Bonus Chapter #2

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Bonus Chapter #2 - Promises

"This is ridiculous!" I mutter under my breath as I smooth down the material of the dress.

I'm wearing a white lace dress that has a v neckline and is sleeveless, held up by thin straps. The skirt is high from the front and low in the back, descending in a v shape. It also has a light, nude slip underneath that flows down to my knees. I turn from side to side, the corners of my lips lifting because no matter how much I'm protesting, I love this dress.

Eva, Natalie and Leah squeal in excitement when I walk out of the bathroom, fully ready. I insisted on a soft, light makeup look that was done by Eva. Natalie had styled my hair into gentle curls and Leah helped me put the outfit together. She paired nude heels to go with the dress and I put my necklace on that Kaden had given me for Christmas.

"We're just going to a restaurant for a date. This is too much!" I state exasperatedly, worried that they had gone a little overboard.

"Someone smack her on the head for me." Aurora states with seriousness, making me squeal as Eva slaps my cheek.

"She said the head!"

Eva grins cheekily before shrugging. "I drove for an hour to be here, you deserve that for ruining my fun with your whiny ass."

Aurora had texted me today, demanding that I face-time her when I get ready for my date. But before we even started, we spent at least twenty minutes talking to the twins and fawning over the new Romanov addition. Aurora had given birth last week to a healthy baby girl, Valentina. It was adorable to watch the two elder siblings behave protectively around their little sister.

"The restaurant Kaden has picked is very fancy, we're not going to let you turn up in a shirt and jeans!" Leah exclaims, piquing my curiosity.

"What's the name of the restaurant?" I ask, mentally grinning like the cat who got the cream when she smiles excitedly.

"Oh, you're going to love it! It's the one by the – hey!" She shouts, pushing me slightly in realization. "You tricked me!"

I pout, Kaden refused to tell me anything about the date. I had tried everything I could think of to get him to spill, but he remained silent on this one. I didn't even know what to wear until the girls showed up two hours before.

There is a momentary silence when the doorbell rings before it's a rush to get me out the door. I'm handed my purse, which I've packed with some essentials, and my coat that I sling over my arm. The girls shower me with hugs and compliments before leaving.

I make my way down the stairs of my home to see Kaden waiting by the patio doors, staring out at the setting sun in the distance. He looks up at the sound of my footsteps, making me giggle when his jaw drops. His eyes darken to a stormy blue as he takes me in, pulling me into his arms when I leave the steps.

"You look like an angel." He breathes, twirling me around. "My angel."

"You look quite handsome yourself." I murmur, wrapping my arms around his waist as I smile up at him.

He really does. Kaden is wearing a navy suit with a white button up shirt and black shoes. I could tell he brushed his hair and tried to tame it, but it only ended up looking tousled. Just the way I like it. I can smell his aftershave and it surrounds me, a familiar scent that feels like home.

"Are you really mine, forever?" He whispers, almost to himself, staring at me in wonder.

"Forever." I nod, making him smile widely before taking my hand in his.

We leave our house and make our way to the car, the growl of the exhaust disrupting the quiet evening as Kaden drives out of the countryside. Just as we've made it onto the road, I turn to him but frown when he holds up a finger.

"You are not allowed to ask me any questions about our date tonight." He states, making my jaw drop.

"That's not fair! At least tell me something, please Kaden?" I pout, smirking mentally when his resolve begins to falter.

He glances at me a few times, eyes darkening when they land on my lips before he shakes his head, a frustrated growl escaping him. "No."

"You suck." I grumble, huffing as I cross my arms.

He stops at a red light before turning to me with a wicked grin. "I most definitely do."

I frown at him before understanding the innuendo, gasping as I smack his arm. "Kaden!"

He laughter booms in the car as he drives on, leaning over to press kisses to my heated cheeks whenever the traffic came to a standstill or the lights turned red. I pretended to act annoyed in the start but eventually, a few giggles had escaped.

Soon, we arrive outside a restaurant. My eyes widen when I recognize the place, I've heard it's extremely difficult to reserve a table here. I turn to Kaden, who smiles in response before getting out and making his way to my door. We walk inside, Kaden's arm wrapped possessively around my waist.

