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I don't understand why some people feel the need to hate on the things others like? And I'm not just talking about people who hate on bronies or something like that. I mean anyone hating on any other fandom. That includes games like CoD or GTA as well. Like, it's okay to have an opinion and it's okay if you don't like something. It's also okay for you to voice your opinion on something. But you should voice your opinion more around others who agree with you on that opinion. Going out of your way to hate on someone who's drawing porn of Gardevoir or whatever is just kind of sad. And I get it, I don't like when I'm looking through images of my favourite characters and come across porn, but I've become kind of desensitized to it so it doesn't bother me.

But when a child is googling Papyrus from Undertake because let's be honest he's the best, and they come across some fontcest, then we kinda have a problem. It's understandable why some people hate certain fandoms, but then they go and judge the whole fandom based on the cancerous ones. Which also, little cruel but whatever. You can not like something.

It's also not cool if you're part of... I'm gonna use Undertale as an example, it's not cool if you're part of the Undertale fandom and you hate on something like the CoD fandom. Yes they can be terrible as well.

Oh, and then there's people who bash "OC's"

Listen... I think OC's can be cringey at times, and I'm not always a fan of googling Protoman or whatever and seeing someone's OC locking lips with him. But I also don't particularly care what you do? Like, go crazy with OC's, it doesn't bother me. And I don't understand why this stuff bothers other people to the point of having to bash and hate on another person. Like, you saw it, you didn't like it, move on. You really don't have to give your opinion on something you don't like. You can if you want, but don't just go around calling people faggots or retards and telling them to kill themselves. They're just having fun, let them have fun.

Even when I see weird fetish art I usually just sigh, question my faith in humanity, and move on. Sometimes I'll share it with some friends and we be weirded out together, but we never go out of our way to say something like "you're the reason god has abandoned us all" or "die in a fire you cancerous scum" because that's just mean.

I honestly have no idea where I was going with this, I just kind of wanted to voice my opinion on this... which seems kind of hypocritical considering I said earlier that you don't have to voice your opinion... but I also said nothing's stopping you... but nothing is also stopping you from not being a dick....... I don't know, sorry about wasting your time. But if you want, tell me your thoughts on this matter of people hating on others for their interests. So... this is the end... bye

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