Chapter 8- Redemption

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Luke's pov:

Obviously I didn't respond to the message Din had sent me last night but I also felt awful for leaving him on read. Thats a lie, with that message I did not. There was no way Din would of sent that if he was sober, he had to of been drunk. He must of been!

As intriguing as the message was I knew I could not give into any desires it would be completely wrong of me. I dreaded coming into work the next day and having awkward integrations while no one else knew why. What if I had to get on my knees again?

"Luke!" Carly snapped me out of  my thoughts, "We are here. Are you alright?" she asked.

I nodded, "Mhm! Yeah fine. By Carly." I ran out the car and rushed to my trailer as quickly as possible.

I was greeted by my makeup artist and sat down in the makeup chair. She had some jazzy music on while she worked and I stared down at my phone. All night I had been receiving messages from Din.

Hot actor

*missed call*

*missed call*

Im really sorry Luke

Call me back and ill explain I promise

It didn't mean what you thought it meant.

It cane out wrong I swear.

I didn't respond to any of the messages. There was no way i could interpret that differently. And although it was tempting i was most defiantly not going to do that with someone I had just met.

I got my costume on and made my way over to studio 2, where we would be recording today. I opened the door and Din's eyes flashed over to me. Before anyone else could, he ran over and pulled me aside. "Please can I explain." He begged.

I folded my arms, "You better have some hell of an explanation." I cocked my head.

"I just meant that you don't seem like the kind of guy to do that so..." he began. I raised my eyebrows. He waved his hands about, "No not like that! I mean you don't seem like the type of guy to give up. You seem stubborn. In a nice way." He rambled.

I began laughing and he tilted his head at me in confusion. "Oh you crack me up Din Djarin." I said through wheezes.

His eyes narrowed and he raised an eyebrow, "Huh?" He tilted his head the other way.

This made me me laugh even more and I was barely able to speak, "You panic too much." I chuckled, "Its fine. It was amusing to read that message while on my way home." I placed my hand on his shoulder, "Come on. We have a show to film." I smiled and pulled him along with me.

Time skip brought to you by balancing equations.

The scene soon began and quickly got into it. This time it was set in a basement.

I was strapped to the leg of a bed and my limp back was leaning against the bed frame. "What do you want with me?" I begged.

Lithos shrugged, "You brighten up a room tremendously. You really add something to it." He smiled.

My face creased in disgust, "Your sick you know that!"

"You'll learn to love it." He smirked.

The rest of the day was spent filming other scenes and now that the air had been cleared it was far less awkward. Once I was out of my costume I approached Don's trailer. I knocked on the trailer door and waited until it was opened by Din also out of costume.

I smiled, "You did really well today." I told him, "You as a supervillain was something I never thought I'd see and get your brilliant at it!" I exclaimed.

He opened the door wider, "Thank you. Come in." He gestured and I walked inside his trailer. "Can I talk to you?" He asked.

I nodded, "Of course."

"It's about the scene tomorrow," he told me, "I'm nervous." He looked down at his feet and we both sat down.

"Nervous? Why? I'm sure you will smash it." I encouraged him.

"Well its just... it's an emotional scene. It's raw and I... cant do that. I'm not good at that" he was dragging himself through his words and clearly was not enjoying this conversation much.

I tilted my head as ideas sprang to mind. "Come get a coffee with me." I smiled warmly.

His eyes narrowed and his face read a confused expression, "Huh? I don't understand."

"Come get a coffee with me, we can run lines and you can get more comfortable with the scene before tomorrow." I explained, "Coffees on me." I said with a smirk.

"How do you know I can't resist a free coffee?" He chucked as he made his way over to my seat and leaned against it.

I smiled, "Let's go then!" I jumped up and grabbed my bag.

Tugging him by his shirt sleeve I led him to my driver while he told his driver not to pick him up. I pulled him into the car and my driver looked back in confusion. "Can we go to coffee house please?" I asked my driver. He nodded and started the car.

We slipped into conversation along the drive and Din was now showing me pictures on his phone. "Oh yeah this is Grogu. That's when he had your cupcake you can see that icing all round his mouth. Took a few tantrums before I could get that off." He joked.

I laughed with him and then said, "Looks like he enjoyed it." I joked, "How old is he?" I asked.

"Four." He told me, "Hell be five in March."

"Aww isn't he just the cutest." I smiled, "You have to let me meet him one day!" I insisted.

He smiled and nodded.

The car pulled up on the curb and me and Din got out. He looks around, "How did you find this place? I've lived here almost my entire life and have never seen this part of the city before." He told me.

"It was on Scotty Lounds, '100 places to go in New York before you die', list and honestly I agree."I told him as we walked inside.

We stood in a long queue and Din turned to face me, "Is that what she used to write about before us?" He asked a smile growing clearly on his face.

I nodded. "She wrote all sorts of things ; travel blogs, essays, guides, advice. She's done everything top to bottom." I told him.

Once we were at the counter we ordered, got our coffee and sat down at one of the booths near the back. Some people here clearly recognised us but no one had the guts to say anything.

We sat across from each other and got our scripts out, "Do you wanna start from the top?" I asked.

He nodded.

Hemel: "I never thought I'd see the day where we'd have a moment like this, just the two of us. Face to face. Can I just ask why?"

Lithos: "What?"

Hemel: "Why do you do this? You don't need the money. Why do you do any of this?"

Lithos: "That's none of your business Hemel."

Hemel: "Tell me. I can help."

Lithos: "You know, growing up wasn't easy for me. I came from a broken home, surrounded by violence and neglect. It shaped me into the person I am today."

Hemel: "I can't imagine what you went through. But it's never too late to change, to find a different path."

Lithos: "Maybe you're right. But the pain I endured, the anger that fueled me, it's become a part of me. It's what drives me forward."

Hemel: "I understand that, but there's always a choice. You can choose to break free from the cycle of violence and find redemption."

Lithos: "Redemption... it sounds so tempting, yet so elusive. Perhaps one day I'll find the strength to embrace it. But for now, our paths remain intertwined in this eternal struggle."

Hemel: "I won't give up on you. I believe there's goodness in everyone, even in those who have strayed."

Lithos: "Your optimism is both scary and delicately glorious all at once. You bring something out in me that I need to suppress but... your face is painted with hope and the paint is smothering onto me too. I'm rubbing it off though."

Once we finished the scene Din lifted his head slowly from his script and stared into my eyes.

My mouth was hanging open slightly and I collected my thoughts, "Din what are you taking about that was amazing!" I told him.

"It doesn't feel raw enough. It doesn't feel true." He told he thumping his script down onto the table.

I hummed as I thought, "You need to sound hurt in your voice. As soon as he asks why. You can show your emotion but your cracking. You should gradually deteriorate through the scene. Your voice should go weak and crack. I think that would be best for the character but of course that is all my opinion." I told him.

He face lightened up, "That's it! That's perfect! That's exactly what I needed thank you!" He exclaimed.

The sight of his face lighting up was enough to knock me out.


1574 words

I've been gone for a few days so here's a longer chapter.

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