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As the next day rolled around, the five friends had now gathered around the door with all of their belongings as they had all completed serving their 50 hours. As the clock turned into 0, the door emerged and soon after, Gon quickly ran out in an instant.

"Ah! Wait up, Gon!" Leorio shouted from behind.

Time passed on, and the group began to scatter around the place, trying to find an exit with the little time they had, but each turn they took, led them into the same place where they had fought the prisoners.

"Thirty minutes of running only to end up in the same place again..." [Name] whined looking at the room.

"We should have taken the stairs down and not listened to Leorio," Killua said unfazed at the older man's stupidity.

"Shut up!" He insulted back. Now getting into Killua's face.

"We all agreed on this route!"

[Name] then raised a brow looking at him unimpressed, "We?"

Leorio then shifted his gaze onto her, "Be quiet!"

The team began to travel downwards even more, eventually meeting face-to-face with obstacle courses, puzzles, and clues before coming across a maze with a deadly rolling boulder chasing them but soon coming to a stop as it crashed into the wall giving [Name] and the others a rest.

"Man, I'm covered in dust. H-hurry up, we only have an hour left..." Leorio spoke. [Name] nodded in agreement. After regaining back her stamina, the group walked forward down the hallway where they were met with another vote on the wall.

"We're supposed to vote on whether to open the door? We need to move on. So obviously, we want to open the door."

Everyone pressed the desired button on their wrist, the machine revealing the results of a ratio from 4-1.

Leorio looked around, "Who the hell picked no?!"

Quickly, [Name] peered her head up, "That was me, I miss clicked."

Leorio looked at her unimpressed, but sighed and brushed it off anyways "It's fine, just don't let it happen again." He patted the top of her head.

"[Name], Gon, we're getting close to the finish line!"

[Name] and Gon turned their attention to Killua, noticing he had moved on to the next room when no one was paying attention.

Inside the room revealed two doors with X and O labelled on them and there stood a statue of a nude woman that seemed to be emerging from the wall. Along the walls of the room were displayed weapons everywhere.

"Let me see..." Killua started, "This is your final decision point. Are you ready? Choose O or X." He read out.

"That's it?" [Name] questioned raising her brow.

"Am I ready? Of course, I am! Let's do this!" Leorio shouted

The screen showed a ratio of 5-0 and suddenly, a recording of a cassette tape was heard coming from the statue.

"Please select your path, you have two choices."

The group listened carefully.

"One is long and difficult to pass but allows five people to go through. The other one is easier and shorter but only allows three people to go through," This then caused the group to fall into an anxious state.

"By the way, the difficult path will take you at least 45 hours, no matter how fast you go. While the easier and shorter path will only take 3 minutes."

"Press O for the difficult path, or press x for the easier and shorter path."

The cassette tape then began to explain if X was chosen, two of the people would have to be handcuffed to the wall only then the door would open making it impossible for the two to pass the third phase.

"The examiners thought of everything. They've prepared all kinds of weapons for us." Killua stated.

"Five or three," Kurapika spoke.

While listening to the instructions, [Name] began to lose all patience, she already suffered in that room for 50 hours which made the group lose all of their time in Trick Tower. All because of Leorio.

Killua had explained to her how Leorio lost his match, due to his perverted behaviour of him wanting to catch a feel of his opponent who was a girl.

Slowly, a vein began to grow on the [Hair colour] haired girl. "Or maybe we wouldn't have a problem with choosing the longer path if a little someone had some morals!" She snapped turning her head at Leorio.

The older man placed his hand over his chest, "Me?!"

"Yes you, you moron!" [Name] insulted him.

The rest of the group watched the two bicker like siblings.

"Well I'm going to press X and I don't plan on staying behind!" He shouted.

[Name] scoffed, "Yeah of course you are, I completely forgot that you have no sense of sympathy!" She said sarcastically.

"What about the other two? Don't be such a self-centred prick!"

The two butted heads together in annoyance completely forgetting their surroundings they haven't even noticed that Leorio had shoved [Name] rougher than he anticipated causing her to knock down one of the axes.

"[Name] look out!" Kurapika yelled bolting to her.

