Chapter 7

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This continued on. Sarah even got you a hiddles mood shirt she found on etsy.

"I thought you might like it."

She was right. You loved it! It started becoming one of your favorite things to wear.

Finally, one day she convinced you to go with her to grab ice cream from the corner store. It felt good to get out, get fresh air, not that you would admit it.

"Please come back...." You heard faintly. You looked around but couldn't see anyone. You figured there was someone maybe on their phone a few aisles away and went to go find your friend.

"I love you so much." Hearing the same voice again, you looked around. You swear it sounded like the same man you heard at home, but it couldn't be. Maybe it was? Maybe it was a new neighbor? That's it. That's what it had to be.

"Did you find everything?" The cashier asked you both.

"Pretty much. It's so quiet in here. Where is everyone?"

"It happens sometimes, but today has been weirdly quiet. You two are the only ones to come in here for the past hour. "

You listened to the exchange between your bestie and the cashier. That couldn't be. You heard someone just a few minutes ago.

You two gather your bags and head back to the apartment.

With new ice cream and other goodies, you armed yourself with what you were willing to slowly snack on (that would get bestie off your back) and went back to your usually scheduled program.

When waking up the next day, you heard soft singing.

All I want is nothing more

To hear you knocking at my door'

Cause if I could see your face once more

I could die a happy man I'm sure

You slowly opened your eyes, but the singing faded away. It was the same voice. Figuring out to be a dream, you dismissed it and went about your day.

Your bestie had been doing some thinking and thought she would try to get you out of the apartment more often like yesterday.

"How about we run to the coffee shop? We can get your favorite drink, a pastry, and then come back? "

You thought for a moment and then nodded in agreement. It was nice getting out, and the fresh air did feel nice.

You both got ready and headed to the nearby coffee shop. There was a short line which you didn't mind. When it was time to order, she ordered for both of you.

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?

Thou art more lovely and more temperate.

You looked around for the person quoting Shakespeare but couldn't find anyone who seemed to match the voice. It was, again, the same voice that seemed to be following you.

As quick as it came, it left again.

You already thought you were going crazy before. A mysterious male voice seemed to fit right it. You laughed internally at the step up in your situation.

When your order was ready, you both headed back.

When leaving, you spotted a bookstore you had forgotten about. You grabbed your friend's hand and pulled her to it. She didn't even attempt to struggle, excited that you wanted to stop somewhere else.

Going inside, the smell of the books was so nice. You spotted Ballard's book High Rise and decided to get it. She was happy to see you get something different to read, forgetting there was a movie version of the book with your favorite actor.

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