Smut seven: Movie night

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Belle's Pov:  So I was going to be having a movie night, at Jughead's  place I was excited!! I got ready for the date that I was going to have with Jughead, but I didn't know that he wanted to have sex with me at the time as I just got to his place he was fucking me already damn. So I had a text message from Jughead and it had to be real dirty. * text from Jughead* 

J: Hey Princess can over and we can play together xoxo love  Jughead

B:Hey baby I will be right there 

Later I got in my car and I drove to Jughead's house, but as I got there he was in his boxers and he was topless as well. So I was hanging out with Jughead when he started to kiss me, and he wanted to fuck me while watching the movie called fault in our stars. " baby girl said  Jughead  " Yes daddy I said. " come and play with me, said Jughead. " I will baby I said smiling.  Later that day Jughead  and I started to get ready to have sex with each other for the first time. So I took off Jughead's boxers while he took off my blue dress, and my bra and underwear, and he started to lick my pussy. " Baby girl said Jughead. " Yes daddy I said. " Fuck me baby said Jughead. So I started to fuck Jughead and he had to go really fast, but the thing was he forget to wear a condom and I hope that nothing bad happens. " Baby I'm about to cum, said Jughead. " Fuck cum for me daddy I said. So Jughead started to cum inside of me which made me, smile because he is so damn fucking hot. '' Jughead  baby I love you I said. '' Belle baby I love you too, said Jughead.  So Jughead  and I got dressed again, before we get caught by the others because they were coming over to see Jughead fuck. " Baby this never happened I said. " No I didn't baby said Jughead. " Jughead I whispered. " yes Princess said Jughead. " What if I'm pregnant I asked. " Then I will be happy because, you will be having my kid, said Jughead. " yeah baby I said. So Jughead  and I were making out when Archie , And Betty ,Polly comes in Jughead's house, and Jughead and I put away from the kiss that we had. " Awe how cute said Archie . " Shut up Archie  I said. " Go and fuck Jughead, Laughed Polly . " Been there done that, I laughed. After I said that to Polly  she didn't know what to say to it because he was stocked, because of what Jughead and I had sex with each other but who really cares about it. 

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