e i g h t e e n

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Chapter: Eighteen


"Couldn't you just stay quiet?!" Harry whisper shouted as the two of them made their way to Umbridge's office for their detention.

"Couldn't you stay quiet?" Hailey whispered back as he sighed. The twins didn't have a proper conversation that day. Harry was mad at Umbridge for not believing him and mad at Hailey for getting into detention.

"I couldn't."

"Neither could I." She said. "Harry I trust you more than anyone in this entire world. I saw Cedric. I know the truth. And I couldn't stay quiet knowing that."

No more words were exchanged between the siblings as Harry knew it would be pointless to be fighting over something like this. They came to a halt in front of the office.

Hailey took a deep breath and knocked on the door. They heard the cheerful voice of their professor telling them to come inside. Her room was top to bottom pink with cat pictures hanging on the walls.

"Mr and Ms Potter. Please take a seat." She said gesturing for them to sit down. "Would you like some tea?"

"No thanks." Both of them said simultaneously sharing a look. Who knew she wouldn't mix poison with their tea?

"Okay," Umbridge said. "I want you to write a line for me." They were about to reach for their bag to take the quill but were stopped. "You won't be needing your quills. You'll be using a special one." She said handing them two quills.

"And what do you want us to write?" Harry asked as their professor stood up.

"Mr Potter will be writing, I must not tell lie. And as for Ms Potter, it is I shall not disrespect my professors." She said before giggling.

"How many times?" Hailey asked leaning back.

"As long as it takes to sink in." She replied.

"But you didn't give us any ink."

"You won't need that."

Hailey looked over at her brother with a confused look. Write without ink? She took the quill and started writing it down on the paper when suddenly she felt the back of her left-hand burning. She looked down to see the words being carved into her hand.

I must not disrespect my professors.

She looked at Harry's hand to see the same. His hands were curled into a ball, trying to hold the pain. He looked raged.

"Yes?" Umbridge asked innocently as she bent down to look him in the eyes.

"Nothing," Harry replied. She then looked over at Hailey.

"Ms Potter?"

"I'm perfectly fine." She replied through gritted teeth faking a smile.

If looks could kill, Umbridge would be dead right now because of the glare Harry was giving her. Not only did she deny the existence of Voldemort, but she was also now hurting them. She was hurting his sister.

Seeing Hailey in pain was the worse thing for him.

The rest of the detention went by slowly. As if time was moving slower than a snail. By the end of the detention, Hailey had written about fifty lines whereas Harry did about thirty. She didn't want Umbridge to feel like she had the upper hand on her.

"It was nice spending some time with you two," Umbridge said as they stood up from their chairs. Hailey's hand was dripping in blood.

"Yeah. It was indeed." She replied with the same innocence their professor spoke in. They went back to their common room in silence. Harry was drowning in guilt.

"I'm sorry," Harry muttered.

"It's not your fault." She replied looking at her hand. "I'm going to the kitchen. You can go back to your dorm." He hesitated for a moment before nodding.



They separated paths. Hailey needed some fresh air. She actually was planning on going to the astronomy tower, but Harry didn't need to know that. But before she could get anywhere near the tower she was stopped-

"Hailey?" Ron asked with a frown walking over to her. "What are you doing here?" He was still in his robes as he walked over to her.

"Walking..." She said more like asked. She was about to ask what he was doing but remembered he was patrolling. Ron crossed his arms over his chest not buying any of it. "I was planning on going to the astronomy tower-"

"Are you crazy?!" He exclaimed. "It's way past curfew. Anything could happen. Thank god I found you and not any of those Slytherin prefects." He grabbed her hand and started dragging her back to their dorm. "Whose gonna say you're a fifteen-year-old... It's risky."

"I get it. I get it." She muttered angrily. She already was in a bad mood and didn't need Ron to lecture her. Noticing her demeanour off, the boy narrowed his eyes.

"How was detention with Umbridge?" Hailey unconscious pulled away her hand from his making it even more suspicious. Ron's eyes fell on the back of her hands and noticed the blood. "Hails, what happened to your hand?"


"Let me see."

"It's nothing-"

"Hailey Potter." He stopped on his track making her stop as well.

"Fine. Umbridge made us write with this quill that somehow wrote with our blood instead of ink... Did that even make sense?"

"Is that even legal?" He asked slowly taking her small hands in his. The blood was now dried making the words unclear to understand. "I'm so sorry."

"You too?" She laughed. "Harry said the same. It's not even your fault." Ron didn't say anything. Just stared at her. "I know I'm pretty and all but it's rude to stare."

"Can I... Uh..."

"Can you what?"

"CanIkissyou?" He asked. Even though he talked pretty quickly, Hailey did understand what he said. But she was too surprised to even respond... That was so straight to the point... And where did this even come from? "Oh my god just forget I even said anything. Let me just drop you off a-"

Hailey didn't know what it was, but she got on her tiptoes and pressed her lips to his and pulled away even before he could realize what was going on.

"I uh... I'll go the rest of the path alone." She quickly said running away. Thank god they were close to the common room. She was too embarrassed to even face him ever again.

Ron on the other hand was still standing in the same place. Too stunt to even move. His face hot as he thought about what had just happened. He couldn't help but giggle like a small school girl covering his face.

This girl.

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