Chapter 3

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This one is gonna be a little different than the others. Sorry if you don't like it just trying something new. Enjoy

Crystal wakes up the next morning and texts justin
Crystal: hey jay!!
Jay: Hey how are you??
Crystal: Good just woke up how bout u?
Jay: ehh I feel a little sick but it should go away.
Crystal: Awwe do you want me to come over and comfort you??😘
Jay: Omg that sounds so good rn but u don't have to if you don't want to.
Crystal: Why wouldn't I?? I'd do anything for you❤️I'll be over in an hour
Jay: Awee your so sweet. Thanks babe see you later💝
Crystal: Your welcome!!❤️imma get ready and come over! Ttyl
Jay: Ok thanks ttyl❤️❤️
Crystal puts her phone on the charger and decides to go and pick out some cloths. She goes with a black and white crop top and leggings. Before she puts them on se takes a quick shower and puts some makeup on when she is done. She grabs some stuff she thinks will make justin feels better and heads over there.
Justin hears a knock at the door and goes over to answer it and practically falls onto her hugging her. It feels like years that he hasn't seen her❤️.

Sorry this is such a short chapter. The next few parts might get a little sexual btw but that might be the best part of this😂😂

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