Chapter 5

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To defeat a demon....sometimes... must become one....



"Are you guys alright?" I asked and examined them.

"We're fine." Seulgi said. "We just got knocked around a bit and scratched up."

"It seemed like they knew we were going to be there." Irene said. "Either that means we have a spy among us or they wanted us to attack there."

"Hey Y/n. I have an injury on my breast. Want to check it out?" Joy said batting her eyes at me.

"No." I said and turned back to Irene.

"I don't think any of us are spies but someone from the Resistance we might have told might be the spy." I said.

"We only told a few people. We were only here to attack that facility and this mission was kept a secret from most of the Resistance." Irene said.

"By the way, you have the USB?" Seulgi asked.

"Yeah. Right here." I said holding up the USB.

"Great. We just need to get this back to the main base and hand it over to the Council." Seulgi said taking it.

"We need to move then before they find us. I think these tunnels might be compromised." Wendy said.

"Let's hurry then. Oh and here Wendy. You wanted these right?" Irene said holding up a camera.

"Y-Yeah." Wendy stammered glancing at me.

"What is it?" I said.

"Oh.'s just some inappropriate photos Irene was blackmailing me with so I would do her chores." Wendy said with a nervous look.

Irene looked at her with a shocked expression.

I turned towards Irene and put my hands on my hips.

"Seriously? Again? You know you shouldn't be lazy right?" I said scolding her.

"Yes ma'am." Irene said before standing up. "Let's go."

We all nodded and started walking down one of the tunnels. 

I saw Joy peeking over Wendy's shoulder and looking at the camera.

Ah. She's being a pervert again. I thought shaking my head. I swear, she has a fetish for taking naked pictures of us.

After a while, we walked into another large cavern which had some couches in the middle with a spring nearby.

"Let's take a break here for now." Irene announced and we slumped onto the rocks.

"Oof. My feet were killing me." Yeri said lying down on some couches in the middle of the room.

"Can't you fly?" I asked.

"Doesn't mean I can't walk." Yeri responded.

"Fair point." I said.

I stretched and lied down on one of the couches as well.

Wouldn't hurt to rest? Right? I thought.

Sana POV

I walked in through the doors and stepped into the large dining room.

Momo was sitting in a seat devouring her huge meal.

"Can't wait for the nutrient bars?" I asked.

"Bleh. Those taste weird. I only eat those when I need to." Momo said before she went back to devouring her food.

"What'd you see?" Jeongyeon said coming out from the kitchen drying her hands.

"Oh. Just the loves of my life." I said remembering those hot girls from earlier.

"You say that to every girl you've met." Jeongyeon said rolling her eyes.

"It's true though." I protested.

"Yeah sure." She said. "Anyway, Mina and Jihyo are upstairs so you should go talk to them. I'll whip up something for you." 

I nodded and walked up the stairs.

I walked up to a room with two large doors.

I pushed them open and walked into a large circular room with a large round table at the center of the room.

Jihyo and Mina were sitting at the table staring at me.

"Can you not do that? It kind of freaks me out." I said walking up to the table and taking a seat.

"Sorry but it's kind of a habit, seeing into the future you know." Jihyo said tapping her violet eyes before they turned dark brown.

"You also give off this presence." Mina said. "I could sense you from miles away."

"Anyway, I saw them. I didn't attack like you said and I think they're headed back to their main base. What about the house they were staying at?" I said.

"The landlady is up there. She's a part of the Resistance. Mina took a tour through her mind. Afraid the experience tore her mind apart though." Jihyo said looking up to see a woman suspended by wires who looked sickly and with emotionless eyes.

"So what are we going to do with her?" I asked.

"We have been running low on soldiers." Mina said before twirling her finger.

The body of the woman jerked before a determined look appeared briefly in her eyes.

"Sweet." I said. "Also, do we have to kill all of them. I mean. They're hot."

"Aren't they all?" Mina said.

Jihyo stared at me.

"I do have one girl in mind." Jihyo said smirking. "There's this one girl. I've been reading her file and she hates us a lot. Imagine if Mina here was able to reverse the hatred into love."

"Oh?" I said smiling. "Tell me more."


What do you think so far guys? Is it good? 

I'm trying to build up to the inevitable showdown between the Resistance and Twice.

Well, see you next chapter!!!!!

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