Advice Chapter 5

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So basically, I am working on a book where the main girl loses her guy best friend. Here's a sneak peak of the scene. (JSYK, Clara is the main girl, Tristan is her boyfriend, Will is her guy best friend, and Marri was Will's girlfriend. Key is Will and Clara's friend, Clara and Marri and Will are all werewolves, and... Yeah.)


I still couldn't change the colour of my hair. It was stuck black. The war had ended a week ago, and I still wouldn't accept it. Will could not be dead. He couldn't be. There was- there was just no way he could be dead.
Will. Will? William. My brother. My protector. My friend. He couldn't be dead. How could he be? He was too strong. Too kind. Too... Will.He dealt with magical creatures for a living. And he died because I didn't save him.
And that's when it sunk in. I was the one who let Will die. I was the one who killed rather than save my brother. I had killed more than one person that night.
I wasn't even halfway ready yet, and I was already flooded in tears.
My dress was black, obviously, it ended right under my knees -the best to spin in-, with layers of black tulle. I had 4 inch black wedges on, which were the easiest to dance in. My eyes were black. My hair was up in a black bun. My earrings were all black pearls, except for one. One was a feather, which Will had given me right after he pierced my ears. Mascara, and that's it. I had attached some strands of tulle onto a few bobby pins, and stuck them into my bun as well.
Knock, knock, knock. I hadn't closed my door all of the way. "Hey," Tristan said sadly, walking up to me. He had been at my home the past week. "You ready to go?"
I shook my head, and looked into my mirror again. "Come on Puff, will you talk to me?"
'I can't.' I signed back half heartedly. Even Tristan wasn't this bad when Cedric died. Then again, that wasn't his fault.
Tristan slid his arm around my waist, and pulled me close to him. He put his chin on the top of my head -I had shrunk just a bit- and hugged me tightly. "It sucks." He whispered. "It sucks, I know it does. But Will wouldn't want you to cry for him. He would want you to stay strong for him." It was pretty much what I had told him after Cedric died. "First Ginny, then Edward, and then Will. All in a row." He whispered. "But none of them would be happy with you crying about them. They all want you to be happy Puff."
I know, but how can I be? They're gone. And it's my fault, I thought bitterly. "We've got to go," He insisted. I nodded, sniffed, swallowed, and took Tristan's hand. He turned, and we appeared in Iceland.
Iceland was Will's favourite place. He enjoyed the black sand beaches, the trees, and the smell of the water. Being here reminded me of all of the times we came here together.
Too many times.

Too many happy memories.

Now there's never going to be a chance to make more.

And it's all my fault.

Tristan and I walked a short way to where the funeral was taking place, and we sat in the front row of black chairs. There wasn't any music. The clearing in the forest was completely silent. Tristan's arm was around my shoulders, and he was pressing me into him.
I was still kind of numb, and when the man went up to the front, I didn't register a lot of what he was saying. But when Marri went up, she was trembling. So I got up, and walked up to Marri. I gave her a hug, and whispered into her ear.
"I love you." I said.
"I know. I just- I already miss him."
"I do too," I agreed, before letting go of her, and returning to my seat. A lot of what Marri said went right over my head, but what I was able to comprehend, was that I could understand her through her many tears.
That was not going to be possible for me. Marri walked down, and her little brother ran up to her, and hugged her leg. I stood up, knowing it was my turn now, and made my way up to the podium for the second time.
"Will-" I started, before having to close my eyes tightly, and taking a deep breath. "Will and I were practically siblings. We had known each other for over 14 years. We protected each other, we kept each other company, we gave each other advice, and made the other laugh. We danced together, we took care of each other, and we transformed together." This was all written out over and over, memorized by me. But I totally threw the rest of what I wanted to say away, and just spoke. "Will and I always had a very positive relationship. He and I were extremely close, and I never thought in a million years that I would lose him. And I know you're all thinking that me saying that is really cliché, that that's basic, that's just what you say at a funeral, but I really never thought I would lose him. Will was my best friend, he still is my best friend. And I, I believe in Heaven. And I think that there isn't a soul that deserves that place more than he does.
"And it was never just me. Will helped so many people. He worked with magical creatures, and helped so many. He and Marri were together, and they were beautiful together. Will and Key had an amazing relationship, even despite the ocean diving them.
"Will was too strong, too... Will to die. He had so much of his life left, and it's my fault he died. It's my fault. It's all my fault. I could've saved him and I didn't. It's not survivors guilt. It's not. I didn't save him. I'm a bloody healer for Merlin's sake! And I didn't save him. And I could've saved him. And I didn't.
"Will had so much he still needed to do. Will, I'm sorry. I- like to believe that my sister Ginny, and Tristan's brother Cedric are the best of friends in Heaven. And now they get Will. They get a new friend. Now they get a new protector. They get the best friend in the bloody world. Because that's what Will was. More than that, he was my brother. And I killed my brother.
"I loved Will so much. I still do. He and I- we- we used to dance in the rain together. Every time I came over we made it tradition to dance together. When Will was 15 he lost all of his family to a freak ministry accident. He started living on his own at 15. I can't imagine that. I can't imagine having that much responsibility. Taking care of yourself every second of every day.
"Will used to call me Squeaks. And now I'm realizing he's never going to call me that again. He's never going to laugh his big bark of a laugh again. I'm never going to see his bright shining eyes again. I'm never going to get a bearhug again. I'm- I'm never going to get to see my brother again." I was sniffing, wiping my eyes, swallowing hard, and breathing shakily through the entire speech. I walked back down, and sat down next to Tristan again. I pulled my knees up to my chest, and leaned against Tristan's side. Tristan wrapped his arms around me, and put his chin on the top of my head.

