No one's pov
Aizawa starts the day by letting me introduce my self and talking about work studies. Then the schools big three come in. Tamaki tries introducing himself that didn't go well. After they all do Mirio wants to show us how work studies are like so we all change into our PE uniform. Then he took us to the TKL. We were all supposed fight well except Todoroki and Bakugou. They didn't have their licenses. He took down the long distance fighters first. After analyzing what he did to them I thought of a plan to take him down.
"This is a great opportunity!" I heard Aizawa sensei say. " He is closer to being a hero than anyone else here.
When he was done fighting them I turned around he was behind me. I tried to kicking him in the stomach but my foot went right through it. He tried poking his fingers in my eye but, I knew he liked to end his fights by punching someone in the stomach so I slid under his legs. when I got up he wasn't there anymore so I turned around and he was there.
One for All 10%,"Detroit Smash!" I yelled punching him in the face as he kneed me in the stomach. Oh how much that hurt. Actually not that much since he was being blown away while he kneed me. He went flying but I ran to catch him and smack him face first on the floor but he went right through it. Since I didn't know where he would come out of I jumped up to as high as I could without touching the roof. Mirio jumped out of the floor looking for me as I soared down about to punch him when he turnes around and punches me in the stomach.
"Deku you okay?" I saw Kacchan in front of me holding out his hand.
"Yeah, I'm fine. That guys strong. I almost got him." I said smiling." Now go reflect with Todo. Now."
"Whatever you say mom." he said sarcastically.
Mirio took down everyone else easily. Then afterward he explained his quirk. It was permination. When he was done we went back to doing our lessons. School finished fast and we were walking to our dorms.
"Hey Deku wait up!" I turned around to see Uraraka and Ida walking towards me. Did Uraraka just call me Deku.
"Uraraka, I think Midoriya would prefer you call her well, Midoriya."
"No I'm fine with, just how did you know that was my name?"
"Well I heard Bakugou call you that."
"Oh okay. Lets hurry and get to our dorms. I need unpack after all." Then we all walked to our dorms.
My dorm was right next to Mina's and across from Bakugou's. Perfect. The girls helped me furnish my room. when we all most done I told them to go get snacks because I was hungry. I put up all my All Might stuff and all my pictures of or with Bakugou. Most my room was green but I didn't mind.
"We got the sna- woah! How did you get all these up when we were gone. More importantly, how did you get pictures with Bakugou?" Mina asked looking around my room.
"Well Kacchan is my boyfriend and-"
"Boyfriend!" all the girls said at the same time. Then they started bombarding me with questions so I quickly grabbed the clothes I was going to wear and went into the bathroom and closed the door shut. I hadn't changed out of my school clothes yet so I took a bath and changed. When I was done I realized I was wearing way to big of a sweater that it reached to my knees. It was my half orange half green sweater. You couldn't even see my shorts. I walked over Kacchan's room to see him.
"Hey Kacchan." I said as he opened the door.
"Hi Deku." he said as I closed the door.
"I got an offer from Nighteye to go to his work study!"
"Well that's great." then I got up on the top of my toes to kiss him on the lips. Then I heard giggling from down the hall.
"I wonder what that is." I say as I open the door. Then to my surprise Sero is holding a bucket of red paint in his hand.
"Sorry. I was dared to and a dare is a dare." he says about to pour it on me. Oh no. I forgot to pack my Epipen. Also, I couldn't move back because Kacchan was behind me. Just as he was about to pour on me when Kacchan moved me out of the way and making my hit my head on the floor again.
"Mina, Bakugou got in my way. Bakugou why did you get in my way."
"First off tape arms no one hurts my girlfriend. Second of all, she is fvcking allergic so leave her alone!"
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