A man leads us to our table and we're greeted by our waiter for the night as soon as we're seated. Our table is situated in the back in a romantic setting which I love. The restaurant is classy with expensive décor and art on the walls, dim lighting giving the place a cosy feel.

We order our drinks as we browse through the menu, listening to the recommendations the waiter suggests once he comes back with our beverages. We order a starter and main, thanking the man as he takes our menus.

"This is so nice." I breathe, looking around in awe.

"Only the best for my mate." He grins, draping an arm across my shoulders.

I smile widely in reply, reaching out to hold his hand across the table. Our meals eventually arrive, the smell of the hot food making my mouth water. Kaden and I talk throughout dinner, staying away from the topic of work. We have a rule that whenever we spend time together, we don't talk about our jobs.

We order two desserts and share them before paying the bill. Making our way out of the restaurant, we get into the car and drive off. I'm watching the scenery go by as it switches from city buildings and shops to green fields and a clear view of the night sky.

We're almost home when Kaden veers off down another road, taking us slightly uphill. I turn to him in a mix of surprise and confusion, wondering where he is taking me because I really thought our date was over.

"Patience, little moon." He chuckles, a secretive smile on his lips.

We reach a point where the rough path levels out into a gravel road, parking in a makeshift car park. I follow Kaden when he gets out of the car, a breathless laugh escaping me when he appears right in front of me using his supernatural speed.

He takes my hand, intertwining them, as he guides me up the winding path. There's nothing but countryside around us and I start to wonder what could be at the top of the hill. The night is a beautiful one though, and a sense of peace fills me as I look up at the clear sky. It's like an ink bottle was spilt, scattering millions of sparkling stars onto its canvas as a crescent moon drifts through the clouds, illuminating them temporarily.

"Kaden, where are you taking me?" I laugh, holding onto his hand tightly when the hill becomes steeper.

"Hush, just a few steps more." He stops before pulling me in front of his body.

We are on top of the hill where you can see the entire city below. I gasp in awe, staring at the landscape before me. It's perfect with the city lights brightening up the night and the twinkling stars above; like a scene out of a movie.

I turn with a grin, only for my eyes to widen when I see Kaden down on one knee. My hand flies to my mouth to stifle my gasp, unable to believe my eyes. He's nervous but with a determined look in his eyes which makes me smile.


"I thought about what you said before I met your parents. I was terrified because I felt like they wouldn't think I'm good enough for you. Hell, I don't even think I deserve you. But, I'm a selfish man and I want you Luna. I want you to know how serious I am about you. Every morning I wake up, I want to see you and every night that I go to bed, I want to hold you as you drift off to sleep. I want to experience life with you; grow old with you. I want the good and the bad, I want all of it." He smiles, tears spilling down my cheeks at his words.

His eyes widen in concern when he sees that I'm crying and I laugh as I tell him they're happy tears. I can't believe this is happening. Marriage had not even crossed my mind with my life being so busy working in a hospital and running the pack with Kaden.

"You've loved me for who I am and stuck by me. I want to promise you that for the rest of our lives, there won't be a day where you're not smiling, when you're not showered with love and affection by me. I want to spend an eternity with you. So, will you, Luna Winters, make me the happiest man on Earth by marrying me?"

I struggle to get the words out, overwhelmed with emotion. "Yes!"

He grins happily, picking me up and twirling me around. Laughter escapes my lips and echoes in the quiet night. I feel giddy, the happiest I have ever been and it's all because of this man. 

I bring his lips down onto mine, trying to tell him just how much I love him in this kiss. It's gentle and sweet, like we're trying to savor the taste and feel of each other in this unforgettable moment. Pulling away, he takes the diamond ring out of the box and slides it on my ring finger. I stare at it, mesmerized by its simplicity. It's beautiful and I can't imagine a more perfect design.

"I love it." I breathe, grinning widely as I look up at him. "I love you."

He smiles gently, pulling me close and resting his forehead against mine. "I love you. Every second of every moment, I fall in love with you all over again."

The third bonus chapter of Kaden's Luna is already up on Inkitt! I love this one and can't wait for you guys to read it! Click the link in my bio to read it now!

Please VOTE if you enjoyed this chapter!

Next update: Saturday!

- R.W.

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