Chapter 27

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Come on silent readers, vote. Otherwise Wattpad will be angry hearing the cry of a frustrated author. 😒😒😒

So, vote before I start crying. πŸ˜‰

And this is for my lovely readers who do vote. Enjoy.... ❀❀❀

In Hastinapur:

Duryodhan was fuming mad. He wanted to kill that girl. As he roared thinking about that slap, he punched the wall of his chamber. A crack appeared there. How dare she? He wanted blood. Her blood.

"Mere bache. What have you done to yourself? Control yourself. She is gone and she won't be back." Shakuni said, afraid Duryodhan would do something in his anger that he shouldn't.

"Mamashree, she is gone, but that slap is still resonating in my ears. Me, Duryodhan, son of King Dhritarashtra, mighty warrior is slapped by a mere girl. I have become a laughing stock in whole Aryavart. People laugh at my back, pointing at me. Those who never dared to even look at me, now mocks me. I can't bear this, Mamashree. I want revenge. I want to destroy her. I want to snatch every little thing from her. I want her devastated. I need to finish her." Duryodhan started screaming like mad.

"Stop this madness. Don't forget she's not any ordinary girl called sister by Vasudev anymore. She's the Princess of Dravida now. Already our relation with Dravida has been ruined. If you do any stupidity, no one will be able to save you from her brothers. For now, don't do anything." Gandharraj Shakuni said making him see reason.

"So you want me to forgive her?" Duryodhan screamed.

"No. Not forgive. Just bide your time. I promise you both of your enemies will be removed. Trust me." Shakuni said determinedly.

The time was against them. Earlier he had received news of Sivi Naresh attacking Gandhar. And finding the opportunity Bhismeh had indirectly ordered him to go to Gandhar. He knew he wouldn't be able to return soon. If Duryodhan did anything now, he wouldn't be here to protect him.

He also knew what that buddha was thinking. He would ask Dhritarashtra to went to exile giving rein to the Thorne to Yudhisthir. But Shakuni wouldn't let that happen.

Pitamah was angry on Dhritarashtra more than anyone else. When a King sat on the throne, it was his responsibility to do justice without biasing. Dhritarashtra had even stopped pretending to be fair. He had to do something. Dhritarashtra couldn't remain on throne anymore. Already he had made arrangements to send Gandharraj back to Gandhar with the help of Sivi Naresh. Now Dhritarashtra remained.

As the das informed Maharaj Dhritarashtra of Bhismeh's present, Dhritarashtra was nervous. He had made a grave mistake when he directed his anger of Yudhisthir becoming Yuvraj again on Drisana. He should have looked into the situation before jumping at the first opportunity to punish her. Though he loathed her more than ever now, as she had humiliated his son, Dhritarashtra was thinking with a calm head now. He was sure, Tatshree Bhismeh wouldn't find any fault of Dravidakumri. He would only see what Dhritarashtra and Duryodhan did.

"Dhritarashtra, have you lost your remaining mind too?" Bhismeh said to him coming inside. "You just proved how unfit you are to sit on the throne."

"Of course Tatshree. When have you ever seen me as fit? For you only Pandav's are fit. Me and my son are just undeserving no matter what we do to prove ourselves." Dhritarashtra said bitterly.

"Your son insulted Putri Drisana and you, without finding out truth dragged her into the Raj sabha and questioned her like a criminal. You ordered to whip her ignoring your son's insult. You even forgot in your anger that she was our guest. How can you try to justify yourself after all that?" Bhismeh asked him.

"You're right Tatshree. I admit I was at fault. But she wasn't so innocent too. Yes, I admit Gandhari started that. But she brought my daughter, Dussala into this to instigate Gandhari. Yes, I questioned her and she had the opportunity to finish it by apologising. But did she? No, she not only refused to apologise but also insulted Gandhari. Duryodhan was angered as any son would be. And what wrong my son said Tatshree? We didn't know her real identity. And she did stay with Pandav's during their hidden time." Dhritarashtra said.

"Dhritarashtra!!! How dare you to say that? Kunti called her Putri. She's like a daughter to her. And you dare question her relation with Pandav's?" Bhismeh shouted at him.

"No. I'm not pointing fingers at their relation. None has any right to point at her after Kunti took her in. What I'm saying is Duryodhan said that in anger. He shouldn't have. But that girl raised her hand on him in front of the whole Raj sabha, was that right Tatshree? Raising hand in front of King without his permission is punishable. So what wrong I did by punishing her? If it was anyone else, their punishment will be death. You know this news has spreaded through the Aryavart like fire in forest. My son, the Kuru Rajkumar is humiliated and you don't even have an ounce of worry for him." Dhritarashtra said.

"It was his actions that earned him that slap." Bhismeh said.

"Yes, he received his punishment. But what about the others? Let's forget about her. But what about your favourite Pandavs?" Dhritarashtra asked.

"What about them?" Bhismeh asked confusingly. He didn't expected this. He expected Dhritarashtra to meekly ask for forgiveness. But instead of that he was lashing out.

"Your ideal Yudhisthir went against my order of punishing the girl. If he felt I was wrong, he should have kept his opinions and try to persuade me. But he straight out went against me. He stood with his brothers protecting the girl, making it clear with his statement that he was ready to draw weapons. Isn't that considered treason Tatshree?" Dhritarashtra said as Bhismeh stiffened.

"And also he knew about Drisana's real identity, but chose to hide it. Your ideal and truthful grandson lied Tatshree. Why?" Dhritarashtra asked mockingly.

"There must be some reason." Bhismeh replied. Dhritarashtra smiled understanding that they kept it from Bhismeh too.

"Of course. And even you're not trusted enough to tell that reason." Dhritarashtra said.

"Where are you going with this?" Bhismeh asked.

"I'm only saying that Tatshree like always you don't find any fault in Pandav's when they're not so innocent afterall. You're only ready to see my and my putra's fault. Every time you do injustice with me. Be that making Pandu king instead of me being eldest, be it making Yudhisthir Yuvraj though as my son it's Duryodhan's right, be it discarding Duryodhan after Yudhisthir returned, be it ignoring Yudhisthir's treason and forcing me to give up the throne and go to exile. I know you only came here for that Tatshree." Dhritarashtra cried out.

Bhismeh couldn't answer as he indeed came for that. He couldn't answer as Dhritarashtra was right on saying Yudhisthir's act could be perceived as a treason. And no matter in what circumstances led him to do that if the matter came to light, not only it would be humiliating for Yuvraj but also punishable by death or exile.

"Whatever I did till now it was according to Dharma." Bhismeh said.

"Then what punishment should be handed to Yudhisthir and his brothers as per your Dharma?"

"What do you want?"

"Justice for my son. You want Yudhisthir on the throne. I want Duryodhan. And there's only one way to fulfil both of our wishes."


"Think carefully Tatshree. I will forgive Yudhisthir this time. But one more mistake and you'll have to accept it." Dhritarashtra said firmly. Bhismeh left without saying anything.

"Well played, Maharaj." Shakuni said coming outside from behind a curtain.

I know. I know it was boring. But I didn't wanted to finish it in a line saying Bhismeh got manipulated.

As for the utter bullshit of Dhritarashtra, well it's Mahabharata era.

Another update will be coming soon. It got longer than I thought. So I split the Chapter into two.

Time for me to run. πŸƒπŸƒπŸƒ

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