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Jimin pov

"Jiminie, it's time to wake up. Wakey wakey~"

I opened my eyes and looked towards the direction of the voice. In total, this is my third time waking up to this beautiful face.

"I missed waking up to this beautiful face." I said as I rubbed her cheek with my hand.

"Thank you, but now isn't the time to be flirting. Don't you have practice in two hours?"

I looked at the time to check and she was correct. I had two hours left so I got up in a sitting position on the bed so I could prepare to get off of it.

"Thank you for waking me up, I'm going to get ready. Enjoy your sleep." I responded as I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. She closed her eyes and peacefully fell back to sleep.

I got up from the bed and turned on the TV just so I could hear some noise while getting ready. I took my shower, styled my hair, picked out my clothes for the day, and then sat on the bed with a hour left before practice.

With a whole hour left I decided to just sit next to my sleeping girlfriend on the bed and watch the news.

The News Channel

"Now look at that, BTS is still on top of our Kpop rankings. At this point I don't see anyone topping them." The news reporter said.

"No surprise there, to me the big surprise is the ranking given to Twice. Ranked number three? I don't think that's deserved." The other news reporter added.

"Well, with the confirmation of JiMina, the ARMY has been helping out ONCE's stream Twice videos. Deserved or undeserved, you can't help but agree; JiMina is the cutest thing alive."

Jimin pov

Twice is a really great group and they perform really well. I still don't quite understand the hate for them, but I guess me and Minari finally dating helped Twice out a little. Thank God for the ARMY.

"It's okay Jiminie, I don't care what others have to say about Twice or our relationship."

I looked at the person who was just sleeping a few seconds ago and just gave her a quick smile.

"I know, I'm not worried. I have to go to practice now I'll be back tonight. Don't sleep too much, okay?" I said as I pecked her lips.

"Alright I won't, good luck." She responded, falling back to sleep.

I looked at my girlfriend one more time then walked my way to the door. I grabbed my car keys and left the house.

'Usually I love going to practice but I don't want to leave her side. Maybe I'll ask for the weekends off so I can spend more time with Minari.'

Practice room

I walked into the practice room expecting to find the other members but only one person was in sight.

"Jungkook, what happened to the others?" I put my bag down and stared at him waiting for an answer.

"They're on break, I came a few minutes late so I decided to keep practicing."

"You're such a irresponsible junior." I joked, pointing at him with a wagging finger.

"Me? What about you, Hyung? You're even later than me. Why are you so late?"

"I live closer to JYP than Bighit so of course it's going to take me a while to get here."

I stared at Jungkook expecting a smart comeback, like he would usually do, but instead he gave me a serious look.

"Hyung, I have a favor to ask from you." He stated, getting close, too close, to me.

"How my I help you?" I asked in confusion.

"Can you get your wife to introduce me to Tzuyu?"


"First off, she's not my wife, she's my girlfriend. Secondly, why? Trying to get a girlfriend?" I asked in a joking manner.



While practicing Jungkook and I talked about his small crush on Twice's youngest, and tallest, member. Apparently they've bumped into each other multiple times during our Kpop events, they even talked a few times, but never formally introduced themselves to each other. Of course I wanted to help my junior but I would feel weird asking Minari, but as long as it helps our little Jungkookie I guess I'll deal with the awkward atmosphere.

"I'll ask her when I get home tonight. But how exactly do you want to do this?" I asked, stretching my body.

"Double date."

"Straight to the point, aren't ya?"

"I'm sorry, let me ask this in a better way." He walked closer to me and lit his eyes up. "Hyung, let's go on a double date."

"I hate you." I responded.

"Thanks for the compliment, hyung."

After our little conversation the rest of the members came back with food. Of course they all asked me what took me so long to arrive, and I gave them the same answer I gave to Jungkook. Instead of giving me the same response as him, they all understood and continued to eat. After practicing for a few more minutes Jungkook and I joined the other members. After enjoying the food it was time to start with the second part of practice.

JiMina home

"I'm home!" I screamed, entering the dorm.

I put my bag on the living room couch and sat down at the kitchen table, staring at my beautiful girlfriend cook our dinner.

"Hey, welcome home." She stopped what she was doing and gave me my welcome home kiss, and then continued her cooking.

"We don't have much food here since we just moved in so I'm just cooking some hamburgers. Since neither of us have practice tomorrow how about we go grocery shopping?"

"For sure! I haven't had a good homemade meal since I stayed with you at your group's dorm."

Apparently saying that struck a nerve in her. She turned off the stove and started putting the burgers in their buns. She put one plate in front of me and another at her seat right next to me. She took off her apron and sat down. I took a bite out of the burger but she continued to stare at me with a angry face. Looks like I'm in trouble for something.

"What's wrong Minari?" I asked, putting the delicious burger down.

"Jiminie, I know you practice alot and you're really skinny now but eating out all the time isn't healthy, you know? Next time you want a meal and it's not the weekend, just come to the Twice dorm. I'll cook something for you."

I looked down on my plate, thinking she misunderstood something here.

"Minari, it's not like I don't want to eat homemade food. Since we've been on our tour we haven't had a chance to just sit down and have a decent meal. Jin cooks really well but none of us want him to cook for us while being exhausted." I took another bite of the burger and continued. "I DO understand what you're trying to say though, if BTS is planning to eat out I'll just come to your dorm instead of going with them."

I looked her in the eyes and now it seems like she's calmed down. She smiled and took a bite of her own burger. We sat in silence, my hand on her lap, since I didn't want to hold her hand while we're eating. During the silence I remembered what it was I needed to ask.

"Hey, after grocery shopping tomorrow do you want to make a meal enough for four?"

"Four? I don't mind but I never seen you eat that much." She responded.

"No no, that's not what I meant. Jungkook wanted to you know.... Check out the dorm so I was wondering if you could cook enough for us."

"Sure, no problemo. Since you want me to make four meals I guess I can ask someone from Twice to also come. Sana has been kind of curious and wanted to visit." She replied.


"Actually, now that I think about it; Tzuyu is a Jungkook bias so I'm pretty sure she would be excited to meet him. I'll invite her instead." She took her phone out and started texting Tzuyu.

Thank God for people having a bias!

After our meal, and our continued conversation, I invited Minari to play some games with me. She took a seat on my lap and I showed her how to play some Overwatch, even though I'm not so good at it myself. We spent an hour or so messing around in the practice mode. I don't remember the last time I laughed so hard watching someone else play video games. Even though she completely sucked, I enjoyed teaching her how to play Overwatch.


I took my hand off the keyboard, since I was only on practice mode, and turned my attention to my girlfriend.

"Yes?" I asked.

She turned herself in a complete 180. Now she had her legs wrapped my body and her forehead touching my own. Before I realized it, we were once again in a full make out session.

This continued for about five minutes then we stopped because of the lack of air.

"Jiminie.... Today is also a safe day... And it's been a while since we've... You know... Done that." I looked at her blushing face, understanding what she wanted to say. Instead of replying I picked her up bridal style and carried her to our room.

She told me that Sana smelled semen in their room after the two nights I stayed in their shared dorm room. Knowing Jungkook and Tzuyu are visiting tomorrow I'm definitely spraying this room down after tonight.

Chapter fin~

Who's ready for their double date next chapter? Because I'm pretty excited to write it.

Sorry for you guys that are into lemons and stuff but I'm not a great lemon writer. If you guys want a lemon just say the word and I'll add it as a extra chapter or something.

And yes, TzuKook is my second favorite BangTwice ship. Fight me fam.

See you guys in the next chapter!

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