Chapter 36

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You both then came to that scream.

When you looked closely you saw a guy who was hitting people with a bat.

When you looked at the floor you saw many people unconscious and beaten up bloody.

How terrible.....

Wakasa recognized your shocked expression and then touched your shoulder.

With that your attention turned to him.

„This situation happens many time y/n. We can't just stay and look around. This guy is crazy." he explained and then that guy turned his attention to you two.

Suddenly that guy screamed and tried to attack you two with his bat.

You and Wakasa quickly dodged it and then without realizing waka hit him with his leg.

That guy flew for some meters away.

„Damn what a troublesome...." Wakasa muttered out.

„Who are you?" you asked him.

„Me? Don't you remember me?" he asked.

„Uhm nope?" you told him.

„Well you forgot me really quick after himari beat us two up." he mumbled and stood up.

And then realization hit you.

„Hanako?" you said.

„Bingo. Did you really need that much time to recognize me?" he asked.

„so this is all your plan huh." you mumbled out.

„Nah. Of course I had help. He should be here too by the way." he shrugged his shoulder.

You then stood abruptly.

What is his plan?


You quickly turned around and saw Wakasa getting cut on his back.

Behind him was yuji.

„WAKASA!!!" you screamed and tried to run to his direction.

But then hanako hit you in your knee.

„Ah. You piece of shit!" you cursed at him.

„You really think nobody knows? About your relationship with him? How pathetic. Let's show you our revengers. Not with killing you but let you suffer." hanako explained and nodded to Yuji.

When you looked at waka you saw him kneeling on the ground and trying to get his concentration back.

You never saw him that hurt before.

Did he also fell like this everything when I was hurt?

You then understood why wakasa yelled everytime at you when you got injured.

He cares for you really much.

He saves me everytime. So will I just sit on the ground and watch him die or what?

So you put your body together and immediately made your way to wakasa before hanako could hit you again.

Yuji was preparing for his stab but then he saw you.

So he tricked you and instead or hurting wakasa he attacked you.

You were just focused at waka that you didn't see the attack coming to you.

So Yuji stabbed you on your shoulder.

With that you will quickly went a step back and held immediately on your wound.

„AHHH" you screamed out of pain.

You really felt the pain on your shoulder.

„Y/n!" wakasa yelled but you didn't pay attention to it.

„If you try to hurt him. So I will rip you apart!" you told him with a death glare.

Yuji got quite a goosebump but didn't show it.

He just smirked.

„Heh. You really think we could be scared of you? Don't make me laugh. Look at yourself all weak. You're just lucky that himari is your friend." he told you and then turned around to waka.

„Y/n. It's okay. Don't rush it. At least you can survive Damn." Wakasa told you while looking at your form.

Loose wakasa?

After all what happened?

I can't.....

I can't loose him now....

It's too early.

You then started to remember everything what you and Wakasa done together.

How he annoyed you.

How you tried to motivate him to do new things with you.

How you fell asleep at his house.

How he teases you everytime fucking time.

It hurts to think that he would die.

„I can't!" You immediately yelled and run up to Yuji.

Yuji saw it and quickly prepared to stab you.

But you didn't care so you still tried to attack him.

With that yuji stabbed you in your forearm while you put all your strength into one arm and punched him unconscious.

So Yuji of course fell on the ground and didn't move at all.

One is out.

Wakasa quickly rushed to your side.

„Y/n! You're arm and shoulder! Are you crazy? How could you let them do this to you?" he asked you while yelling.

„BECAUSE I FUCKING LOVE YOU WAKASA! I want you in my future. I want to marry you! I want to have kids with you! I want to die with you damn! Don't you see it? I rather die then live without you!" you admitted and then stopped talking because you realized what you said.

So I really said that huh?

Wakasa was quiet for a while because he had to realize what you said.

Hanako got really pissed and then attacked you.

„DIEEE!" he yelled and Aimed for your head with his bat.

You then prepared for the hit but it didn't come one.

Because wakasa kicked him away.

So hanako then laid on the ground unconscious too.

„Thank you." you mumbled out and tried to avoid his look.

„Y/n. Your words.... Thank you for saying it. So let's promise here something." he told you while you turned around to him.

„Yeah? What is it?" you asked.

„Let's marry someday. When we are adults." he said and held his pinky finger.

You needed some time to answer him.

„Okay let's marry then. But until then... we should firstly win this battle and survive I guess." you said and then you two looked at your bruises.

You got two stabs and Wakasa a big cut at his back.

So you took his pinky finger with yours and looked at him.

~to be continued~

Uh how romantic I guess haha. My friends are right now in Berlin and that's annoying because I wanted too. But because of corona our school didn't allow it even when I waited 5 years for it 🥹. Anyways have a nice day and bye bye 👋🥰

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