Chapter 5

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"Justin you can't go back!" I said "I know that" he said it got quiet "I'm sorry I'm really trying" he said "here's an idea could you try not to get our family in trouble?" I said and got out I walked inside Justin came after me we sat down "oh you didn't kill him?" Harry said "no not yet" I said "what did you do?" Liam said "she found out about the chef" Justin said "told you she will" Zayn said "well it's out now" Justin said a waitress came up to me he was gorgeousness "so what could I get you guys?" he said and got eye contact with me "I'll have the burger" Niall said "me too" Harry said "I think I want the fries" Liam said "yeah I want that too" Louis said "I think I'm gonna take that too" Justin said "and the beautiful lady?" he said I made a little chuckled "I just gonna go with a salat" I said "okay fries for three burger for two and a salat for the lady" he said "yeah and if you could please stop flirting with my wife then I'll think we're alright" Justin said "wife? really?" He said while looking at me "okay now I had enough" Justin said while trying to get up "hey hey!" the Gus said and stopped him the guy walked away with a smirk "fucking guy" Justin said while taking his arm around my shoulders he was looking at him i looked too "stop" Justin said while turning my head over to him the guys were having they're own conversation "what?" I said "don't look at him" he said "I just looked at what you looked at" I said "he's probably gonna spit in your food" Liam said Justin looked at him "oh god I think we need to find another place" Justin said "no stay you deserve it" I said "I deserve it because I didn't want him to flirt with you?" he said "no but because your saying it's always to protect us but your just putting us in more danger" I said "well I'm sorry but this is how I protect my family" he said "what happens if you stop will we live in peach then?" I said "actually no he's just gonna go after you and Annabelle" he said I just ignored him the guy came again he gave us each our food "thank you" I said "your welcome" he said I felt something drop on my lap I looked down it was a folded paper Justin didn't notice it the guy walked away again I took out to the side an unfolded it 'if you get tired of you husband then just call' there stood on it "what are you looking at?" Justin said while taking it he read it and looked at the guy "okay that's enough" he said and got up the guys looked at me Justin ran over to the guy who was talking with a couple at a table the guys ran after him he turned the guy around and hit him I sighed and got up I can't believe he's doing that he's so awkward all people looked at me and then on them I walked out I don't even wanna be there I'm just gonna go home and hope he's never gonna talk to me again I walked down the street the guy was just asking and Justin just freaks out that isn't normal I swear when I get home he's gonna get into an anger club so he can calm the fuck down I bumped into one and fell down I looked up it was the chef I fast got up an was about to run but he grabbed my wrist "now don't make a scene" he said with a smile "no let go!" I said while trying to get his Han off he took his arm around my neck and the other on my mouth "I said don't make a scene" he said and pulled me over to a black van he threw me in the back and locked the door he got in the driver seat and we driver of I tried to open the door but I couldn't "relax I'm not gonna hurt you" he said "yet" he said quiet "what do you want!?" I said "I want you to sit down!" he said I did "I heard that your trying to get Justin to stop again" he said "yeah cuz your just bringing him in danger!" I said "and that's none of your business" he said and pulled in Front of a big creepy house he got out and unlocked the door he waited for me to get out but I wouldn't he grabbed my wrist and pulled me out he pushed me up against the van "listen if you scream or try to runaway I'm gonna kill you and your daughter understood!?" he said I got tears in my eyes "understood!" he said while pulling in my hair "yeah!" I said "good!" he said and let go he pulled me with him over to the door we walked in I just wanted to cry it's gonna happen all over again "John!!" he yelled oh no not John please don't say it's that John there came one down the stairs it was him it was John "oh well well well who's that?" he said while walking over to me "I bumped into her on the street" the chef said and let go of my wrist he walked in the living room and sat down i took the chance and ran back to the door I ran out "get her!!" I heard the chef yell I looked back John was right behind me I trie to run faster but he attacked me so we both fell he got on top of me "I think someone gonna get in trouble now!" he said and held my wrist he got up and pulled me with him I trie to get his hand away but he kept pulling me "help!!" I yelled "Justin!!!" I yelled louder almost screamed before he pushed me inside he locked the door "what didn't you understand by not try and runaway or scream!?" the chef said and slapped me I put my hand on my cheek it hurt really bad the tears came down "this was just a warning next time I swear your not gonna walk again!" he said and walked back in the living room John took my hand and pulled me with him upstairs and into a dark room he pushed me in and locked the door I looked around there was a king size bed some frames on the wall a desk a table and some chairs I kicked on the door I'm so angry I knew it Justin would just get us in trouble again oh god I hope they don't touch Annabelle I felt my pockets I still had my phone I picked it up Justin had called 23 times I called him "Y/N where are you!?" he said I could eat police cars in the background "Justin-" I got cut of by the door open the chef stood there "hello? "Y/N your scatting me!" Justin said "Justin help!" I said before the chef took the phone he hanged up and threw it to the ground so it broke "you've been here in ten minutes and your already trying to get away" he said "what do you want from me!?" I yelled and he slapped me again I put my hand on my cheek "don't yell at me!" he said I didn't answer "I'm still trying to figure out how to get you away from Justin" he said "either kill you or move to another country or maybe just keep you here to you die" he said "there's so many options" he said "please don't hurt Annabelle" I said "we would never hurt a child" he said "unless you do something I wouldn't accept" he said and turned around he walked out and locked the door I picked the phone up I tried to turn it on but it just wouldn't I sat down on the edge of the bed i kept trying to turn it on I won't give up it's my last chance and it turned on yes! Justin had called a lot and he called again I picked it up "Y/N hello where are you!?" he said "Justin I don't know-" he cut me off "Y/N you there?!" he said "yeah-" he cut me off again "hello!?" he said and the phone turned off I threw the phone on the ground and laid on my back I started crying this can't be happening again it just can't I finely got a good life and now it's gonna get ruined again

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