25 - And We're Back

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A/N: ^ imagine you're Duncan. ;)


You sit up immediately from your sleep, feeling more refreshed than you have in - well, six months.

"(Y/N)," the voice repeats. You turn, and there's Abbie, smiling down at you with a plate of toast in her hand. "Someone's coming here to get you at nine," she explains. "I didn't want to wake you, but..."

You shake your head. "It's fine. Thanks," you add, taking the plate. "What's the time?" 

"Eight," she says. She points at the chair. "I've got some clothes for you to change into as well."

You glance over, and sure enough, there's one of your outfits there, neatly folded in a pile on the back of the seat - for a moment, you wonder how the fuck the hospital knows exactly what you wear, before you realize someone probably dropped it off for you earlier.

Probably Lewis.

"Thanks, Abbie," you smile.

"No problem," she says. She looks at you for a moment more, and there's a glint of pride and admiration in there. And then she leaves the room.


It feels surreal, changing out of your hospital outfit and into your normal clothes - like it's confirmation to you that you're no longer a patient, that now you're awake and out of the white room.

You peel off the blue hospital gown and fold it over the chair carefully, and reach for your shirt to pull it on when you look down and realize something is different.

Along your right shoulder all the way to the side of your neck is a huge, scarlet gash, as wide as your thumb, like you've been slashed by a knife. For a moment, the world feels like it's spinning and your vision blurs; and then you focus, and realize it's just a scar. And you haven't been stabbed - it's just from when you got hit. 

"Fuck," you mutter to yourself, reaching a finger up to your neck to brush over the line. It's painless, but you can feel the slight indent in your skin, where it's healed over. It takes a moment to realize that this will never go - that you're going to have to live with this now. This is part of you.

You breathe in deeply, moving your hand from your scar. It's the strangest feeling, seeing that on yourself. You know you would have been stupid to think you would have come out of a car crash that induced a six month coma without being changed at all, but... you hadn't expected this.

But it could have been a lot worse, you reason with yourself. Abbie had told you lots of patients that had come out of a coma came away with speech problems, memory gaps or paralysis. To say that you're lucky is an understatement.

And if it wasn't for Lewis you wouldn't be here at all.

You pull the shirt over your head, covering up your scar. 

The time is quarter to nine.

Once you're changed, you step to the side and survey yourself in the mirror on the wall beside the bed. You have a momentary shock when you meet your own eyes - like you'd forgotten what you look like. But then it's gone, and you're staring at yourself - you, looking just the same as you had before, before the night you got hit. 

The end of the scar is just visible over your shirt if you turn to the side. You tug your sleeve up over it self-consciously, but it does little to help. There's nothing you can do - you're just going to have to get used to walking around with it. 

There's a knock on the door.

"Come in," you call, stepping away from the mirror.

Abbie walks into the room, looks at you, and beams. "You look fantastic!" she says. "I've - I've never seen you not in hospital clothes."

You smile back at her. "Thank you," you say.

"Your lift home's here," she says, leaning against the door to let you past.

"Who?" you ask, stepping into the doorway.

She grins. "Who do you think?"


You guessed right.

Lewis is sitting in the waiting room, hands entwined and hair perfect. As usual. As he hears your footsteps, he looks up, and he smiles the widest smile you've ever seen on him.

"(Y/N)," he says gently, standing and holding out his arms, and your mind goes haywire, thinking back to the night...

And then you realize he's just asking you for a hug. And he doesn't even know you remember what happened.

You smile back at him and step into his arms, hugging him tightly. "I missed you so much," you whisper.

"Missed you more," he replies.

You both step away from each other. You turn and see Abbie smiling to herself, watching you both. 

"Hey," you complain good-naturedly, walking away from Lewis to her. Lewis stays standing next to his seat, not wanting to intrude on your conversation. "Stop smirking at us like that."

She laughs. "I don't know what you're talking about," she says.

You shake your head at her disbelievingly, then sigh. "I - I guess this is goodbye then."

Her smile disappears. "I - I guess so." She holds out her arms. "Come here," she says.

You step forward and she hugs you tightly. "I'm so sorry," she mutter. "I'm so sorry I didn't believe you were going to wake up. I'm sorry I lost hope."

