Chapter 13

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She dried the rest away herself "hey see" he said and gave me a kiss "see we're not mad at each other" he said "eww" she said I chuckled "so if you go and play again we'll go get ice cream later" I said "yay" she said I let her down she ran out Liam followed her "aren't you supposed to go work or something?" I said "aren't you supposed to be a wife for a second?" he said "so all this I'm doing at home isn't being a wife? I'm so fucking tired of you right now" I said "yeah I'm tired of you too" he said "why won't you just accept a no?" he said "because you can't just tell me no without even thinking about it" I said "I thought about it and it was just a bad idea" he said "no it isn't a lot of wives work it's not that hard we're not in 1600" I said "look if I'm the one who's working here then I'm also the one in charges" he said "your in charges?" I said he nodded "alright then" I said and walked out i walked into Annabelle and Liam he was sitting on her little chair next to her pink table with tea stuff on it she had her teddybears on the rest of the chairs "hey mommys here now she can play tea time with you" he said while getting up "mom will you?" she said "I thought we were going out for ice cream?" I said "we are I thought first when you could" she said "no we're leaving now" I said she walked over to me I took her hand "Justin aren't you coming?" Liam said I turned around to see Justin on his way downstairs he looked at us "are you dad?" she said I looked him in the eyes "yeah sure" he said and walked over to us he picked her up "your growing a lot" he said while walking out we followed them Annabelle chuckled we walked downstairs Justin were talking with her while we walked out "we're gonna take my car" Justin said and looked back at us Liam nodded I got in the front seat next to Justin and Annabelle and Liam in the back and we drove off I could hear Liam and her talk in the back we finely got there we all got out Liam picked Annabelle we walked in front of the at "dad you coming?" she said we both stopped and looked at Justin he was taking his jacket and tie off "yeah" he said and came running up to my side "hey can you guys go and pick some ice creams then we'll find us a spot" he said they nodded and walked across the street into a store I sighed and started walking he followed me I walked down to the shore his hand kept touching mine he really wanted to hold my hand he cleared his throat "so are we gonna talk about this or are we just gonna keep fighting?" he finely said and looked at me "I won't fight if you just start talking to me as your wife" I said "I am talking to you like your my wife" he said "well I don't like it" I said "I know I maybe shouldn't have said that today I didn't mean it I'm sorry" he said "it's alright" I said and he held my hand "I love you" he said and gave me a kiss "I love you too" I said "can I work at your place or?" I said he looked down at me "please Justin I know we just had a fight about it I just really want one" I said he looked down at his feet while sighing "I won't bother you I just sit downstairs on the desk and keep my mouth shut" I said "I really don't want you to work let me think about it" he said "okay" I said "guys!" Liam yelled we looked over at the street Liam had held her hand across the street she came running over to us "I choose slush ice for you two" she said while holding two cups up I chuckled and we took them "thank you princes" I said Liam gave her her ice cream "should we just sit here?" Liam said I nodded we all sat down on the sand Justin took his hand around my shoulders Annabelle leaned on my side Justin and Liam were talking to each other I didn't really listen my hand was freezing "mom can we go fishing tomorrow?" she said I looked down at her "what?" I said "there's a fishing competition and Alex and his parents are going so if we could too?" I said "aren't that something your gonna do with dad?" I said she looked at him "I can take you if you want" he said "alright it's gonna be so fun" she said I put the cup down in the sand "and you gotta be there" I said and looked at him "I will don't worry" he said "okay I won't worry" I said "good" he said "so how's school so far?" Justin said and looked at Annabelle "it's fun not as hard as I thought" she said "good" he said "I got a lot of new friends too" she said "that's amazing I hope they're nice" I said "yeah once I hit the teacher with a piece of paper and she yelled at me until Alex said he did it" she chuckled Justin laughed "what?" I said Justin gave her a high five I looked at him "sorry" he said and stopped laughing "you can't do that" I said and looked back at her "it was just for fun" she said "no matter what it is for don't do that she's your teacher respect her" I said Liam chuckled while looking away "I'm sorry" she said "you better say sorry to her tomorrow" I said she nodded "hey let's go and see if we can find something cool on the shore" Liam said and got up she got up too they walked along the shore "aren't you too rough on her?" he said "no she can't do that it's her teacher" I said "yeah but she's still having fun" he said "she can't have fun like that" I said "alright let's not fight over this" he said and put his cup down too he took his arm around my shoulders "god it's hot today" he said and opened his shirt a little "well you could just have taken something else on" I said "yeah" he said "you know even when we fight and we say some things I will always love you" he said "that's so sweet" I said and gave him a kiss "mom dad look a starfish!" Annabelle said while coming running over to us she had one in her hands "it's nice honey" Justin said Liam came up to us "hey can you take her for moment I'm not what I used to be" Liam said I chuckled Justin got up he took her hand they walked along the shore they were talking together he picked her up I smiled at them "hey I heard you guys talk about a job?" he said I looked at him "yeah?" I said "I'm looking for an assistant" he said "I could already get a job but Justin won't let me" I said while picking up a rock "yeah why isn't he saying yes already he always say yes after an hour?" he said "he says that it's his job to support the family or something" I said and threw the rock in the water "it's not him he should have said a long time ago" he said "yeah but I'm not giving up" I said "I know that" he chuckled I chuckled too he yawned "tired?" I said he nodded "I was awake all night that's why Justin said I could get the day off" he said "well we can go home now" I said "no it's fine I'm gonna get plenty of sleep tonight when Laura's out of town" he said "omg on that way" I said he nodded "that sounds really romantic actually" I said "yeah isn't Justin doing something for you?" he said "no we haven't even been on a date for a long long long time" I said "huh" he said and looked at Justin "well that's alright he's still sweet" I said and got up I dried the sand off my hands and bum he got up too I took the two cups "I'm just gonna throw these out" I said "alright I'm going over to them" he said I nodded he started walking I looked around for a trash can I found one next to the street I walked up to it and felt someone hugging my legs I looked down it was Annabelle "well hello" I said and threw the cups out I picked her up "why aren't you over with them?" I said "they said I had to go over to you and tell you to wait at the car" she said I looked over at them they were talking "alright" I said and walked along the street "so did you have fun?" I said "yeah" she said we got to the car "mom can I have a fish?" she said I chuckled "you got a dog isn't that enough?" I said "no I want a fish and a starfish please?" she said "I don't know you gotta ask dad" I said the door got unlocked I looked back they came up to us I opened the back door and let Annabelle down she crawled in and Liam sat down next to her I got in the front row and Justin in the driver seat and we drove of "hey angel do you think you could sleep over at a friends house tonight?" Justin said "yeah can I go to Ally's sleepover?" she said "no we talked about that I don't want you to sleep over at her" I said "why not?" she said "because she isn't a good friend to be around with" I said "angel you can don't listen to mom" Justin said i looked at him "yay thanks dad" she said he chuckled we finely got there I got out they got out too "so go pack your stuff and I'll drive you" Justin said "hey I'm going home I'm so tired" Liam said "alright thanks for everything" Justin said Liam turned around I walked inside they followed me Annabelle ran upstairs "so you talked with Liam" he said I turned around so I could look at him "mhm?" I said "did you really talk about that I never take you on a date?" He said

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