"Hello partner."

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Songs for this imagine:

Don't Judge Me- Chris Brown

Didn't mean it- Jasmine Villegas


You throw your head up in laughter.

"I'm not joking," Crystal joins you in your laughing fits. Crystal was telling you a story about her and her brother on the way back from one of the missions.

"I can't believe he did that," you gasped, trying to hold in your laughter.

"Im serious," Crystal continued. "He pretended he was smoking a joint right when he past the cop."

You covered your mouth with your hand, trying to contain your laughs. "Adam was always the crazy one."

"Yeah, sometimes I think he should take my place in this business."

"If he did, I would murder him by the end of the day," you pressed. "He gets on my nerves a lot."

Crystal turned around in her chair away from the computer and shoot you a serious glare. "When doesn't he get on someone's nerves?"

You nodded in agreement. "True," you turned back around and faced your own computer as your continued typing your document. "From as many fights as your two have, I'm surprised his still living."

"Trust me, I would have killed his ass if Bruce had been there every time a fight happened."

Bruce was basically a father figure to Crystal and her older brother Adam. Since their parents died in a car crash, Bruce has been there for them. Teaching them to be strong and raising them to be in this business. That's how you came into this. The business isn't like others that people work in. This business has killed people before you if they wasn't careful.

The missions are always simple. You drive out to where you need to go, get out you need and make it out alive. It's risky but you get a lot of money.

As you continued writing, the your phone rung. You checked the caller ID and saw that it was your boss calling. This types of calls, you couldn't miss.

You answered and pressed the phone to your ear. "Yes, sir?"

"My office now," he ordered. "I have a mission for you."

"I'm on my way," you said and hung up.

You stood and turned to look at Crystal, who gave your a confused expression. "Mission," you said.

She nodded. "Good luck."

"Thanks," you gave her a fist bump and turned on your heels, walking out of your office that you share was Crystal. You walked down the long hallway that led to David's office. David ran the business and he assigns missions for people. David doesn't let anyone go alone so he assigns everyone a partner. You wondered who your partner was going to be.

You knocked twice before opening the door and pecking your head around. David was sitting at his desk on the other side of the room, his fingers laced together on the clear glass top. Two chair were sitting in front of his desk, on was turned and the other one wasn't. So your partner was already there. But you had no idea who it was.

You walked quickly and sat in the chair, turning around only to meet hazel brown eyes. You eyes widen as you saw the one person you didn't want to be partners with, sitting next to you smirking. Justin Bieber. He was the cockiest and the most annoying guy in this business. He is so over his head and he thinks he can get any girl. Which, he could.

Who wouldn't want him? His tan skin and muscular body makes your skin tingle. His amazing jaw line makes your insides twist. His perfect golden brown locks looks like heaven created every single strand. His breathing talking hazel brown eyes forms butterflies in your abdomen. Even with his looks, he still gets on your nerves.

"Hellos partner," he said, his raspy threw your over the edge on the inside and you wasn't about to show it.

You rolled your eyes. "Can I have a different partner?"

"Why?" Justin asked, leaning back against the chair, lacing his fingers together as they lay on his abs. "Something wrong with me?"

"You don't me to answer that," you said.

Justin opened his mouth to say something but David stopped him. "Listen," he spat, you turned your attention to your boss, as did Justin. "I couldn't care less about whatever is between you two. Take care of it on your own time but right now, you work for me. And I have assigned you both for this mission because I need the best for this one. And you two for the best I have. So you either quit whining or both of you faired. Got it?"

You and Justin nodded in sync.

"Alright then," David flipped up a folder and tosses it so that it landed on the table in front of you and Justin. The picture was turned so that you could see it right. "John Delgado."

Justin furrowed his eyebrows at the picture. "Never heard of him."

"He's been in hiding for years," David confirmed.

"What do you want us to do?" You asked.

"Find him," David answered. "And bring him here."


David signed deeply. "Let's just say, that I have some unfinished business with him."

"Than why do you want us to get him?" Justin asked, gesturing to you and himself.

"I have tried before. He knows when I'm coming from a mile away. That's why need you both to hunt him down. You are in?"

You turned and looked at Justin, who turned also. He gave one nod and turned to David. "I'm in," Justin announced.

"I'm in," you said.

David smirked. "Perfect."

"Are you sure about this?" Crystal asked again.

"Yes, I'm sure," you answered, annoyed. You grabbed your gum and made sure it was loaded and you put in the waist band of your pants. You pulled your long hair into a high ponytail and checkout out your outfit. You were wearing dark skinny jeans that hugged your legs perfectly, a red shirt that showed an inch of your tan flat stomach and black high heel boots. You threw on your black leather jacket and grabbed your bag.

