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A/N Tw for depressed thoughts.

Silence. That's all there is. All that's left of a life I once had. But now all thats left is pain. I'm drowning in it.

I'm screaming but no matter how hard I scream no one hears me. There isn't anyone there. No one to talk too. No one left who cares.

No one sees me. No one cares that I'm barely eating. No one cares that I'm disappearing. That I'm getting more and more exhausted by each day.

Everything is too much. I don't want to get out of bed anymore because my life is just an endless black hole of pain. It's just another day going by wishing for death just to get out of this.

Why would anyone care? I'm not a dancer. I'm not good enough to be part of the clique. I'm not using my trauma for all that it's worth just to get attention. I'm not them, so I'm not worth it.

So I'm just breaking. But no one is around to care. I'm too tired to put myself back together again like I always have. So what if I break completely? Whose actually going to care? It's their fault anyway.

He did the one thing he knew would break me. He looked for what I cared about most in the world and took it. And it broke me.

And now all that's left is silence.

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