She quickly caught on, turned around and grabbed a hold of the stick before lodging it onto the wall creating a dent before it fell to the ground. The group stayed in silence for a few seconds.

"What the hell was that Leorio!" The blonde-haired man shouted at him.

Leorio put his hands up in defeat, "Hey it was an accident, I never meant to do that!"

Killua clicked his tongue and then grabbed [Name]'s arm away from the axe that nearly sliced her towards his chest, "Stay close to me."

She nodded complying. Gon had been focused on the dent made in the wall, analyzing it deeply while the group began to think of conclusions on how they could all make it to the next phase until an idea popped up in Gon's head, making him walk forward to grab an axe causing the group to look at him in confusion.

"Kurapika, applicant 404 is the twenty-first to pass. Killua, applicant 99 is the twenty-second to pass. Gon, applicant 405 is the twenty-third to pass. [Name], applicant 406 is the twenty-fourth to pass. Total time, 71 hours and 59 minutes." The announcer spoke as the four stood on the floor, relieved they all made it just in time.

"My butt hurts..." Killua commented.

"I didn't expect a slide for the short and easy path..." He said.

[Name] laughed softly, "That was really close." Gon said turning to her to which she smiled.

"Yeah, I'm just glad you came up with this idea." The [Hair colour] haired girl replied while Kurapika looked at his hands.

"My hands are covered with blisters."

"Same here."

The four looked at the voice that spoke to Kurapika.

"Leorio, applicant 403 is the twenty-fifth to pass."

The last person from their group was the last to walk and finish the third phase. He then came to the four of them, sighing while looking at his hands which were peachy red.

"My hands are blistered," He said pouting. "But all five of us cleared the tower together." He then smiled before putting his hand on Gon's head aggressively rubbing it.

"All thanks to Gon!"

Before the group had made it just in time, Gon was able to catch on how the axe was able to break through the wall and ultimately came up with the idea of choosing the long and difficult path for all of them to advance on the other side and break the wall within to sneak off to the shorter exit. After all, his plan turned out to be a huge success.

"Man, I can't believe you came up with that idea on spot," Leorio complimented.

"The Third Phase of the exam is over. Twenty-five applicants have passed, one has died" The p.a turned on announcing the final people who made it.

Then, a door emerged open, revealing the outside light.

One by one, each of the remaining applicants exited the building to be met with a fresh breeze of wind standing outside waiting for the next phase.

"Congratulations on escaping trick tower, everyone."

Everyone's attention now shifted to a short man with a deep red mohawk.

Gon took a glance at [Name] wondering if she was thinking what he was thinking. She then glanced back making eye contact with him before the two stifled a laugh.

"All that remains now are the Fourth Phase and the final phase."

The man then pointed his thumb behind him where an island sat from afar.

"The Fourth Phase will take place over there. On Zevil Island. Let us proceed."

He snapped his fingers causing someone to come around, walking with a cart that carried a small box.

"I will need you to draw lots."

Everyone began to murmur, wondering what it was for. The man then went on to explain that the fourth exam will be a challenge where people will hunt and be hunted at the same time. Everyone's ID numbers are on the cards that were placed in the box. People then began to draw their cards in the order of the person who completed the Third Phase first to last.

Once it was [Name]'s turn, she drew a card and returned to her two friends Gon and Killua.

"Everyone's taken a card? Then, remove the seal from your card."

Everyone did so and peeled away. When [Name] peeled her card and stared deeply into the numbers in front of her.

"The card indicates your target."

As soon as the man explained what the draw was for, everyone gasped in shock as many people quickly covered their badges in an instant. [Name] had done so as well.

"This box has recorded which card each of you drew. This means that you're free to dispose of the cards if you wish. The objective is to steal your target's ID tag. The examiner went on to explain that anyone could use any method to take your target's ID tag, even killing was allowed. The target's ID was worth three points, other ID cards were worth one point and your very own ID was worth another three points. In other words, everyone needed 6 points to advance to the Final Phase.

"I'd like to comment everyone on board for their excellent work during the Hunter Exam's Third Phase!" The woman on the boat congratulated them.

The remaining contestants boarded a ship that was travelling to Zevil Island. [Name] was found sitting beside Gon.

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