[Six Flags 1 ]

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Y/N Blackwell

8:30 AM
I woke up with weight on my body I looked down seeing Duke on my chest, kai was cuddling my stomach and fanum's legs over mine I let out a low sigh and started moving them very carefully because I didn't want to wake

them when I moved them all off of me I looked over seeing Chris on his stomach and drool falling on he pillow and Davis looked like a starfish I got up and went the bathroom

found an extra toothbrush and brushed my teeth I walked out the bathroom and looked in the living room making sure they were all still sleeping and made my way to the kitchen I looked in the fridge and decided

to make French toast, pancakes, waffles, toast, sausage,eggs, bacon, hashbrowns, fried potatoes, and cinnamon rolls just because I washed my hands and started cooking

30 minutes later
I felt arms wrap around my waist I jumped a little bit looking down at the arms I seen familiar tattoos

"good morning Duke" I said as I make the bacon

"good morning mamas" Duke said as he put his head on my shoulder

" how did you sleep" I asked taking the bacon out the pan and onto a plate with a paper towel and started making the  sausages

"I slept good your very comfortable" he said and his lips brushed my shoulder as he spoke

" and you're very heavy" I said flipping the sausages

" oh woww I see how it is" he said stealing some bacon

" stop eating bacon" I said as I hit his arm

" but it's soo good" he said trying to take another one
" wait till everything is done" I said slapping his hand away

" whatever" he said smack his lips and sitting on the island I put the sausages on the plate with the bacon

I started make the hash-browns  we talk some more before fanum walked in and looked over my shoulder as I made eggs

" good morning fanum" I said

"good morning" he said as he went to sit on one of the stools as I started putting the food on different plates

I made Duke set the table and fanum wake everyone else up I poured orange juice into 7 cups and started putting all the food on the table

(I couldn't find one picture so all this just add
hash browns,toast,fried potatoes,and sausage)

The boys walked in and took a seat they all said thank you and we started eating

11:00 AM
After breakfast I was getting ready to leave because I had just got a text from Yasmin saying that I had to model at 1:00

"you're leaving" I heard a voice from behind I turned around seeing the guys walking out the dining

"yeah I have a modeling gig at 1:00 so I have to go home and get ready" I told them

" when do you think you'll be done" kai asked

"umm I don't know depends on how much they want me to model,why?" I said putting my purse on my shoulder and grabbing my phone

"we wanted to go to six flags with you" kai said

"we can still go I'll text you when I'm done and I can spend the night and make those cookies and brownies again and we'll go tomorrow " I said grabbing
my keys and walking to the door with them following me

" alright" Fanum said with a sigh I turned around to look at them I sighed

" we will go tomorrow I promise"I said holding out my pinky for them

"deal" they all said as I linked my pinky with each of them then left

11:30 AM
I walked into my room getting in the shower and picking an outfit

I did light makeup and I did my hair
I left the house and went to the location Yasmin sent to me

12:45 PM
I met Yasmin at the front of the building

" how are you" Yasmin asked

" I'm good I just wanna get this over with I have plans later" I said as we walked in the elevator

" with Zuri,Jaden. And Layla?" Yasmin asked " no not this time they've been really busy with work" I said as the elevator doors opened again

" is it with a boy" she asked raising her eyebrow

"more like boys" I said dragging the s

" oh?" Yasmin said

"it's not like that where all friends and they wanted to hang out together but I had to work so I'm spending the night again and we're going to six flags tomorrow so I can't work at all I said

" really" she said in a tone that said I don't believe you

"yes really" I said as we walked into the changing rooms and I got dressed and went to the hair and makeup section

3:48 PM
The shoot was over and I was posting the pictures on my instagram


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When I was done I grabbed the bag clothes from the shoot and said my good byes then I texted Duke

And went out the building to my car
4:50 PM
I was in my room packing my bags when there was a knock on my door

" come in" I said from my closet the door opened and i heard footsteps I looked over seeing Layla

"wassup" I asked adding clothes to my bag

" nothing much,where are you going" she asked sitting at my vanity

" I'm spending a couple days at my friends house" I said getting a bag for shoes

"is this friend a guy" she asked

" yeah why" I questioned adding some more shoes and some purses to the bag zipping it up

" just use protection" she said

" huh why would I need to use protection the seven of us are just going out" I said adding makeup into a little bag then putting it in one of the bigger bags

" SEVEN" she questioned

"yeah when you add me there's seven of us"I said walking to my bathroom getting my shower stuff ready

"your spending a couple a days with six boys"
she asked

" yeah you know amp right" I asked

" yeah Duke is so fine" she said and I side eyed her

" yeah well that's who I'm hanging with no you can't come maybe next time" I said kicking her out my bathroom

5:35 PM
I did my skin care then packed it up in a bag then walking out the bathroom seeing layla on my bed once I walk out she follows me

" why can't I come" because it's just me and them because they want to spend time together" i said looking for something to wear

" but I wanna meet Duke" as she said that I got a text " can you see who that is" I asked putting on underwear

"Someone named Pookie" I took the phone away from her really quick I smiled and texting him back

"Who's that" Layla says with a smirk "nobody but I have to go I said picking out a outfit and doing my hair"


6:45 PM
I knocked on the door and it was opened immediately and I was embraced in a hug I hugged them back knowing it was Duke because of his cologne.

"I missed you mamas"he said i giggled

"I missed you to boo" i said kissing his cheek he kissed my forehead we went to my car and got my bags

"why'd you back so much" he asked

"it not the much actually there's clothes in one bag shoes in the other and then my makeup and skincare" I said as we walked to his room

Hope you enjoyed part one
Any thoughts
Words: 1378

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