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Tobio got out the changing room as he walk down the path to go buy things in the fridge to stock up and also to get himself ready for training camp.

He felt excited as his blue eyes shine with life.

As he goes inside the store, he took the basket and go to the things he want to buy as he stop buy the milk section he saw one milk that is different. Tobio then hmm to himself as he shrugs to put it in the basket and the other milk carton just in case.

As he goes to the till, he bought the thing he needs as he goes home inside as he put the food in the cabinet and fridge and put shower stuff and cleaning stuff in the place they go too.

He done that he then goes take a shower while he done with shower in his joggers and white top he then go downstairs to cook food. The food finishes, he get the milk he bought to drink it as he fill his glass with the milk, Tobio drools as he eat the food and finishes the glass of milk.

He clean the dishes as he finishes his meal and then get the stuff he needs for training camp as he brush his teeth. He then falls asleep.

Until the next morning something unexpected happen to Tobio but it be huge surprise with the team and the other players.

Each of the teams be in a huge surprise when they will see Tobio...not as the same teenager but as kid his middleschool self in his first year.

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Kawaii-chan: Hewwo guys!


Kawaii-chan: I said hewwo Guys! How rude...they ignore me

Tobio logs in

Tobio: What boke

Kawaii-chan: No need to call me that!

Tobio: 🤨 u want me to call you kawaii-san or ur real name ur choice

Kawaii-chan: Uhh well

Kei change Kawaii-chan to author-san

Kei: There much better.

Author-san: Well then anyways

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter

Shoyo: See you guyss 🤗

Everyone: See you in the next chapter!

Author-san: Ah there u guys are

Everyone except me log off

Author-san: How rude 😃 but anyways Tobio might kill me so here u thirsty guys

Author-san: Hehe there u guys go 🥰

Tobio logs in

Author-san: Oh shi

Tobio: Explain

Author-san: U look good and hot bestie


Author-san:  What reaction is that! Feel appreciated 😌 dumbass

Tobio: rude 😒 but if I'm hot then ur cute

Author-san: *hug gif* 💞💓💖💕

Shoyo logs in

Shoyo: Author-sannnn ur a simp for Bakayama

Author-san: I thought its obvious 😅

Everyone logs in

Everyon except Tobio: HOW COME U DON'T SIMP FOR USS!

Author-san: 😑😐😑😐😮‍💨 Baka

Author-san logs off

Everyone except Tobio: HEY COME BACK!

Tobio: Well I be with that Boke
Hope u lot enjoy this chapter or whatever 

Tobio logs off

Everyone except myself and Tobio: WHAT!!!! COME BACK HERE!

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