Chapter 18 《Across the Sea》

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After a few hours, the sun's light tenderly awoke the tired Countryhuman. He felt weird and oddly he was rocking back and forth. For the most part everything was dead quiet. Not a single bird could be heard. But he heard something he couldn't describe.

Soviet Union had completely forgotten they were in the middle of the sea.

He felt an arm around him. Raising his head, he saw Reich's hand, which he smiled at.

Just because he was in love didn't mean he had to be with them. He could just stay friends with him. Reich was unaware of his feelings, which the big Countryhuman didn't want. Soviet figured he could just hide it from him.

He loved having Reich by his side, but at this point he didn't want to be in a relationship. Soviet Union put one of his hands on Reich's hand, which was so loose and soft.

He turned a little to see Third Reich sleeping soundly and peacefully. This calmness from the other man made him happier and he just enjoyed the pleasant time with him. USSR closed his eyes and lay back down as before, except that he moved slightly closer to Reich to be a little closer to him.

He fell asleep again after some time and was awakened by water being poured on him. USSR looked around hastily and startled and Reich lay beside him and a little bit of water was under Soviet while the little boat rocked back and forth.

Soviet Union straightened up and saw that the waves, which he hadn't noticed at first, had grown bigger.

Immediately he sat down and tried to understand the situation. He was in the middle of the sea, the waves raged around him, the water was deep and unknown, getting help was impossible, and there was no land in sight.

The poor Countryhuman panicked more and more while Third Reich was still sleeping next to him and didn't notice anything.

Reich had gotten the two safely through the night after Soviet ran out of power.

However, the big Countryhuman had recovered, only to panic.

USSR was scared and panicked. He couldn't think straight anymore because he had never been anywhere in the middle of nowhere. He was always where he should be and not somewhere on endless water that was who knows how deep.

Soviet Union was completely exhausted and cried as he curled up and begged the waves didn't swallow him up.

Third Reich was awakened by his weeping. Soviet quickly realized this and held on to him while he wailed that they were dying.

Reich looked around. The sea was a bit choppy, the waves barely reached the boat. The momentarily fearless Countryhuman looked around and then at his friend, for whom the world was ending.

He knew Soviet was uncomfortable in unknown places, but he hadn't expected such intense panic. Soviet Union was rubbed across the back by him.

Reich considered how he could coordinate again, but this was quite difficult as the sun could hardly be seen through the clouds.

He hugged the frightened Countryhuman. Panicked, Soviet clutched at him and hugged him as hard as he could.

"Soviet, it's okay.", he said calmly, "I'm with you and I'm telling you, nothing will happen to us."

Reich stroked his back again.

Soviet Union wept in desperation and Reich hugged him tighter.

"I'm with you.", he said to his tall friend, who hugged him tightly.

Third German Reich put his wing around Soviet and being hugged, put his hands on Soviet's cheeks, who looked at him with wide eyes.

"Soviet you are not alone. I am and will stay with you and we both will make it to shore.", Third Reich told him, smiling lovingly at him.

Soviet Union fear slowly disappeared through him. Both looked deep into each other's eyes and slowly everything around them calmed down.

USSR came to rest and got lost in the eyes of the angel. The boat stopped rocking and the sea calmed down. The light widened and the darkness faded as the colors grew richer and everything seemed slower.

It was like magic for both of them. They got closer and when they touched their upper lips for a brief moment, they both realized that they were going too fast. They looked sideways and were all blood red.

Soviet wanted to apologize, but his feelings told him something else: "Thank you for your kind words!"

Reich looked at him in surprise with a blood red face and an uncertain smile.

Soviet Union wasn't quite so blood red in the face and smiled warmly at him.

Third Reich again accidentally looked into his eye. He smiled and came closer to him.

USSR smiled and put his hands on Reich's cheeks, who looked at him with wide eyes full of love. Soviet could see the love in his eyes better than Reich himself.

Greater German Reich could not look away and Soviet had to be the one who had to put an end to the moment as his friend was approaching him again. He hugged the Countryhuman hypnotized by his eye.

"Reich, you're the best friend anyone could wish for.", the tall one told him, hugging his friend tightly.

"You too!", said Third Reich to him. Soviet smiled wider and snuggled up to his friend, who snuggled up to him.

The taller one stroked his back.

Soviet Union loved him so much but Reich was already dating someone and he really didn't want a relationship, although Reich made him reconsider that decision as his feelings were almost so strong they kissed. He would have liked to kiss him and tell him how he felt, but he was unsure and afraid of the uncertain future of their friendship or relationship. At least he could enjoy the pleasant moment.

Both of them slowly noticed what had happened to their surroundings and looked around confused and fascinated.

A demon in a bad mood finished his speech and left the room so everyone could have their lunch break. But he wasn't about to take a break. The one he was supposed to watch was gone.

He scolded some of his staff to immediately check the borders and make sure no one got out.

This island was made so you couldn't swim to it and Britain had converted it a century ago by some mechanism so that you couldn't get out unless you could dive a hundred meters and had a screwdriver with you. However, the mechanism got stuck and you had to operate it yourself underwater on the inside of the wall.

Britain was so furious that he went there personally.

