Hailey was on the sofa with a book in her hand that Hermione had bought her for her fourteenth birthday, it was also one of her favourite books. One of her legs was dangling which Hermione used to lean against while reading her book. These were the moments they both cherished the most. Meaningful silence.
"Please don't tell me David dies." Hermione gasped looking up at the girl.
"No spoilers. You'll have to read and find out."
Just beside those two were the boys and Ginny obsessing over the Quidditch match they had just watched. "There's no one like Krum!" Ron exclaimed as Hailey looked up from her book. "It's like a bird the way he rides the wind. He's more than an athlete. He's an artist."
"I think you're in love Ron." Ginny teased as her twin brothers circled him pretending to be a bird flying. "Viktor I love you. Viktor I do."
"When we're apart my heart beats only for you." Harry joined in making Hailey chuckle lightly before going back to her book. It was an intense moment. The protagonist had just confessed her feelings to the boy she liked. She trying to skip through the pages to quickly get to the good parts when-
"We have to get out. Now!" Mr Weasley exclaimed running inside the tent. His face looked pale as sweat dripped from his forehead. Damn. Couldn't he have waited five more minutes? They wasted no time and hurried out of the tent only to be greeted by people running everywhere. "Fred, George, Ginny is your responsibility!"
"What's happening?" Hailey asked who still had the book clutched to her hand.
"Death eaters," Ron said, more to himself but she heard him right. He immediately took Hailey's free hand. "Don't let go." The area was crowded with terrified witches and wizards. Men, women and children all were running for their lives when the people with black masks came in with someone levitating in the sky.
Hailey knew better than to look at him.
Ron held her hand tightly as he followed Fred and George. She had to thank him later because if it wasn't for him, she wouldn't have made it to the woods without getting squished by the people.
"Wait a second." Hailey stopped abruptly making Ron trip. "Where's Harry?"
Was this even a question? Of course, the boy had gotten lost. Even though Harry was the older brother. He was the one who got lost, who had no sense of time and the clumsy one.
The woods were less crowded but the dark made it look a lot scarier than it already was. Not to forget the bats that were flying everywhere. Ron gulped before looking at Hermione. "Let's go back."
"Hey! What about me?" Hailey asked.
"I can't take you."
"What? Why?"
"Because if I take you there and anything happens to you, Harry will kill everyone. Especially me." He said as the girl raised her brow resisting her urge to punch him. Ron had a bad habit. That was he always thought Hailey, Hermione and Ginny were weaker than him. Who does he think he is?
"I'm coming. Whether you like it or not because that is, my brother." She said with a tight smile making the boy groan in annoyance.
"Why are you Potters so stubborn?" He said. Damn right he was "Come. If you die, I can't save you."
"I think I can save myself, thanks," Hailey said sweetly as the trio quietly left to find Harry. Though they couldn't use magic outside Hogwarts, they still had their wands out. By then the entire place was empty. Only the ash smoke from the fire which made it harder for them to see.
Hailey's heart picked up pace when they couldn't find Harry anywhere. The boy was known for getting into trouble. And most of the time he makes his way out of it. But that didn't make her feel any better.
"Is that..." Hermione started as she pointed up at the sky. There was a large smokey skull with a snake coming out of it.
"You-know-who's sign," Ron said. Hailey looked below and saw a male figure lying on the ground. It took her no time to recognise who it was.
"Harry!" She exclaimed running up to him. She dropped to her knees and wrapped her arms around him. "Are you alright?" She asked holding his face in her hands to check properly.
"I-I'm alright." He said kissing the side of her head. He looked up at the dark mark and clutched his scar. He looked around and saw wands pinged at them. "Duck!" He yelled pulling the three of them to the ground with him.
"Stupefy!" And the red light was thrown towards them from all directions.
"That's my son!" Mr Weasley exclaimed as he pushed aside aurors to get to his son. "Ron, Harry, Hermione, Hailey are you alright?!"