And then the tears came.

And then we were all standing up. But I didn't, and neither did Tristan. When I did stand up, I was the last to look at the open casket. Will was laying there, a small familiar smile playing around his lips still. His eyes were closed, but his hair remained just as messy as I remember. Just as tousled, just as brown, the same shade as his wolf fur.
They buried him. We all put a scoop of dirt onto the now closed casket, and everyone left. Except me. Peter had come over to give me an awkward hug, Fred (Clara's Older Brother), my mum, and my dad had all given me a hug too. None of them were particularly close to Will.
Tristan had given me some time alone, and was waiting for me in my room. I crouched next to the fresh pile of turned dirt. "Hey," I said, my eyes drying for a second. There was no grave stone yet, I was going to make it. "I wanted to let you know that I'm sorry." I smiled sadly.
"I didn't mean for you to die." I was silent for a second before continuing. "Do you remember that night last year, when we made each other that promise? Well I'm going to keep it. I'm going to take care of Marri. And- and I'll take care of Key too." Then the tears started up again. "I'll make sure-" I giggled just a bit at the memory of that night. "I'll make sure Kanapier has a good home." I giggled again. Kanapier was Will's small lizard-dragon that he had been keeping as a pet for the past two years. "The last one's going to be the hardest." I admitted. "You asked me to carry on with my life, and to be happy."
I thought for a moment. "Will, how am I supposed to be happy, when the person who makes me happy is gone? I can't be happy without my source of light. And that was you Will. And now that's gone. Will, you were the one who made me happy. How am I going to carry on, and be happy?" I pulled my legs up to my chest, and pushed my knees into my eyes.
"But I promise I'll try." I insisted. "I just wish- I just wish I could have one more dance. One more laugh. Just one more hug." And then I totally lost it.


I hated it. I hated it so much. I wasn't a ghost, but my soul was visiting the Earth. Clara, Marri, Key, they were all wrecks. But I couldn't do anything about it.
"And it's my fault," Clara said when it was her turn to talk.
"It's not," I insisted, even though I knew no one could hear me. "I promise you, it's not. We were just meant to continue on without the other."
"Will, I'm sorry," Clara continued.
"I'm sorry too." Can spirits cry? I don't think they can. But if they could, I would be. "I didn't want to leave you here alone."
"I- like to believe that my sister Ginny, and Tristan's brother Cedric are the best of friends in Heaven. And now they get Will. They get a new friend. Now they get a new protector. They get the best friend in the bloody world. Because that's what Will was. More than that, he was my brother." Clara said, smiling softly, and tears continuing down her cheeks nonstop.
"I'll take care of 'em." I insisted, half-smiling. I bit my lip and kept listening to Clara. "And I killed my brother."
"No you didn't. The world is better off without that bit- sorry Clara." I felt heat trickle down my cheek, but there was no actual tear.
About an hour later, Clara was left alone next to the overturned dirt where my body now lay. "Hey," She said sadly. "I didn't mean for you to die." She was silent for a second before continuing. "Do you remember that night last year, when we made each other that promise? Well I'm going to keep it. I'm going to take care of Marri. And- and I'll take care of Key too." She had stopped crying for a second, but started again now. "I'll make sure-"She giggled once, and the action made me smile. "I'll make sure Kanapier has a good home." She giggled again. Kanapier was the small lizard-dragon that I had been keeping as a pet for the past two years. "The last one's going to be the hardest." She admitted, her voice getting a bit quieter. "You asked me to carry on with my life, and to be happy. Will, how am I supposed to be happy, when the person who makes me happy is gone? I can't be happy without my source of light. And that was you Will. And now that's gone. Will, you were the one who made me happy. How am I going to carry on, and be happy?" She pulled her legs up to her chest, and pushed her knees into her eyes. "But I promise I'll try." She insisted. "I just wish- I just wish I could have one more dance. One more laugh. Just one more hug." And then she totally lost it, and I did too. I could feel the 'tears' falling down my face, and I walked over to Clara. I knew she wouldn't know I was doing it, but I wrapped my arms around her, and hugged her tightly. I heard Clara's breath catch in her throat and she looked up and around. "Will?" She asked in a whisper, her voice breaking.
"I'm here Squeaks." I insisted, hugging her tighter.
"I love you Will. I'm sorry you had to go."
"I'm sorry too. I didn't want to, but I had to. I love you so much." And we sat like that for a minute. A few minutes later, Clara stood up, wiped her eyes, and pulled her wand out of her pocket. A large rock came out of it, and she used some spell to write in the stone. It amazed me how still her hands were.

