Fillers ahoy!

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Gamzee woke up and the first thing he realized was Karkat was not here he looked in his room and he wasn't there, and to top it all off Dave was at the door demanding to talk to Karkat. Last thing Gamzee remembered hearing was Dave threatening to open the door with the spare key Karkat gave him. 

'How did this motherfucker manage to seduce a spare key off my best bro,'  was the first thought rushing through Gamzee's head. 

This was bad if Dave opened that door Gamzee was going to be screwed out of life and living with Karkat, Vriska would probably lose her job, and Karkat's subtlety perfect life would be chaos. No matter what Gamzee could not let Dave open that door. He pushed himself against the door so that even if Dave unlocked the door he couldn't open it. But due to Gamzee being underweight he wouldn't have that much  of a hard time being able to push through the door and discovering their little love nest inside. Oh what was Gamzee going to do.

Then when he was about to give up and open the door anyways he started to hear voices coming from the other side of the door. It was Karkat he was back from running errands and was about to tell Dave to leave.

"Hey Dave," the conversation started.

"Hey Karkat," Dave replied.

"What're you doing here?" Karkat asked.

"What's in the bag?" Dave asked pointing to the bag in Karkat's hand.

"It's a surprise," Karkat said.

"For who?" Dave asked.

"Are you jealous?" Karkat asked sounding surprised.

"Maybe I am depends on who this 'surprise' is for," Dave smirked.

"It for my cat," Karkat lied.

"You have a cat?" Dave asked suspiciously.

"Yeah his name is Gamzee," Karkat smiled at his own little devious lie.

"You named your cat after one of your dead friends freaky," Dave said.

"Yeah well if you have as many dead friends as I do you'd find it hard not to name a pet after one of them," Karkat said.

"Touché I'll just leave you to your cat then," Dave said leaning in for a kiss. Softly placing his lips on top of Karkat's licking them asking for permission to dominate him but Karkat pulled away. It didn't feel right for Dave to suddenly kiss him like that and Dave sure as hell knew it.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to-,"

Karkat stopped him in the middle of his apology touching his lips in disbelief, "It's fine just caught me by surprise that's all,".

"Okay I'll see you later Kat," Dave said walking away.

"Bye boo," Karkat said walking back inside.

Gamzee sat on the couch and pretended like he wasn't  eavesdropping  on their private conversation. 

"And you" Karkat said, "don't pretend you weren't eavesdropping on my conversation with Dave,".

Gamzee gulped as Karkat walked into the kitchen putting whatever he got into the refrigerator,. Karkat walked back into the living room sitting on the couch next to Gamzee.

"So am I you're meow-beast now?" Gamzee smirked.

Karkat blushed, "You really were listening in on my conversation weren't you?".

"Yes I'm sorry," Gamzee apologized.

"It's okay I accept your apology unlike Dave," Karkat mumbled. 

"What was that?" Gamzee asked.

"Nothing," Karkat replied, "anyways are you ready for the amazing day were about to have?".

"What?" Gamzee asked.

"Yeah it's going to be loads of fun," Karkat blushed nervously.

"What are we gonna do today?" Gamzee asked.

"Glad you asked. We're going on a hike out in the woods practically in my backyard no one will see you and it's-,".

Gamzee stopped him, "Sounds fun,".

"You think so?" Karkat asked.

"Yeah it would be better than being cooped up inside all day," Gamzee said.

"Great I'll be right back," Karkat said.

"Where you going?" Gamzee asked.

"I'm going to change if we're going out on a hot sunny day I am not going to go out in a sweater and sweatpants," Karkat said.

Gamzee blushed, "O-oh,".

~Gamzee's imagination~

"No peeking naughty boy~,"

-implies fanservice-

Gamzee quickly put those thoughts behind him as Karkat closed his bedroom door behind him.


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