah thank you.

Kiyotaka takes the book.

Suzune: Oh I've been meaning to read that. I just haven't had the time to borrow it.

Kiyotaka hands it to her.

Suzune: Huh? But Hiyori-San got it for you.

Kiyotaka: I can wait. Besides I would have finished it pretty quickly anyway.

Suzune: I see. Thank you Kiyotaka.

Suzune puts the book in her bag.

Kiyotaka: Care for another game?

Suzune: I'll beat you eventually. You're on!

Kiyotaka- I hope you do.

Kaguya- He hopes she beat him? How strange.

Hashimoto POV

Hashimoto- I still remember that conversation.

[Manabu: You really want to do this with the first year so close by.

Nagumo: I don't see a reason why it would be a problem. I'll get straight to the point. I want you to sit out tomorrow's exam.

Manabu: I'm sure you know that I can't do that.

Nagumo: Yet again you've failed to anticipate my next move. Well, not that anyone at this school could. Not even the guy you favour so highly as to backstab me. Right, he was in the same group as you, right? The current SCP Ayanokoji Kiyotaka.

Kaguya: He was completely wrong.

Shirogane: Ha ha. Bozo.

Manabu: Nagumo. That's where you're wrong. He's already predicted everything before we even began this contest.

Nagumo laughs.

Nagumo: I refuse to believe that. Like I said no one can read me.]

Hashimoto- Nagumo-Senpai was completely wrong. This guy... he's bad news.


The next day rumors began to spread.

Yamauchi: Hey Prez. Is it true that you and Horikita have done the deed?

Miko: Huh!? No way.

Shirogane: It can't be...

Suzune looked at him with such rage that Kiyotaka had never seen before.

Kiyotaka: I can assure you that nothing like that has happened between us.

Yamauchi: Come on Prez. There's no need to hide it. It was during that time before the Mixed training camp, right?

Kaguya: This fucking pig.

Kiyotaka glared at Yamauchi as Yamauchi backed away sheepishly and Kiyotaka then put his poker face back on.

Shirgone: he's being a lot more expressive now.

Hirata: I think that's enough Yamauchi-Kun.

Kiyotaka- Did I glare at him just now? What's going on with me? My composure is breaking so much easier than usual.

Kiyotaka: I need some air.

Kiyotaka stepped outside.

Hirata: Why would you say such things?

Ike: That was really insensitive man.

Sudo: Yeah after everything Prez has done for us too!

Miko: Such bioderbis.

Chika nods in agreement.

Suzune leaves the room to find Kiyotaka sitting on the floor outside.

Suzune: Kiyotaka. Are you alright?

Kiyotaka: I'm fine. There are just some things to consider.

Suzune: I've never seen you glare at anyone before.

Kiyotaka: It's strange. My mood has been far more erratic than usual since coming to this school.

Suzune: Well I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing.

Suzune- I've never seen him like this. He still has his poker face but it seems like he's dealing with something internally.

Kiyotaka gets up.

Kiyotaka: Let's go back in.

They both head back inside.

The next day Ichinose confessed to her past with a little assistance from Kiyotaka. He then met with Sakayanagi outside with Suzune.

Kaguya: Simple shoplifting can ruin someone's life in this country. How unfortunate.

Shirogane: I get what it's like to want to do something for your little sister. I actually might have done the same.

Miko: It's really toobad.

Suzune: You've called president here for a reason yes?

Sakayanagi: My my he's so willing to involve you. He must have quite the amount of faith in you. I'm a bit jealous.

Chika: Huh? I sniff a love rival!

Ther Bookman- Are you some kind of dog now?

Sakayanagi smirks cheekily.

Kiyotaka: You attacked Ichinose because you wanted to get my attention right. So I would take you seriously.

Sakayanagi: Rude comments are not taken well by women you know.

Kiyotaka: I'm guessing that you wish to compete with me?

Sakayanagi: Yes. In the next exam. If I lose I will drop out of school.

Suzune is shocked.

Suzune: Wait a second.

Sakayanagi: If you lose I want you to forfeit your position as SCP to Nagumo-Senpai.

Kiyotaka: I see so he's pitting you against me.

Sakayanagi: I'm no foot soldier. I'm simply doing a favour for him.

Kiyotaka: Fine I'll agree to those terms.

Sakayanagi: It's been so exciting competing with you. It's going to get even more exciting now. Fu fu.

Sakayanagi leaves.

Suzune: Are you that confident that you'll win?

Kiyotaka: Yes.

Kaguya: Hmm. This shouldn't be an issue for him.

Shirogane: Agreed.

The Bookman: Alright. Take a break and I'll see you later.

Chika: Hey! Where's the payoff you liar!

The Bookman: Never said it would be so soon. Bye bye.

Chika: Hold on a second you...

Everyone is teleported away.


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