Karkat woke up in the comfort of Gamzee's arms. He lightly kissed his cheek before getting up out of bed with an immense pain in his legs from having two men in one night ravish him red. Karkat walked into the bathroom turning on the shower head to take a quick rinse. When he got out of the shower Vriska had somehow managed to weasel her way into Karkat's house/hive. Karkat jumped at the sudden surprise visit then his expression softened when he saw that it was only Vriska.
Karkat sighed, "Hello Vriska,".
Vriska smiled back, "Hey Vantas," she replied, "I have some Vantastic news,".
"I'm just going to ignore that terrible pun that you just made and listen to you anyways," Karkat said.
"Come on Vantass don't short serket," Vriska lightly chuckled underneath her breath.
"Vriska please you're scaring me," Karkat said.
"Alright alright I'm done," Vriska said.
"So why are you here?" Karkat asked.
"Go wake up Gamzee I have some egg-cellent news!" Vriska said.
"Vriska," Karkat scolded.
"I purromise that's the last one," Vriska lied.
Karkat went back to the bedroom shutting the door behind him. Before he woke up Gamzee he put on his usual attire grey sweatpants and his black sweater with a faded cancer symbol on it. He woke up Gamzee and told him what was going on. Gamzee understood and followed Karkat back into the living room.
"Gr8 were all here," Vriska declared.
"Yeah several bad puns later now what do you want?" Karkat asked.
"Is that any way to talk to your new boss Karkat?" Vriska asked, "honestly I'm surprised you mustered up enough courage to actually tell Dave a pretty believable lie. Now I suppose you're lying to him about the love affair that's going on between the two of you?".
They both gave her a surprised look at how quickly she was able to find out about them so quickly.
"It was quite obvious I left the two of alone in this perfect hideaway it was only natural I expect you two to fall for each other," Vriska said. "Well anyways what I came here to tell you guys was that I got us an audience with the mayor himself he wants to see if Gamzee's really been rehabilitated in the short time that he's been here with you," Vriska said.
"That's great when is this meeting taking place?" Karkat asked.
"In a month I'll leave you two alone to sort things out okay,".
And with that Vriska left the couple alone to plan out what they were going to do next and what they were going to do in the meantime.
A/N: Hey I know its been like forever since I last updated this book but I 've had a lack of motivation you know and the last part of this chapter got lost somewhere and I didn't know where it was. So I hoped you enjoyed this chapter might not be another one for a while but we'll see till then I'll see ya later, sincerely Author-chan
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