William Cernicky

There's Always a Little Truth Behind 'Just Kidding'. A Little Emotion Behind 'I Don't Care'. A Little Pain Behind 'It's Okay'. A Little I need You Behind 'Leave me Alone'. And a Lot of Words Behind Silence. So Be Kind. Everyone is Still Healing From Things You Don't Know About. Still Healing From Things They Don't Talk About.

I remembered it as a quote I had on a giant canvas in my room. It was a bit long for a headstone, but I didn't care. Clara placed the rock -the writing up- right where my head was.
"I wish I could have one, last, dance." She whispered. I took her hand, and I could have sworn she knew I was holding it.
"Then let's dance." I decided. Water started falling from the sky. I didn't feel it, but I saw it.


It started raining, and I smiled, more tears falling from my eyes. I could feel Will holding my hand. I'm not sure how I knew, but I did. I started slowly, bringing Will's hand -which I still couldn't see- up above my head, and I bent my knees, curtsying. I moved away from Will's grave a few feet, so I didn't walk on it.
I 'held' Will's hand, and we slowly walked in a circle. Then I curtsied to him again, and we waltzed to the subtle music the rain made. After a minute, I giggled again. There were so many memories I had associated with dancing in the rain.


Her laugh brought me back. It made me laugh.

I could've sworn I heard Will's bark laugh. And when the dance was over, it was still raining. I held my arms out, and I felt Will hug me back. It was a bit weird, hugging someone you can't see, or really feel. But it was really nice. It was kind of... fulfilling. I smiled.

"I love you," I whispered.

"I love you too," I whispered back, kissing the top of her head.

"I'll never forget you."

"I can't think of forgetting you."

"Thank you for all of the memories. All of the dances. All of the hugs, all of the comfort, and all of the reassurance."

"I learned it all from you Squeaks."

"I love you."

"I love you more."

"I don't think that's possible." It was a thing we did. That exchange of words was common for us to say.

I kissed the top of her head again, and watched it turn less of a jet-black, more of an onyx colour. "I'll watch over you now. Good luck."

I nodded, smiled, and kissed where I thought Will's forehead would be. I smiled, and disapperated. "Goodbye," I whispered just before waving my wand.

"Goodbye Squeaks."

I appeared in my room, and grabbed my white towel. I walked into the bathroom, and took a shower.

When I looked into a mirror, I noticed that the semicolon on my chest had become a period. The semicolon was symbolic of a sentence's continuation. Where the author could've put a period, and ended it, they put a semicolon, and let it continue. But since Will had died, it must have changed to a period, symbolic of how the sentence has ended.

But I changed it to a semicolon again.

And I smiled.

I got dressed, then walked into the living room. My hair now a light grey, Tristan looked up, and saw the expression on my face. There was nothing that needed to be said. So he didn't. He simply stood up, and hugged me.

"You better now?" He asked me.

"Not yet, but I'm getting there." I replied. "I love you," I said in Maori.

"I love you too Hufflepuff," He replied, also in Maori.

And... Yeah that's it. 1st off, do you like it? Is it good? Does it flow well? Please tell me >>>.
Second, it made me realize (This and my binging of Unus Annus, go sub to them! Go like their videos! Go appreciate my idiots! Please! On YouTube! Thanks! They are mature video's though.) It made me realize, that we have to make the most of every moment. We have to appreciate this second of our live because we're never going to get it back.

So, make the most of the time you have with the people you have. Please. Because you knever know when your time is up. You never know when their time is up.

Remember, I will always love you. I don't care if you think you don't deserve my love. You've got it. Deal with it.
And remember, I'm here for you guys. <3.

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