The island was surrounded by a high and wide wall that was there for a very long time and hardly anyone knew about it because everyone died building it, only those who could fly got to the island. The wall kept the water level, caught waves that didn't belong there and protected the Countryhumans from the outside world.

And it was at this border that the two red Countryhumans found themselves in their tiny boat.

Soviet noticed the wall first: "Reich? What's the big thing ahead of us?"

Third Reich released him and looked at the wall, which was still a kilometer away from them.

Surprised, but also uncertain, he looks at the green wall in the middle of the sea. They stared wide eyed at the meter high wall blocking their way.

Both looked at each other uncertainly. Should they dare climb that wall or would they sink if they got too close? Many questions went through their heads.

Soviet looked at his wings. He wanted to try something and flapped his wings to maybe fly.

He couldn't fly, but Reich got an idea: "Soviet, when we're over the wall, you'll use your wings to make us lose speed as we fall."

"And how do we get out of here?", he asked.

He said: "I'm still working on that."

Soviet looked at his red, black wings with yellow waves. Could he already fly? He knew he was in love with Reich, so it might already be working.

USSR spread its wings, each about as long as he was tall but twice as wide as he was. He moved them up for a small flap while Reich was still guessing and didn't notice at first since it was out of his field of view.

He slowly rose to two legs before jumping up and it pushes the air down with its outstretched wings in order to rise. It worked at first, but on the second flap the power was gone and he crashed his foot into the boat and fell into the sea.

Third Reich was extremely frightened by this, because Soviet usually always solved problems quietly and didn't jump overboard.

Reich looked into the water and grabbed one of the wings so he couldn't sink any further before Soviet swam in any direction. Third Reich pulled on his wing, showing him where the surface was. Soviet Union showed up and Reich helped him onto the boat.

"What's the idea of just jumping into the water?", he asked confused and shocked.

He apologized to Reich: "Sorry! I wanted to fly us away from here, but I can't fly yet."

"Why should you be able to fly? You've never been with anyone.", Reich said.

"I know, but I wanted to at least try.", he explained briefly.

However, this behavior didn't go out of Reich's head immediately. He saw that his friend was hiding something from him.

Soviet stared at the wall and thought aloud: "This wall is built to keep everyone out... then there must be a way to get up there, because in the past, someone had to get on a ship, and how is anyone supposed to fly who doesn't fly can go to the ship?"

"Maybe those who can fly took the Countryhumans who couldn't.", Reich told him.

He said: "But we could take a look!"

"Yes, we have time and as long as we don't crash against the wall we're more than welcome to look!", said Reich and Soviet immediately grabbed the rudder.

Reich grabbed the other. Together they paddled closer to the wall, which they searched for a ladder or something similar.

They found steps that looked very slippery.

The two paddled closer and Soviet stood on the steps first before his friend followed and they tried not to lose their balance.

Third Reich had a difficult time on the slippery steps and looking up the long narrow stairway.

"We won't get the boat up there", he said unenthusiastically, "and certainly not me either! It's a challenge just standing here with you. We'll fall before we're halfway."

Reich was right by Soviet and they climbed back on their boat.

Disappointed, they left the spot and went more into the water before they thought again, but then they heard something loud and saw something coming out of the wall, which got higher and higher.

Both were shocked and curious about what they see.

The two stared up.

All Soviet got out was: "We are as good as dead!"

Reich looked at him in shock: "Isn't there another way?"

"No.", Soviet answered hopelessly.

"What ways were there?", Reich asked.

The answer he got was, "To get over the top."

Third German Reich said: "And underwater?"

Soviet replied: "Too deep!"

Shortly thereafter Soviet Union said: "A moment ago the restless waves disappeared when you calmed me down, since we have no choice but to give up and probably die, we both try to move the masses of water somehow with feelings or thoughts!"

He got a confused look from his friend. "It would be worth a try!", he said and looked hopefully at Reich.

Soviet took his hand and they both looked at the water and the wall in front of them.

USSR closed his eyes and imagined the water and the wall in his head while Reich kept his eyes open.

Soviet imagined to push the water aside so the waves got bigger on both sides.

Nothing moved at all and his friend was sure it wouldn't work.

He was motivated by Soviet to try anyway and closed his eyes and tried to create the environment in his head, which was very easy for him. Third Reich even saw the waves move. He was also looking for living creatures, but there were none beside him except Soviet. Then he tried to imagine himself forming a passage with the waves.

The boat then moved out of nowhere. Reich jumped and opened his eyes to find the boat moving up and he clutched at Soviet.

"We moved the water!", Soviet cheered. Shocked and wide eyed, Reich looked at him.

"Let's do that again!", Soviet said to him happily and with a big smile. A smile formed at Reich too, from Soviet's joy.

He demands: "But you hold me tight!"

Soviets blushed and said: "I'll do it!"

Reich sat down with him and Soviet held him by his sides. Both closed their eyes again. USSR's focus was on Third Reich rather than the sea, while Reich was more cautious with the force.

He again imagined the water getting out of the way for them and the water did just that. The water kept disappearing and they went deeper and deeper.

Eventually they found one of the paths and took the boat there before Soviet opened his eyes and went there before grabbing the bars and ripping them out as they were quite old and fragile.

They made it through and weaved through before there was high water again which Reich dealt with and then Soviet again to get them out before Reich put the water back to normal.

Soviet hugged him tightly.

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