I feel so...delirious. I feel so numb. But only in one place. My side. What happened to my side? I try to sit up, but I was actually for real frozen. I could blink and breath, but I just cant move. I then hear faint talking. A male and female. I did not know who though.
"Is she ready Mercy?"
"Almost. We just need to de-frost her. But her side will not be made of flesh ever again. She has been morphed with the Jade Shard. She will live. She is a strong young lady. I have faith in her."
The faint talking finishes. I...I morphed with the Shard? That...that can't be possible. It isn't...doable. I start to freak out a bit. But then I question. Why am I still alive? Was a worth saving? Is Junkrat okay?! I start to wiggle around trying to break free, until I feel heat. Like a lamp. It was melting the ice. I slow my breathing down as soon as the light hit my face and chest. As soon as my face is revealed it is instantly hooked up to an oxygen mask. It felt like I had no clothes on but I did. Just my top and bottom underwear. It was a bit embarrassing.
"She's...she's alive! Thank lord all mighty! Don't worry dear. You'll be out of this ice in a moment." Mercy rubs my forehead as comfort.
I relax and the ice finally melted off. I can move now. I move my arms and legs. But my side was pure crystal ice. I sit up and rub my side. It wasn't cold, but it was frozen alright. I hang my feet off the bed side.
"Whoa whoa Hun. Take it easy. Don't move so much. Your still not stable enough to walk or stand." Mercy says as she pats my back.
"Where's....wh-where's Junkrat? Is he okay? Is he hurt?!" my voice rises in demanding.
"He's fine Hun. Don't worry about him. He's just fine."
"I wanna see him"
"In a bit Hun. You'll see him. You just need to be more stable." she says laying me back down.
I sigh and roll my eyes. I dont care if I wasn't stable. I just want to know if hes okay. I close my eyes for a few seconds, until i'm hooked up to a machine. Well, my side was. I was a bit angry, and all of the sudden, the machine froze up, breaking it. My side froze it. Shock and fear ran through my veins and head.
"Umm well. I guess you're ready to move then? What happened?"Mercy asks crossing her arms and raising her eyebrow.
"Oh I don't know. My eyes were closed." I say fooling her.
"Hmm...okay Mei. You ready to move?"
"Yea! Im ready!" I say.
Mercy grabs my hands and helps me stand. I was stable enough.
"Lets get you some clothes dear Mei."
Mercy gives me a under shirt and some leggings. They were white. She also gave me some nice and soft 'house shoes', also white. I put it all on and let my hair out.
"Here's your new glasses Mei." Mercy hands me new glasses. They were blue with designs on them. It will take a while to adjust to these.
Mercy leads me to the door and opens it. The sunlight felt good on my skin. I look at the sky and it was so blue. I grin, but I grin even more when I see...him. Junkrat. Hes alive. But he had three stitches. One long one across his chest, one along across the bridge of his nose, and one along side of his jawline. Junkrat's eyes widen when he sees me. Alive. He sprints towards me and stops right in front of me. He stays silent and he hugs me. I instantly hug him back, whilst crying.
"Oh my god oh my god. You're alive. Thank lord you're alive. I was so scared you weren't. You were so beat up and injured. Im sorry I brought you into that. Im sorry im so sorry." I say while crying into Junkrat's shoulder.
"Shhh. Its okay Snow. Its notcha fault. Im alroight. These stitches actually feel kinda good." he whispers in my ear and runs his hand through my hair, comforting me.
He releases me from his grasp and wipes my tears away. He winks.
"Aye win win for the both us Snow! Ive got battle scars and ya got a cool body part!" he shouts, lightning up the mood, which worked.
Ha. Yea I guess so." I respond.
"Wanna feel em? They feel so cool!"
"Feel what?"
"My stitches ya goof!"
"Oh! Uhh...I dont know. Would it hurt?"
"Cmon Snowball! Dont be scared! Plus it wont hurt! And even if it did, it wont faze me at all!"
"Ummm...I uhhhh."
I think about feeling them but my hand is grabbed and placed on his chest where his stitch was. It felt so odd. The stitch was harder than Junkrat's skin. A shiver runs up and down my spin.
"Feel awesome roight?"
"No! Weird! Very weird!"
Junkrat lets go of my hand and I just stare at his face and chest. The stitch was so close to cutting off his actual nipple. Jeez. I wonder how that would feel. Not good I bet. I grin but it fades away quickly and I apologise once more. He just smiles and nods. I just realized that me and Junkrat were alone.
"Now. Its my turn." he says stepping closer.
"Your turn? For what?" I ask curiously.
"Ta feel goof. Lemme your side."
My face was defiantly red. I stiff up and hold my side. It was hard and cold.
Junkrat slowly places his flesh hand on my side. He lifts my shirt up to get a 'better' feel.
"Jeepas Snow. You're like a gem person. It feels nice."
I giggle until I feel the ice grow around Junk's hand, keeping it there. Junk looks at me and I look back.
"What's goin on? What's it doin?" he asks.
I was going to attempt to answer but Mercy returns and answers for me.
"That my friend, is a reaction." she says.
"What?" Me and Junkrat say at the same time, confused.
"See, the Jade Shard is now part of Mei's body including, her personality, her mind, and a new power Mei needs to learn. So the ice is basically Mei's personality. It will feel the same emotions Mei will feel. It in my opinion is another Mei. But made of ice. So the ice around your hand basically means, 'I love you' or 'I will protect you'. Is that explanatory?" she says taking a breather.
Junkrat's face said 'what did you just say?' but I get it.
"Sooo...I froze his hand?" I ask.
"Well not exactly. Your other Mei did. But youll need to practice how to use your new power as a weapon and other things too." Mercy says. "but in the mean time, you need to get used to the feeling."
My side lets go of Junkrat's hand and forms back into my side. The ice showed that I...loved...yea thats right...that I loved Junkrat. Junkrat's face was so red I can see it under his soot. He holds his hand and looks at me.
"Ya...ya-ya love me back? Really?"
"Of course I do! You've so much for me Junkrat you dont even know!" I say with courage.
When Mercy left, Junkrat picks me up off my feet, and kisses me. It was a long kiss. But it felt good. The ice then started forming around me and Junkrat. It was holding us together. Once the kiss ended, the ice released us.
"Thank ya. Thank ya so much Snow. I love ya too." he whispers once again.
"So when do you think ill start 'training' with this thing?" I ask.
"Hmm dunno. Maybe tomorrow." he says.
"Im finally special! Yes!" I say with a laugh.
"Oh Snow. Ya always been special. Ya always been special in my eyes....and ya always will be." he says.
"I smile, and I hug him once more.
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