Chapter 13

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....can be red.....



We were walking along one of the tunnels when we heard screeching, this time closer. Much closer.

We all froze, and stared at Wendy who was listening carefully before emitting some unheard noises from her mouth.

"They're close. Almost onto us but I managed to throw them off." Wendy said after a while. "They won't be back for a while but I've only bought us some time. Don't worry. They won't be here for at least 9 more hours."

Irene nodded and told everyone to go forward.

"Hey......I still don't know what's down here exactly." I said to Yeri.

"Hmmm? Well, they're some....creatures down here." Yeri said looking a bit shaken as she thought about it.

"Those things that are chasing us shouldn't be much of a threat if they aren't too many of them." Seulgi said next to me. "They're kind of like bats. But not." 

"What do you mean?" I asked and frowned.

"Think humanoid bats that are more on the bat side." Seulgi said.

I frowned and scrunched up my face trying to imagine.

"What are you doing?" Irene asked me.

"What do you mean?" I asked still trying to imagine the creatures.

"I mean why are scrunching up your face and looking cute?" Irene said before she covered her mouth with a shocked expression.

I smiled.

"You think I look cute?" I said making a cute expression.

Irene just blushed and was about to leave when Wendy wrapped her arms around Irene's waist.

"What about me? Do I look cute?" She said and leaned close to Irene's face.

She blushed harder and stammered, "Y-Yes!"

"What about me?" I said clinging onto her arm and pouting. "Am I not cute?"

Irene went into blush overdrive and somehow managed to say, "Y-You're cute."

"Hey what about us?" Yeri, Seulgi, and Joy said and walked up to us.

"W-What?" She said with a panicked expression. "D-Don't we h-have c-creatures chasing after us?"

"So what? We can take them. Just give us an answer!" Joy said.

"Yeah. Don't worry about them." Yeri said.

Seulgi just made a cute pose and attempted an almost successful wink.

"'re all cute!" Irene stammered before hiding her blushing face in my hair.

Everyone smirked at each other.

"Nice to see that you finally admit it." Seulgi said and pecked Irene on the cheek. "Let's go. Those creatures are still coming."

"Yeah. Let's go." Joy said and pecked Irene on the forehead.

Yeri and Wendy pecked Irene on her nose and lips. 

I turned towards Irene and saw that she was a blushing mess and breathing heavily while her eyes shifted nervously.

"Let's go." I said brightly before taking her hand and dragging her forward.

After a while, Irene had calmed down but she was still blushing slightly and had this small smile on her face when she thought no one was looking. (Everyone was).

"Which way?" I asked.

"Not sure. Seulgi?" Yeri said.

"Hmmm.......I think the exit may be over in that direction so this tunnel." She said. 

Wendy suddenly froze.

"Hmmm.....what is it?" Joy said looking around sharply.

Wendy suddenly kicked the wall.

Her foot landed on something that let out a shriek and a large reptilian creature rose up with its hood flaring at us like a king cobra.

It looked vaguely humanoid, standing on two back legs and had two upper legs as arms, but it was hunched over and had an elongated neck from which its hood extended. Its long tail lashed out from behind it and it hissed at us.

"That's one of the creatures down here." Irene said to me recovering from her earlier flustered state.

I glanced at her then back to the creature.

"It doesn't seem friendly." I said as the creature snarled.

"Nope. If Wendy hadn't caught it it would have attacked us from behind." She said.

"Oh. I guess Wendy saved us. I should give you a kiss for bringing her onto our team." I said and puckered my lips.

"Not the time Y/n!!" She exclaimed before dragging me out of the way as the creature shot a stream of venom at me.

Joy leaped forward and punched it in the stomach, pushing it back into the wall forcefully.

It shrieked and fell onto the ground before whipping its long tail at Joy who grabbed it.

Seulgi let out a roar and brought her foot down on its neck.

We heard a large cracking sound and we saw the scales shatter.

It shrieked and lunged at Seulgi who punched it back into the wall and then Joy used its tail to smash it into another wall.

Irene raised her hand and an ice spike impaled the creature by the neck onto the wall.

It struggled for a few seconds before it went limp and died.

"Well......that was something." I said glancing down at the creature. "You guys took care of that so easily."

"Got to get rid of them fast." Seulgi said shrugging. 

"How many of them are there?" I asked.

"I don't know. Don't look at me. I've only been down here one time." Yeri said shrugging.

"Unknown number." Irene answered. "Let's go."

I clung onto her arm and Joy clung onto her other arm.

"Alright then. We've got to get out of here before those things catch us." I said and me and Joy dragged a flustered Irene forward.

"Hey." Wendy whispered to Seulgi. "Got any more of Y/n's nude photos?"

"I always have more." Yeri whispered coming up.


Yep. Included an Irene harem scene. Even though Y/n will probably leave it soon.

I hope you liked this chapter.

See you next chapter!!!!!

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