"Which one of you conquered it?" Barty Crouch asked pointing the wand at the four. "You've been found at the crime scene."
"Barty, they're just kids." Mr Weasley whispered in disbelief.
"Crime? What crime?" Harry asked as Hermione leaned towards him and whispered what it was. There were aurors scattered all over the place as they tried to find any clue for what had happened.
"There was a man," Harry said to Barty Crouch. But he gave no response as he left with one last cold stare.
"Are you alright?" Ron asked Hailey who gave him a mere nod. She turned toward her brother who was still shocked by what happened.
"Harry?" She asked grabbing his attention. "Any idea who it was?"
"No idea..."
"We should get changed guys. We'll reach Hogwarts soon."
Hogwarts was the only place that Hailey could call home. It was a place where she felt like she belonged. Yes, people loved talking behind her back for being a Potter. But she loved the place nevertheless.
The students were all seated in the great hall enjoying their meal. Ron and Harry sat on both sides of Hailey while Hermione sat in front of them beside Ginny. Ron had been acting a bit strange. He was being very aggressive when Hailey said anything to him, or just breathed in general.
He was getting on her nerves.
Her last straw was when they were talking about the new terms' plans. Hailey mentioned something about Hogsmead like a normal person would and the boy rolled his eyes making her clench her jaws.
"You got a problem there Ronald?"
"Then stop acting like an arse." She rolled her eyes turning toward Harry. "I don't want to sit beside him. Harry switch with me."
"What? Now?"
"Yes now."
"Shut up Harry."
"Oh my god look candles." The boy said looking up. He didn't want to get in the middle of these two. There were times when Hailey and Ron were obsessed with each other. They'd be holding hands roaming around the castle giggling. But there were times when they hated each other more than anything. It confused Harry a lot.
"Stop being childish."
"But I'm the younger sibling after all."
"Not that you all are settled and sorted. I'd like to make an announcement." Professor Dumbledore said as if on cue. "This castle is not going to be your home only this year. It will be the home to some-'
Dumbledore was soon enough interrupted when Filch came running into the room. All heads turned towards him as he went to Dumbledore and whispered something to him, which no one understood.
Hailey huffed before resting her head on her hand. She wasn't paying much attention to what Dumbledore was saying, all she wanted to do was sleep. But she did notice when he said something about welcoming the lovely ladies from Beauxbaton.
She watched as a small number of girls came in. They all looked like models and wore pale blue robes made out of fine silk. All students were gawking over them making Ginny scoff.
"Bloody hell," Ron said looking behind them. It was obvious where his eyes were. The girls were followed by their headmistress.
"Blimey. That's one big woman." Seamus said as Hailey made a disgusted face. But she was more disgusted when she saw her brother almost standing on the bench while clapping. Overexcited, hormonal teenage boys and girls. She looked in front of her and saw she wasn't the only one with that look. Ginny, Hermione, and Angelina all had the same look.
Then came in the students of Durmstrangs, their blood red robes and woolly capes made them look intimidating. They did some sort of martial arts which were pretty cool in Hailey's opinion.
"Blimey! It's him! Viktor Krum!" Ron exclaimed as the whole place started whispering.
"What's so special about him? I get that he's a good seeker. But why does everyone idolize him so much?" Hermione asked.
"Dunno," Hailey said with a shrug. "Ask him." She said pointing at Ron. "I bet he will kiss the road Krum walks on. We'll have to ask Filch to not mop this floor today. That would make little Ronald so upset."
"Oh just shut up." Said Ron turning around fully to face her.
"Make me."
Ron glared at her. His jaws clenched as she gave him a sweet smile making him even more frustrated.
"Merlin... I can feel the sexual tension from here." Fred said losing the tie around his neck making everyone laugh.
"Shut up Fred!" Both Ron and Hailey exclaimed making the boy raised his hands in surrender.
"You're annoying."
"Not more than you." Hailey rolled her eyes putting her head on the table. "I don't even want to see your face."
"Neither do I."
Everyone knew that was a big fat lie.
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