The third task rolled around faster than anything.
Something was bothering Hailey. Something felt off. She didn't know why... So she was on her way to Dumbledor's office. She had a feeling something was about to go wrong.
"Ms Potter." Professor Moody said as she turned around. "You should be in your dorm at this time. It's past your curfew."
"I need to talk to Professor Dumbledore." She replied.
"I don't think that would be necessary."
"But- What is that supposed to mean?" She asked raising a brow, slowly reaching for the wand in her pocket. Not that she didn't trust Professor Moody... Actually, she doesn't trust him at all. Like, look at that man!
"Stupefy." Was the last thing she remembered before passing out.
Hailey felt like her head was about to explode.
"Potter. Potter. Hailey Potter!" She opened her eyes to see she was in a dark room with- professor Moody?
"What the hell was that all about?! And- wait. Where the hell is your eye?! Oh my god, I'm going to die!" Hailey yelled getting away as far as he could from Moody.
"Sirius wasn't lying when he said you were loud." He muttered.
"Loud?! You literally stupefied me for no reason and you expect me to be calm?! Oh my god- And, did Sirius say that?" She asked with narrowed eyes. Her hands and legs were tied with a rope... And she didn't have her wand!
"Okay listen She-Potter, I'm not the one who put you here. That guy who has been teaching you, he's Barty Crouch Jr," Moody said making her more confused.
"Then who the hell are you?" She asked. "The actual Moody?"
"God... No wonder why you're not a Ravenclaw." He muttered.
"Hey! I'm right here." She said rolling her eyes. She sat up straight and looked around. And the only thing she saw was darkness. "How long was I passed out?"
"I think it's been almost fifteen hours."
"That means the-"
"Tournament has started and your brother is in danger." He completed the sentence for her.
"How are you so calm about this situation?! I'm freaking out. And I'm getting out of here." She said trying to free her hands.
"Well Potter, I've been here for months. I couldn't do anything. But I'd love to see you try." He said making her groan in annoyance. Isn't he one of the best Auror? Shouldn't he be like a genius or something?
Hailey sighed before resting her head against the wall. She knew something bad was going to happen. And she couldn't do anything all thanks to that fake Alastor Moody. Her brother's life was on the stake and here she was, in a dark room. Hands tied. No wands. She was supposed to look out for him. Ron, Hermione and Harry must be looking for her.
A tear rolled down her eyes thinking about all the things that could be bad. She was so defenceless.
"Are you- Are you crying?"
"No, my eyes are just sweating." She said sarcastically. She tried her best not to cry, but she failed miserably.
"Look, I'm not very good in this sort of situation. But your brother is really strong. He'll be okay." Moody said trying to assure her but she wasn't having any of it. She couldn't be assured he was okay until she saw him.
Hours went by as the two of them sat in silence.
Both of their heads perked up as they heard a cracking sound.
"Hello! Harry! Professor Dumbledore! Professor McGonagall! Anyone!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. "HARRY! RON! HERMIONE! FOR GOD'S SAKE!"
"If you don't stop shouting, my ears are gonna start bleeding," Moody said as she sighed. But just then they could hear some sort of noise. Almost like the box-type thing was being opened.
"See." She said to him.
"Alastor," Dumbledore said peaking his head down. "Ms Potter."
Harry's head whipped to his side upon hearing his sister's name. He, Ron and Hermione had been looking for her since last night. None had gotten a proper good night's sleep. "Hailey?" He rushed beside Dumbledore to look down. "Hailey."
"Harry." She sighed in relief. He wrapped her in the tightest hug as soon as she was out of the box. Ron and Hermione too had arrived there. Both of them let the siblings have their moment.
"I-I couldn't do anything." The boy sobbed his head buried in her shoulder, "Cedric's dead Hailey. And-and I couldn't do anything. Nothing." Hailey's mind went blank. Cedric-Was-dead? How? Weren't they just talking last day? "Voldemort is back. There were death eaters. Lucius, and so many. It was dark and I couldn't do anything. Its all-"
"It's not your fault Harry." She said hugging him closer. "You did your best. I know it."
"Potter." Professor McGonagall murmured keeping a hand on his shoulder. "Professor Dumbledore wants to have a word with you."
"Hey," Ron said as Hailey hugged him. No words were spoken between the two. The silence was enough for them.
And at that moment, Hailey realized. Ron meant a lot her. A lot more than she initially believed.
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