Chapter 10

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Death is only...

....something I can tear from you....

...when you want it the most....


Tzuyu POV

I walked inside our quarters with Momo, Chaeyoung, and Dahyun.

"Where's Jihyo!" I called.

"Right here." Jihyo said walking down the stairs. "I take it the mission was a success."

"Yes. We fought the team and we found that they were a lot weaker than we thought. Though they were resourceful as they managed to escape. We also destroyed their main HQ with the help of a few bombs." I said.

"And?" Jihyo asked raising her eyebrow.

"Momo implanted the device as you asked. Her spirit that was keeping her rage subdued is being weakened as we speak. It won't be long before the old Y/n comes back." I said.

"She just needs a little push." Jihyo said smiling as she knocked over four pawns on a chessboard on the table next to us.

"Either kill or capture those five who were with her. Make sure she sees it with her own eyes." Jihyo commanded. "With those five gone and Y/n on our side, the Resistance will soon crumble."

I nodded.

"Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and Sana are already tracking them down. When they engage them again, I want all of you ready to come to them and try to capture those five but leave Y/n." Jihyo said.

"Why are you so obsessed with her? From what I can tell, she doesn't hate us that much even with her spirit gone." I said.

"Most of her rage is locked up by herself. She needs to bring it out with a little push from us." Jihyo explained. "As for my obsession.....I needed a new toy and she fit the bill. I'll share her with all of you too if you want. We'll dispose of her when the time comes."

I nodded again before walking to my room.

Time to do a little research myself. I thought.


We were walking through the catacomb's passageway after we woke up from our sleep earlier.

From what I could tell, most of our forces were just crushed in that attack. We're among what's left of the Resistance. 

"What are you looking at?" I asked Seulgi as she looked through some pictures on her camera with a bright-red face.

"N-Nothing. Just some personal pictures." Seulgi said nervously.

"Okay." I said glancing at her suspiciously. 

I sighed.

"What are we going to do now?" I asked Irene. "The HQ is destroyed, the leadership council is scattered, and we have no contact with other Resistance cells."

"We're going to keep going." Irene answered looked at me. "And continue to hope that everything will turn out good."

I nodded.

"Hey. Cheer up Y/n. At least you're stuck with me. Imagine how hot the sex wil-" Joy said slinging an arm over my shoulder before I smacked her head.

"Owwie!" She whined.

"I know for a fact that didn't hurt." I said rolling my eyes. "And don't touch me. I don't know what you'll do to me." 

"Well. What do you think I'll do to you? Maybe you're thinking inappropriate things because you want me to do them?" Joy said smirking at me.

"What the-! You're being delusional again!!" I exclaimed.

Yeri POV

While Joy was distracting Y/n with their usual bickering, I walked up to Irene and Seulgi who were looking at Y/n's nude photos and discussing what to do from now on.

"I know they're good but I have important stuff to talk to you two about." I said as I glanced over at Wendy who held up a thumbs-up.

"What is it?" Irene asked quickly hiding the camera.

"Hope. You know the spirit only me or Joy can see? She's cracked." I said and pointed at Y/n where a serpent had wrapped around her and holding a red orb in its mouth and had cracks all over its body with the red orb beginning to leak red gas onto Y/n.

"I think that Twice did something to her." I said.

"How would they damage something they can't even see nor know exists?" Seulgi asked.

"Somehow, they figured it out. I'm worried for Y/n if Hope is destroyed. Then, there's nothing to stop the old her from appearing and she'll start blindly charging at a Twice member if one appears. I think if we are attacked again, Hope will be destroyed." I said.

We looked at each with concerned expressions before looking at Y/n who was arguing with Joy whether she will sleep with her or not.

"Then just make sure that no Twice members appear." Irene said and we all nodded.

Sana POV

I was walking along with Nayeon and Jeongyeon.

"Commander Namjoon. What's taking so long?" Nayeon asked the commander of the forces here.

"I'm sorry ma'am. But the catacombs seems to be bigger than we thought so the sonar is taking longer to construct a complete map. The sonar equipment also seems to be encountering interference from something within the tunnels." He said.

"Must be Wendy." Jeongyeon said. "She can hear the sonar and confuse it. Commander. Have you at least identified entry and exit points?" 

"Some of them. Yes. Luckily, we plotted the most likely exit points and have identified them for you." Namjoon said holding up a tablet.

 "Perfect." We said.


Well well well. This update is horrible right?

Don't worry. Next chapter will hopefully reveal some things and will finally be a start of veering this story away from the light cheeriness it had. 

Of course until Y/n gets captured by Twice but that's a whole later part.

Hope you liked this chapter!!

See you next chapter!!!!!

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