t h r e e 🍡

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Y/N's POV:

It's been 2 weeks being on PK academy and so far, i like it here. Well except blueberry bitch. I walked in to class and everyone is talking about a new student. So this new student is in the class next door to us. I saw Sai-chan sitting and i came up to him.

"Sai-chan, what's with everyone talking about this new student?" Saiki was silent.
"Hey? Are you there?" I asked him.
"I'll be right back Y/N." He then stood up and left the classroom. I wonder what he's up to.

*some time later*

I was outside of the classroom looking for Saiki since class starts later on. I saw him walking with some other guy. He has purple hair, a white headband that is wrapped around his head and purple eyes. He looked like he's talking to Saiki. I walked up to them and gave them a smile.

"Sai-chan there you are, where have you been?" I asked him. I noticed that the purple headed boy is staring at me.

"Um who are you?" I asked the boy who is staring at me too weirdly. I'm pretty sure he was staring at my chest before i took a glance at him.

"I'm Toritsuka Reita, and your-"
"L/N, Y/N."
"Nice to meet you L/N, you wanna know your guardian spirt?" Toritsuka asked me.
"What's a guardian spirit?" I asked.
"It's a spirit that watches you and protects you." Toritsuka explained.
"Cool so what's mine?" I asked him in curiosity.
"Well let's see, hmm yours looked interesting, it's *insert your favorite husbando* (i'm just too lazy to came up with a person.)
"Oh shit really? Sorry pardon my language." I squealed in excitement.
"Yeah..." He gaze off.

I noticed that he's been staring hungrily at my chest the whole time. I squinted my eyes at him.

"You pervert! Why the hell are you staring at my chest?" I glared at Toritsuka who is now terrified.
"Because Y/N, he is a pervert." Saiki replied.
"Ok makes sense. I'll let him slide this time. If i caught him doing some perverted things at me, i swear i will slapped you so hard that you wouldn't look at me the same again." I warned him. In the corner of my eye, i saw Saiki smirked in approval.

But then all of a sudden, the blueberry bitch walked passed us by. I saw Toritsuka's face all blush and red. He then starting to talk about how an angel she is and blah blah blah.

Then a crowd of girls came up to the pervert and asked what is their guardian spirits. He then answered them making all the girls giggle, blush and laugh. Toritsuka pretty much have all the attention of the girls. But then Kaidou came in the group.

"Guardian spirits? How stupid. I still suppose it'd be rude not to hear it out. So tell me what is my spirit guardian." Kaidou asked.

"Your guardian spirit is quite abnormal." Toritsuka replied.

I feel like what he's saying on his head is is it a demon? an evil spirit or a sealed monster? I don't know i'm just guessing. I looked at him and his eyes are shocked.

"S-so tell me what is it." Kaidou stuttered
"It's a chihuahua." Toritsuka replied pointing at his head.
"C-Chihuahua?" The group started to laugh at Kaidou. He clenched his bandaid fist
"How dare he? This guy is a fraud." He started to walk away. I ran after him and grabbed his wrist.

"You know, i think chihuahuas are cool. They can be a symbol of love, faithfulness, and protection. They can be loyal and protective too. You shouldn't let Toritsuka got in to your nerve." i cheered him up and gave him a smile.

"T-thank you L/N for being so nice to me." He gave me a smile and i noticed a pink hues creeping in his face.
"No worries, just call me Y/N we don't need to be formal to each other all the time." I gave him a pat in the back for comfort.
"Call me Shun Y/N." He gave me a cute smile and i giggle.
"You know, i think your a fun and cool person to hangout with so do you wanna go to the cafe after school, just us 2 friends?" I asked him and he instantly looked away.
"S-sure i w-would l-l-love that." He looked at me with a shy smile plastered on his face. I giggled at his reaction and we walked together to class.

*after school*

I waited for Shun outside of the school. I saw him walking with Nendo and Sai-chan. I waved at him and a smiled creped at his face. He walk towards me and we greeted each other. We started walking and started talking. We've been talking about the sports festival which is going down in a few weeks. We made it to the cafe, cafe mami.

