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Authors Note: Please dont read if you dont like hentai or yaoi. So please, if you dont wanna read this part (which is sexual) then skip this chapter. Thanks.

And suddenly, they were kissing...

Jean slipped his hand up under Marco's shirt hem and moved his iced hands against Marco's warm skin. Marco gasped a little under Jean's grip. Jean took control over Marco. He pulled Marco closer and kissed him more passionately. He felt no shame that Marco was another man.
Marco was completely terrified and excited simultaneously. He held the back of Jean's neck while continuing to kiss him.

The cold, chill in the air was no longer felt. They were too busy holding on to one another to care about the freezing tenperatures.

Jean abruptly backed Marco up against a tree and kissed him the way he really wanted to. Marco showed no signs of struggle or refusal. He grabbed Jean by the belt loops and pulled him closer onto him, almost on top of him.


Jean moaned as he came up for air and pinned Marco to the tree. He grabbed Marco's shirt collar and pulled him harder, a little too hard. Both of the men fell backwards on the plush ground. Without missing a single breath, Jean had pulled Marco on top of him as they began to kiss again. Both of them were breathing heavily.

Marco straddled him and sat up. He stared at Jean nervously and excitedly. "Uh, Jean?" He whispered.

"Yah?" he said after catching his breath.

"Are we going to-" before Marco could finish, Jean had put his hand in Marco's back pocket.

"Yes." Jean stammered. Marco smiled reassuringly and bent down and kissed Jean again. Jean tilted his head and started to unbutton Marco's shirt. Marco payed no attention to Jean's fumbling. When enough buttons had been undone, Marco pulled his shirt off over his head and smiled. Jean couldn't keeps his eyes on the infinite amount of freckles that covered Marco's chest. Jean arched his back and kissed the side of Marco's neck. Marco gasped slightly and accidently squeezed the back of Jean's neck. Marco shifted his knees closer up.

Jean threw his arms around Marco's waist and flipped Marco so that Jean was on top. He put one knee on each side of Marco and kissed him roughly. Jean sat up and ripped off his shirt. Marco put his hand on Jean's hip. The two began to kiss again. Frantically, Jean began to fumble with Marco's belt buckle. Marco blushed. He was kinda excited.

Marco relaxed as Jean got his belt undone and pulled it off quickly. Marco grabbed Jean's belt and seamlessly worked it off. Jean bit his lip.

Jean slowly pulled down Marco's pants and stared at Marco. He was trying to be as calm as he could be, but he was too nervous and excited. Marco brushed a hair out of Jean's face.

"It's ok. Im ready." Marco blushed and smiled. He moved his hands behind his head and closed his eyes. Jean smiled and pulled down Marco's boxers.

Jean swallowed hard at the sight. It had to be at least seven-inches long. It even had freckles.

The cold air hit Marco sharply. Marco curled his toes. Jean gasped for air. Jean pulled his own boxers off and the same air hit him. He was about the same length as Marco.

Out of embarrament he kissed Marco again. Jean climbed back on top of Marco and stopped breathing.
Slowly, he broke Marco.

Marco gasped loudly and threw his head back. Jean grit his teeth together and made little noises and squeals.
"Oh... God... Gaaaaah..!" Marco was laying flat on the grass as he arched his back with every thrust from Jean.
Marco clawed at the ground around him and clenched the small blades of grass beneath him. Jean began to pick up speed. Slowly, but steadily.
Jean grabbed Marco's hips and squeezed progressively.

Marco and Jean's hips were rolling in sync. Jean squeezed Marco's hips tighter and pulled him further onto him.

"J-Jean...!" Marco clenched his jaw and rolled his head forwards. He grabbed the tree behind him tightly.

With his hands behind his head like that, his stomach was completely vulnerable. Jean shifted to where his knees were underneath Marco's ass and lower back.

Marco sat up and grabbed Jean by the cheeks and kissed him wildly. He moaned loudly as Jean kept going while kissing him back. They propped themselves up against the tree and continued.

"M..." This feels good... "Mar..." Shit... "Marco..." I'm gonna... "Marco!! YES!!" Ungghh!

Jean was enjoying this just as much as Marco was. They were moaning and groaning left and right. They shifted around and changed positions periodically. No matter how they were doing it, they were in fact doing it. After about 30 minutes, Marco was begging for Jean to slow down. Jean stopped and pulled out gently. Marco gasped and collapsed into Jean's arms. They were both breathing heavily as if they had both completed a marathon. They sat there. Naked, hot, and tired. Jean and Marco were locked in love now.

"I-I didn't hurt you right?" Jean asked.

"No, it felt really good." He kissed Jean's neck gently.

"Good." He smiled and stared at Marco. "I love you."

Marco's eyes began to tear up a little. "I love you, too."

They kissed once more and continued their hug.

"If you tell anyone, I swear to God... "


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