"Just, be careful. Okay?" Crystal said, you would see the worry in her eyes.

"I promise," you pulled your into a hug. Crystal was the first and only best friend you had and you didn't want to lose her. And it was the same for her.

"Come back safe and sound," she mumbled against your shoulder, tightening her grip around your waist.

"Okay," you smiled and pulled away. You grabbed your bag again and walked out the front door of the building. A black car was parked in the front, you guessed that was the car you and Justin were taking. You opened the trunk of the car and throw your bag into it, before closing it and facing David, who was smiling.

"Be careful, Kid," he said, pulling you into an embrace. His big, muscular arm were around your small frame. He was like a giant compared to you. "He's not easy to take down."

"I'm sure I can handle it," you smirked as you pulled out of his arms.

"She may be small but she's feisty," Justin commented, standing by the open drives side door. You shoot him the middle finger, only to have to boys roll back in laughter.

"I'm sure she is," David laughed, opening he passenger door for you. You slipped in and he closed the door after you. "And one more thing," he pecked his head out through the open window. "Bring him back alive."

"No promises," Justin said.

David shot his a glare. "I mean it Bieber. His mine."

"I was kidding boss," Justin holds his hands up. "You can have him."

"That's what I thought," David back up and you rolled the window back up. Justin pulled out of the drive way and drove down the road. You leaned your elbow against the door handle, your chin I'm your palm as your watched scenery pass by.

"You oddly quite over there," a raspy voice broke your from your daydream.

You groaned. "It was sadly broken by your annoying voice."

"From out I heard, my voice voice made your nerves."

You rolled your eyes. "You wish," you tired to shake it off but you couldn't. How did he knew you had a crush on him?

"Face it shawty," Justin said. "You like me."

"You disgusting," you turned back to the window. You couldn't look at him or you would give in. And that was the last thing you wanted to happen. "As if I would like you."

Justin chuckled. "You play so hard to get," he shook his head, still laughing. "It's actually a turn on."

You signed deepy, trying to calm yourself as Justin was getting under your skin. You wanted so badly, to beat his ass but you needed him. Even if you didn't, David would suspend you for a few weeks. You closed your eyes and leaned your head against the cool glass, letting the soothing silence drifted you to sleep.

"Hey," you felt a warm hand shake your shoulder.

You groaned and opened your eyes and noticed that the car was pulled into a driveway of a small house. You guessed that this was the house David had your two staying at. You opened the door and stepped out into the cool night air. You were in the middle of nowhere and trees covered every inch of the place. You noticed there was a couple of lights on in the house. You walked up the sidewalk and unlocked the door with the hidden key that was under the welcome mat.

Walking in, you noticed a small fireplace in the living room with black leather couches. The bedroom was upstairs along with the bathrooms. Justin walked in and dropped the bags at the door, looking around same as you did.

Justin handed you your purple bag. "David said we start tomorrow. So we better get some sleep," Justin said, kicked the front door closed with his foot.

You nodded and jogged up the stair. You opened the first door you came to and walked in. Flipping on the light, you saw the gray walls and dark curtains matching the black bed spread. You placed your bag on the bed and began to put all your clothes in the closet. You took all the bathroom materials and placed the on the marble counter.

You walked back to the bedroom and slipped off your clothes. You threw a big oversize shirt over your head, flipping off the light, and crawled into the bed. You closed your eyes and soon, sleepy took you under.

You felt soft lips brush against your neck. His hot breath tingled your skin as your slowly came back. You moaned at the contact of Justin's lips against your skin.

"Happen time you woke up," he mumbled against your neck. His hand were under your shirt as he rubbed your sides.

You turned head and look at the clock, it was 3:23am. "Justin," you moaned and wrapped your arms around his neck. It was too late to keep it a secret. Justin knew you liked him.

"I know baby," his raspy voice almost threw you over this edge, but this time on the outside.

He started undoing his jeans when you stopped him. "What about David?"

"What he doesn't know wouldn't hurt him," Justin asked and pulled your lips to his. He shrugged off his jeans and boxers and held your tight, undressing you along with him. You couldn't believe you were going to do this but you couldn't back away. All that matter was you and Justin, the world didn't exists at this moment. And that's all you wanted as you both continued in bliss.


Hey loves! I'm sorry it's been a little while since i have updated. I have been busy lately. School is almost over for me and I have finals coming soon. So for the next couple of weeks, I might not be able to update everyday. But I will try to squeeze in a little time to do so.

Anyways, I hope you like this imagine. Please comment if you liked it and what kind of imagine you think I should write. I love hearing from all of you.

I didn't reread this imagine so I'm sorry if there's misspelling.

Can I get 3 votes for another imagine please?

Vote, comment and share!

Love you guys! ❤️

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