We walked in and we sat down to a table. Then a waitress came to our table.

"Mera?! What are you doing here?" We both said in unison.I looked at Mera who is shocked and terrified.
"I-i work h-here, please don't tell the school about this!" Mera pleaded.
"Ok we wont, your promise is safe with us, right Shun?" I nudged Shun in the arm. He nodded in agreement.

"So what can i get for you two?" Mera took her notepad, ready to take our orders.
"Can i have one of your homemade coffee jellies please? You Shun?" I asked him as Mera wrote down our orders.
"Same as Y/N please?" Mera nodded and walked off.

We started to get to know each other. I have to say, his imagination is active. He refer himself as a The Jet-Black Wing. There is this evil organization which is the Dark Reunion. He explains how the Dark reunion controlled the world and that they are after at Shun's 'powers' which is sealed in his arm. The red bandages are covering his arm. I told him a bit about myself.

So far, we're having a good time, just getting to know each other and joking around. Eventually, our coffee jellies came and we ate in peace.

The feeling of the coffee jelly's feeling and sweetness feels great in my mouth. I let the flavors dance around my tongue and i swallowed the delicious stuff.

"You know, when you eat coffee jelly, you really remind me of Saiki." Shun commented.
"Really? How so?" I asked in curiosity.
"Well your expression tells it all." Shun chuckled and i ate my coffee jelly in peace.

We finished our coffee jelly and we walked out of the cafe. We walked home together. Eventually we made it to his house.

"Man your house looked soooo big!"
"Nah, it's not that big." Shun scratched the back of his head.

"Anyways, thank you for the day today Y/N, I hope we do this again soon!" Shun smiles
"Me too, it was nice knowing you." I gave him a smile in return.
"Shun, who is this?" Then a lady suddenly came and i saw Shun's face all getting flustered.
"M-mommy! T-this is my new friend Y/N." Shun exclaimed to the lady which is his mum. He had his head down in embarrassment.
"Hello ma'am, i'm L/N, Y/N nice to meet you." We both shook hands.
"Nice to meet you L/N. I'm Shun's mum." The lady greeted me.
"I'll be going now Shun and Mrs. Kaidou, thank you for the day Shun." I bowed down and i walked home alone.

As i walked home, i heard yelling and grunting from the distance. I looked and there was Hairo carrying a log behind his back. I followed him and there we're people who we're whispering around about him being tied in the tree or him escaping while tied in the tree. I walked next to him.

"Hey Hairo, are you ok? Do you need help?" I asked the redhead who got his attention at me.
"I'm fine Y/N, i'm just carrying a log to make the sign for the sports festival." He grunted as he carried the log.
"Do you need help with the sign Hairo? Everyone looks up to you." I asked him.
"Yes that would be great, thank you."

*more grunting and yelling later*

This actually took longer than i thought. We made it to the room and Hairo busted through the door. He ended up crashing himself against the wall. I walked up to him.

"Oh my God, are you ok Hairo?" I asked him worriedly.
"Yeah i'm fine L/N, since your here, we can start working with Saiki." I looked around and Saiki was there reading a book.
"Hey Sai-chan, what are you doing here? I thought you went home already."
"Helping Hairo." He looked at me.
"You'll finish sooner than that." Then a group of students came in to the room.
"What are you all doing here?" Hairo asked.
"We were doing after school activities and we saw you seeing by and we figure out that you needed help." One of the students replied.
"Since you always help us, we figure out that we'll help you too." The girl replied.
"You guys....Kay let's do it!" And so on, the work began.

*few hours later*

"We're finished!" Hairo exclaimed. Everybody cheered. I saw Saiki smiled a tiny bit in the corner of my eye. I didn't know it would took this long to make a sign.

"Hey, why are we doing this right now? Sports day is still a month away right?" The boy asked Hairo.

"Are you kidding? A month will pass in no time!" Everyone went silent.

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