It has been a couple of days since Jaden has talked to Riley and Bella.
Today I was going over to the hpye house becuase Ryland wanted us to post a tiktok once I got to the hpye house I didn't talk to anyone and just went to Rylands room.
Ryland bold
hi ready to make the tiktok
we made the tiktok
hey um I was wonder if you would mabye want to break up like now uh
omg yes I will make a tweet you tweet to bye
I walked out of the room as fast as I can and drove back home and thought mabye I shoulkd call Jaden and talk to him.
I was hanging out at sway in my room when I saw I was getting a phone call from Bella.
um me and Ryland broke up and I wanted to say that I am sorry can we just be friends
oh um ok it's fine we could be friend I have to go Bryce is calling me I will ttyl?
yeah bye Jaden
I heard Byrce yelling my name from downstairs so I went downstairs and saw him standing there
hey Jaden you that Bella and Ryland broke up mabye you should ask her out
They just broke up
ugh forget it bryce
I went upstairs and just thought about what Bryca said mabye I should she if Bella wants to hangout tommorw I should try to get close to her agian I really do miss her.
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