You shake your head at her. "Don't be stupid," you scoff. "You could never have predicted that. And besides, you shouldn't be apologizing - I should be thanking you, for taking care of me for six months without even knowing who I am."

"Oh, don't be silly," she says dismissively. "It's just my job."

"Yeah, but..." You sigh. "You - you genuinely cared for me. You weren't just doing it because you were getting paid."

Her gaze drops for a moment, and she nods. "Of course I cared for you. I saw how many people were visiting you - I guessed you must have been a nice person, to have that many people coming to talk to you. Which made me feel even worse that you'd got hit."

You smile. "Well - thank you for everything."

"You're welcome," she answers, and lowers her voice to a whisper. "You go get your man."

Your face heats up immediately. "Abbie," you complain.

She laughs. "My advice," she adds, "is play it cool. Don't rush it."

"I thought you were a nurse, not a romantic adviser," you complain. "But thanks," you add.

"No problem," she says. She steps away from you. "Got to go now - I've got other patients to attend to."

"Good luck," you say.

"Thanks," she beams, smoothing out a crease in her blue shirt. Her eyes are welling up ever so slightly. "I'm so, so glad you made it," she breathes.

You smile, swallowing down the lump in your throat. "Me too," you say.

She nods at you one last time, then turns to make her way back to the rooms.

You feel a hand on your shoulder, and almost flinch away, before you realize it's Lewis. Warmth spreads up your shoulder like a wildfire, and you realize what you'd been missing all the time you were asleep.

Lewis turns you around to face him, and grins at you.

For the first time in six months, you fully take in what Lewis looks like. His face doesn't look any different - still the same ridiculously pretty eyes that make you melt, and the effortless smile that pulls on your own lips, and that soft-looking hair you want to run a hand through so much.

He hasn't changed - thank God. It's the same man from before, except instead of his usual checked shirt he's wearing a slightly too tight black leather jacket that suits him way too well, and just looking at him's making your stomach tingle.

Yep, nothing's changed.

 "You ready to go?" Lewis asks, looking away from you for a moment.

"Always," you reply.


Lewis opens the door for you, like the gentleman he is, and then walks to the other side to get in on the driver's side.

"All good?" he asks you, starting up the car.

"Yeah," you smile back. "Are we going to my place?"

He glances over at you, a look of amusement on his face. "Our place, I think you mean," he says.

Your brain clicks, and memories come flooding back, of Sips and Lewis showing you around the flat the day you moved in, of bed sheets that smelled ever so slightly like Lewis, of you sat opposite him on a dining table, eating pizza and talking about games and the office and livestreams.

You raise a hand to your head, massaging it gently.

Lewis looks at you, concerned. "Are you okay?" he asks. "Have you - have you lost memories?"

You shake your head. "No, it's weird - I haven't forgotten anything, but there's lots of things where I have to look for a memory. Like when you have a word right on the tip of your tongue."

He nods, understandingly. "I get that," he says. 

 You sit in a comfortable silence for a few moments. Staring out of the window, you realize you know exactly where you are - you're on a street just off Cabot Circus. For some reason, the fact that you remember this - that you remember anything at all - is comforting; it reminds you that nothing has changed here while you were away.

"Lewis," you say suddenly.


You swallow, unsure of what to say. "When did you get that jacket?" you ask, and to you, it sounds like a pathetic cover up. But Lewis doesn't seem to notice.

He looks down at his own outfit. "Oh, a month back," he smiles. 

"It looks good on you," you find yourself saying. Because God, it does suit him well.

He smiles shyly. "Thanks."

Turning away again to look at the window to hide your blush, you say, "Did you guys miss me?"

Lewis exhales heavily. "You don't even fucking know the half of it, (Y/N)," he laughs. "The first few weeks without you, the whole office - it was pretty much dead silent. It was like everyone was mourning for you. It was horrible."

You don't know whether to feel glad that people missed you, or terrible that you'd affected them all so much. So you remain silent.

