Escape The Night 1 (pt.1)

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A/n:Hello old or new Escape The Night readers! As many of you may know I wrote a first season of Escape The Night so check that out first before this one it'll give you details of how I want this story to go.

But! If you are lazy and don't want to check it out I'll give you some instructions to help you out while you read.

1.No character has a relationship (ex. Alex and Lauren will not be in a relationship)

2.Ever character still has their sexuality. (Ex.Tyler is still gay)

3.Their will be two different endings one where my character lives and dies.

4.At the end of each chapter for my character dying I'll have a group POV with the people who lived.

Now let's meet our new character!

Maddison (Old main character in other Escape The Night series):Wait I'm not the main character anymore?!

Author:Well you lost your last boyfriend and I don't think you want to die again.

Maddison:Fair point.

Author:Okay new character!

Kim Mina:She knows every YouTuber possible and is a kind hearted singer,She always has a crush on Alex.

Mina's POV

I set my guitar down and lay on my couch.

"Tiring huh lilo?"I say to my little puppy who jumps on my stomach.

I pet her with a smile.

The doorbell rings.

I put lilo down and head to my door.

I open it to see a women wearing all black,emo much?

"Your arrival is most importantly requested"The women says handing me a letter.

I take it and close the door while opening the letter and reading it.

My friends.

I've been away for far too long,I want to invite you to a masquerade ball at an estate like no other.

I'll explain everything after you arrive.

I keep reading it.

Hm,This will be fun.

I just can't bring anything from the 21st Century.

I have to dress in the era or else the estate won't show for me.

Maddison's POV

"Oh hell no!"I yell setting the paper on fire.

Fuck that shit,last time I went the guy I liked died and I went crazy....

Well maybe I still am.

Matt:Shut up.

Fuck off Matthew.

But I'm still not going!

I ain't going to die again!

Mina's POV

I put on a long black and dark green dress.

I was going as the maid from the sixteenth century.

Maddison- wow how original Author.

Author:Shut up Maddison,she's different.

I get out and I see a carriage there for me.

I close my house door and open the carriage door.

I look back at my house once more and smile as I step on and close the carriage door behind me.


The carriage stopped and I exit the carriage.

The women opens the door and I walk in.

People were all there that I knew of.

Alex,Liza,Tyler,Lauren,Jesse,Tana,Andrea, Destorm and Gabbie.

All there laughing about.

"Well hello there ma' lady"Alex says and I smile.

"Hello there sir"I say looking down.

He only laughs and wraps his arm around me.

A man walks down with a glass of liquid.

I move away from Alex's arm.

As a maid you don't really um hook up with people.

The man named Dorian greets us.

"You all look so delicious"He says.

Did he just say delicious? Hm...That's weird.

Liza asked where Joey was and Dorian responded.

He introduces the lady next to us named Allison.

I had a weird feeling about this house.

Allison gives us drinks and I deny.

"It is fine"She says and I take it.

"I propose a toast to Joey Graceffa"Dorian says and we toast.

Right before everyone drank I poured my drink into a nearby plant.

I never drink.

I put the glass down and follow Alex upstairs.

"Hm so you must be a maid since your outfit doesn't fit the well mannered place"Alex says in a fancy voice.

I only laugh.

"You sound like an idiot"I say and he smiles.

"So what are you?"Liza asked Andrea.

"I'm a mystic"She says and me,Liza and Alex were astonished.

She tells us what she does.

"Wait what do you do?"Alex asked.

"I explore"Liza says and I smile.

Us four just slowly talk about our roles and all.

I then head down with Alex and talk with Tyler and Destorm.

"So are you books on audible"Tyler ask both of us.

"Mine is"I say.

"Of course it is,your life is a living kpop fans dream"Tyler say.

"Still not boyfriend however"Alex says smiling.

"Stop smiling you weirdo"I say rolling my eyes.

Me and Destorm realize something about the painting and Alex pulls off what seems to be part of a map.

Jesse,Tyler,Alex,Andrea,Destorm,Gabbie and me all come together to figure out this puzzle.

Liza,Tana and Lauren come down with a book with a bookmark that says live or evil.

Alex puts in both and when he puts Evil it opens.

