One-Shots: Two-in-One

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Cheating (?) - (NayeonxSana)

Nayeon POV

"So..........why did you call me here?" Jihyo said across from me at our table.

We were at a coffee shop near Jihyo's apartment. 

I opened my mouth a bit before closing it to prevent sobs from coming out.

I looked down a bit as a small tear went out of my eye.

"Wait. Are you crying?" Jihyo asked and rushed over to me.

"N-No Jihyo." I said waving my hand and dabbing my eyes with a napkin. "I-It's fi-fine."

"Really? Because I'm pretty sure crying isn't an everyday occurence." She said with a worried look on her face.

I took a deep breath and said, "It's....about Sana...."

I covered my mouth at that to prevent a sob from coming out.

"What?! What about her?!!" Jihyo exclaimed earning a look from some people nearby.

"W-Well...i-it's just that...." I whispered.

"Did you two break up?! Is she cheating on you??!! I'm going to kill her if she did something bad!!" Jihyo yelled probably causing some nearby people to become deaf.

"Well.....the last one is related...." I muttered before tears starting coming out of my eyes.

"So she DID cheat on you!!" Jihyo exclaimed before standing up.

"Listen....Jihyo....let me explain the story...." I said after I managed to compose myself.

Earlier that day

I stepped out of the bus, thanking the bus driver as I left.

Ugh. The work lately has been piling up a bit and I haven't been able to be with Sana in person these past few weeks....I hope she's okay. I thought to myself and started walking to my apartment.

I had a slight spring in my steps as I smiled at the thought of seeing my wife again after a few weeks.

I walked over to the elevator and passed by my neighbor Jungkook who was talking with his husband about something.

"Hey Nayeon." He called out to me.

"Hmmmm?" I said.

"Tell Sana to bring that thing back in a few weeks. Us two over here are going to need it later." Jungkook said winking at his husband who blushed a bit.

"Ooooookay?" I said a little confused.

Wondering what she borrowed.... I thought to myself and walked over to my apartment door with a slight smile on my face.

I could already imagine the happiness on Sana's face when she saw me and how she would envelop me in a big hug.

My smile widened as I opened the door and said, "Jagiyah!! I'm home!!"

I heard no answer which made me frown.

Maybe she's sleeping? I thought so myseld and headed to our bedroom.

I heard a loud moan come from the room.

I recognized the moan as Sana's and thought that maybe she was pleasuring herself or something.

Then I heard a moan that was definitely not Sana's but was for some reason slightly familiar.

No....she wouldn't be.... I thought as I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach.

"Oh yeah babygirl." I heard Sana say and the other person moaned again.

I gulped and reached for the door knob with trembling hands.

I twisted it and the door opened to reveal....


"What?? Who was she with???" Jihyo demanded.

"C-Calm down Jihyo." I said taking in a deep breath to calm myself. "The next part is a bit sensitive for me."

Jihyo nodded and sat there with an angry expression on her face.

I breathed in and out a little before saying. "Alright. I'm ready."

Back to flashback

I twisted the door knob and the door opened to reveal......




Sana pleasuring herself with her fingers while watching a recording of me moaning but the moan was distorted.

I just stood there in silence as she continued watching me moan in a distorted voice while rubbing her clit.

After a while, I turned around and closed the door before walking out of the apartment.


"Wait what?" Jihyo said with a confused expression.

"Yeah.......apparently she had been masturbating to me moaning in different pitches and distortions while I was gone...." I said wiping a tear. "And she had borrowed some lube from Jungkook for the 10-inch strap-on she was going to use on me later today."

" I came here for nothing?" Jihyo said rolling her eyes.

"No wait. I need emotional support!! I was tramautized by that and I think she was going to use the strap-on on my ass!!" I exclaimed clinging onto Jihyo's arm to prevent her from leaving. "Please. I don't think I'm readyyyyy!!"

"Your problem not mine. I'm leaving." She said trying to pry me off of her arm. "I thought it was something serious earlier but you were just fooling me this whole time."

"NOOO!! At least give me some advice." I pleaded. "I know you have experience with your wife, Chaeyoung."

"What? Get off of me. Besides, you should be asking Y/n not me. She's way more experienced with having anal sex since Momo does it to her a lot." Jihyo said prying me off of her arm and escaping.

Oh no....what am I supposed to do? I thought.


The Monster under the Bed (MomoxY/n)


 "Ughhh..." I moaned as I walked into my house.

Another long day at school where I learn almost nothing that will help me in life.

I live by myself. My parents really don't care about me at all.

They are always going on business trips or having sex somewhere.

To be honest, I'm surprised I don't have more siblings by now. I thought to myself.

I trudged over to my room and threw my bag to the side before laying down on my bed.

Why does life have to be so tiring? I thought putting my hand over my eyes. I have three tests tomorrow as well as an in-class essay. On top of that, I have to go to mock exams and tutoring on Saturday and Sunday.

"Ughhhh..." I moaned before muttering. "It's too much!!"

I'm honestly tired of everything right now. Tired of school. Tired of walking. Tired of studying. Tired of socializing. Tired of living. Tired of...well, everything.

Maybe it would be better to just end it all. I thought to myself and let my hand rest over the side of the bed.

Suddenly, I felt another hand reach out and grab mine.

Hmmmm... I thought not even concerned in the slightest. Oh. Must be a monster. At least they're nice enough to hold my hand before killing me. 

I squeezed the monster's hand and it felt surprisingly soft.

Man. I should probably be freaking out right now.....but I really don't care. I thought.

I glanced over the side of my bed and saw a large shadow cast over a bulbous head rising along with small body with long arms. One arm was stretched forward a bit where the monster's hand was holding mine.

"Hey." I said lazily.

It stood there for a bit before its eyes glowed and it moved towards me with a mouth that opened impossibly far.

The room dimmed as it got closer and closer.

I closed my eyes and held onto its hand tighter.

Suddenly, the monster said, "Wait. Are you alright? I sense no fear in you at all."

"Eh?" I said and opened my mouth to see the monster cocking its head at me.

"Yeah. Just get it over with. I'm too tired with life already." I muttered and closed my eyes again.

Momo POV

What in the world? I thought to myself. This human actually wants to die and isn't afraid of me.

"Aren't you afraid of me?" I asked her in a concerned voice.

"Nah. I've been waiting for something like this to happen because I'm too useless to even do it myself." She said draping her arm over her face.

I studied her silently for a few moments before I sighed and snapped my fingers.

The lights brightened to their original brightness. 

Killing her wouldn't do me any good. I'll just have to help so that she's not going to want to die. Then I'll kill her and feast on her despair. I thought.

I shifted into my human form and gripped her hand tightly.

Yeah. I'll just help her then eat her later. I thought.

10 years later

How did it come to this? What am I doing? I thought as I hugged Y/n's small body close to me as we sat on our bed with Y/n leaning against my front, reading a book.

Our wedding rings gleamed from the light of the lamp.

Shouldn't I eat her now? I thought and glanced at her. Yeah. I shoul-

My thought were interrupted when Y/n gave out a little cute yawn and put a bookmark in her book before placing it on the bedstand.

"I'm done reading, so can we cuddle now?" She asked me with puppy-dog eyes.

My heart skipped a beat as I looked at her face and I smiled before snuggling close to her.

Yeah.....I'll just eat her later.


Just had these ideas for a while now. Honestly, didn't know how to make the last one because it was based off a meme.

I hope you enjoyed these one-shots.

See you next chapter!!!!!!!!!

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