Lewis swallows. "Smith - he blamed himself. He kept telling me he was sorry he didn't run after you that night, that it was his fault you got... you got hit." He breathes in again - you can tell it's a difficult topic for him to talk about. "All the fans were tweeting at us, asking for updates on your health - they missed you too, you know." He smiles at you. "I think it's safe to say you were missed a lot."

You shake your head. "It's - I don't really know what to say. I'm honored, I guess, that you guys care about me that much."

"Of course we do!" Lewis says immediately. "It wasn't the same without you." He grins. "You wait until you get back to the office - they're going to have the shock of their lives..."

You look up at him in surprise. "Have you not told them I'm out of hospital yet?"

He shakes his head, eyes glinting mischievously. "Smith knows," he says. "He's been worried sick about you this whole time - I thought he deserved to know. And Sips knows. But that's it. Here we are," he adds, slowing the car to a stop, and parking it at the side of the road.

It's weird how unchanged everything is - the building looks exactly the same as it did six months before. You hadn't expected the world to stop turning or anything while you were gone, but it's... strange. Strange that after being in a coma for six months, you can just step back into the world and resume normal life, just like it was before. It's daunting.

Lewis walks past you to enter the code for the door, and you get a whiff of his cologne - you're sure lots of guys at the office use it, but somehow, on Lewis, it smells even more heavenly.

As you follow him up the stairs, he turns back and gives you a reassuring smile, like he can sense you're slightly nervous. He's always been able to tell your emotions.

He opens the door and holds it open for you, and you get the shock of your life when someone - not Lewis - steps up from behind you and whispers in your ear, "Boo!"

You jerk back immediately, heart hammering with momentary fright, and then you turn, and see who it is.

"You didn't tell me Sips was going to be here," you protest, feeling your heartbeat gradually slow again to normal. "Fucking scared the life out of me."

Lewis shakes his head, having to lean against the door for support because he's laughing so hard.  You sigh, and turn back to Sips.

"Mr Lovasz," you say, pretending to be formal. You ignore Lewis, who's practically dying of laughter in your peripheral vision.

Sips grins. "Hey," he says. "Sorry about the scare - it had to be done." And then he steps forward and hugs you tightly. "Man, did I miss you," he mutters.

"I missed you too!" you whisper back, smiling, and God, you really have. You've been looking forward to seeing Sips almost as much as you had looked forward to seeing Lewis. Besides, you need to talk to Sips later about... things.

He steps back for a moment, and looks you up and down, as if he's making sure you're still you, that you haven't changed. "Have you, er..." He clears his throat. It's one of those rare occasions where he's acting awkward. He turns to Lewis, who shakes his head.

"She's fine," he says. "She hasn't forgotten anything." Lewis' gaze drops to the floor. "Apart from what happened on the night."

So you were right - he does think you don't remember.

Sips surveys you for a while, harsh brown eyes boring into yours. They're piercing - almost as much as Lewis'. You don't dare blink, and neither does he; and when he turns away, an unreadable expression on his face, you know, somehow, that he knows you remember. He's always been a mind-reader, Sips.

"So," he says, clapping his hands together. "Off to the office, I presume?"

Lewis smiles, slightly relieved. "Yeah, let's go." He grabs his bag. 

Sips looks between you and Lewis. "You go on ahead," he tells you. "I need to talk to Lewis in private for a moment."

You narrow your eyes for a moment, but figuring you shouldn't intrude, say, "Sure," and make your way down the stairs to Lewis' car. 

Moments later, Lewis and Sips emerge from the door, Lewis with a slightly nervous expression on his face. You wonder what the hell Sips told him to shake him up so much - Lewis is very hard to scare.

"All good?" you ask.

"Yeah," Lewis says, getting into the driver's seat. You're about to get in next to him when he says, "No, wait, you should be in the back seat so the guys from the office don't see you on the way in."

You grin. "Good idea," you say.

You can't wait to see the looks on their faces when they see you. 


A/N: Sorry it's taking so long to update! Life's been busy. Also, sorry if this chapter seems a bit patchy - I sort of had to rush it. But hope you enjoy! :) The next one will come out soon, hopefully.

Also, I have Instagram now! My user name is the same as my Wattpad one. I usually just post random Hat Films things every now and then, but if that interests you, go follow! :) 

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