He pulls out the little thing.

A key then comes out.

Allison pulls me,Alex and Tyler out of the room.

She brings us to window.

"Okay you guys need to leave"She says.

"We need to leave?"Me and Tyler say.

"You and your friends need to go it's not safe here"Allison says as a arm wraps around me.

I look at Alex and he looked at me and gave me a small smile.

I blush a tad bit.

"What do you mean?"Tyler asked

"What do you mean it's not safe?"Alex asked

"How come it's not safe?"I ask

At the same time.

"Is there someone here?"Tyler asked looking out the window.

A man tells Allison her father is ready in the ballroom.

We go out and try to tell everyone to leave.

Alex held my hand.

Allison tells us to follow her.

We all follow her while Alex holds my hand.

We hear someone scream and Liza disappears.

We all start freaking out.

Alex holds my hand tighter as we go to wherever Allison is taking us.

She takes us outside and I was kinda in a state of shock.

"Are you okay?"Alex asked and I nod.

"I'm here for you don't worry"Alex says.

"Listen"Allison says.

Everyone goes quiet.

"My father is lying to you"Allison says.

"Okay? He's not the owner of this estate.You need to stay close to me tonight,okay?"Allison says and we nod.

Alex holds my hand as we walk in.

A man looks at me closely and Alex pulls me close.

We get to the back.

"I don't think we are safe"I whisper to Lauren.

"Why do you say that?"Tyler butts in.

Before I could say I word Dorian chimes in.

"Ladies and gentleman,dinner has arrived"He says.

They stop dancing.


The lights go off and flicker.

They are vampires!

Alex grabs my waist and puts me on the stand behind him and the guys help the other girls.

The boys then come up and stay with us.

"But first the appetizer"Dorian says pulling a shade and behind it was Joey?!

We all scream for Joey but nothing works.

He's knocked unconscious.

Dorian asked Allison for a drink but she denies.

They bring in the other warm one which is Liza!

Tana runs to Liza.

"Tana no!"I yell stepping to get her but Alex pulls be back.

"Alex let go!"I say.

"It's too dangerous"He says.

Allison throws something making all the vampires back up.

Clearing a way for us to go.

Someone grabs Tana and we run.

We all go upstairs.

We end up entering a room.

Allison closes the door.

Allison explains what we need to do to get Joey and Liza and get the heck out of here.

She tells us she'll keep watch and if a vampire is coming she'll ring a bell.

We'll have to hide when she does it or one of us will be taken.

We all go searching for the salt.

"Hey guys I found a scroll"Gabbie says.

Me and Tyler find another one.

"We found another one too"Tyler says.

Destorm finds another scroll.

Slowly but surely everyone soon finds one.

Allison rings the bell and Alex grabs my hand and hides me in one of the curtains while he hides in the one across from me.

Everyone hides but Lauren who gets taken away by a vampire.

We all try to figure out what this means.

Me and Alex walk over to a light and I point out another scroll.

"Hey guys we found another scroll"Alex says as I put it down on the pool table.

Alex goes under the pool table and finds a box.

Destorm opens the box with a note.

Alex reads the more telling us to recreate the kings last game of pool.

"Go do it"One of the girls tells me and I grab the paper and do it as quickly as possible.

"Hey hey calm down"Alex says as the guys help me.

We were missing a scroll but Andrea finds it.

Tyler places the last ball and another box opens.

It was another key.

Cabbie opens the glass door.

There was a jar but it was empty.

We try and figure out what to do as the bell rings again.

Alex goes and hides me again.

But this time in the same one.

"Uh.."He says quietly.

I only cover his mouth.

Andrea was the taken away.

After that we go searching for the salt.

Alex and Destorm look at the pool cues.(Don't know how it's spelled.)

Destorm finds the salt.

Destorm pours the salt into the jar but it wasn't enough.

As we try to get more salt another vampire comes in without the bell being rang.

Alex pulls me behind him.

Allison comes in and attacks the other vampire.

"Still don't trust me?"She asked wiping the blood off her mouth.

To be continued

A/n:AHH I'm so happy to be writing this story again,This might be slow updates since every episode comes out on Wednesday but I'll try my hardest to work on the story.

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