Chapter 3

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Where that mask all you want....

....because I'll rip it off soon....



We approached the JYP building cautiously.

It was surrounded by a large electric fence and featured many armed guards, equipped with powerful rifles.

It was next to the city and was pretty isolated compared to other buildings we attacked.

It was also unusual. This was the first raid we had done in a while and Irene said something about hurrying up this raid. Also, this day was going by fast.

I was dressed in a pair of tight pants that hugged my legs tightly. I had on a dark shirt as well as a jacket and my signature cloak.  

"As far as we know, there is not that much security in this building." Irene whispered to me. "This raid should be easier than some of the other ones we have done."

"Me and Irene will take out the perimeter guards. Yeri and Wendy will get you inside and act as a distraction. Joy and Y/n. You two will inside take the files and leave." Seulgi said before handing us an USB.

"This will allow you two to bypass their security software and download the files without anyone finding out what we downloaded." Seulgi said. "Keep it safe."

We nodded.

"So Y/n. Looks like I'm paired with you." Joy said before checking me out.

I rolled my eyes.

"Come on Joy. Let's get this done quickly." I said.

"Alright. Seulgi. Take the left. I'll go right." Irene said cracking her knuckles.

She raised her hand and a tub of water nearby flowed out and over her hand.

She then ran forward before creating a slide of ice.

Seulgi just simply jumped down and did a superhero landing.

"Alright. Wait for the signal." Wendy said and we all crouched down.

After a while, we heard gunshots and a loud roar.

Wendy's ears moved, listening for a sound we couldn't hear.

"Now!!" She said and we all rose into the air and leaped forward.

I shouted, "Faith!!" 

Instantly, a winged giant made of glowing pink energy appeared before grabbing my waist and flying towards the building.

Yeri just grabbed Wendy and Joy and flew.

I heard large cracking sounds and saw the tip of a large ice spike appear over the side of one of the building's fences.

We flew directly on top of the building.

Yeri quickly walked over to a doorway before yanking the steel door away from its hinges.

"Come on gays." She said gesturing to us.

We quietly walked in.

We descended into a hallway with alarms blaring.

"Get ready gays." Yeri said and a small spark appeared on her fingertips. 

"Thought we would have more time." Wendy said cocking her head to the side.

We all soon heard a clanging sound.

We turned towards it and saw a large spider-like robot appear with a long neck where's it face would be and a large eye-like object at the end of it.

Its eye was now looking at us.

It stopped briefly while studying us.

Suddenly, Joy stepped forward and got out two lighters.

She aimed them forward and two huge streams of fire hit the spider bot.

It tried to dodge at the last second but it was too late as the fire slammed into the spider bot and engulfed it until it stopped moving.

Joy stopped firing the flames and we saw the melting robot.

"Let's go before more of those thing show up." Wendy said and we walked forward until we arrived at the stairs.

We moved down the stairs checking to see if any other threats were hiding.

After a while, we arrived at the floor we were searching for.

As soon as I put my hand on the door to open the door to that floor, Wendy suddenly grabbed my hand and jerked me backwards. 

"There's a lot of them right outside the door." She said. 

"Then let's go in kicking." Joy said and three huge streams of fire erupted from her lighters and her hair and aimed at the door. 

Yeri's eyes glowed brightly and electricity crackled along her body.

I yelled, "Wrath."

Instantly a huge glowing giant with no legs and a wolf's head appeared behind me holding a huge axe.

A axe glowing with red energy appeared in my hands.

Wendy opened her mouth.

Joy shot her three streams of fire through the door and it appeared as a wave washing over the robots there.

Yeri flew out into the middle of the room where a crab-like robots snapped at her.

She kicked one and its face caved in.

She then emitted her EMP blast which blew most of the robots backwards and disabled them.

The remaining ones charged at her but she blasted them with her electricity.

Wendy walked out and screamed as a beam of sound waves hit the nearest robot and it shuddered before it shattered into pieces.

Joy's flame finished off the rest.

"Well that was easy." I said looking around as Wrath looked around with a pout at not being able to smash enemies.

"Yeah. Too easy. Hurry up and get the files." Wendy said glancing around. "Yeri and I will keep watch out here."

We walked over to a door and Joy simply melted it.

We walked inside a room and spotted a huge computer.

"There it is." I said and nodded at Joy.

I got out the USB and plugged it in and let it run its program.

I turned around and spotted Wrath sniffing a trash can.

"Wrath! What are you doing?" I said and gestured for her to come over to us.

Wrath floated over to us and we waited until we heard a small ding as the screen read, DOWNLOAD COMPLETE.

I pulled out the USB and we turned around to leave and spotted Wrath sniffing the trash can again. 

I sighed.


LOL.  I was originally planning to open this story with Y/n in a ruined building where Twice was attacking. But I decided to go with what I have now. Sorry that this story isn't as good as it should be.

See you next chapter!!!!!

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