Code and Blood are Similar: Who We Are vs What We Become

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"Code and Blood are Similar:

It is Written within us Who We Are.
You cannot Change who you are, but you can change what you become."

August 2022


After I proved to mom yesterday that I would come back home after the arcade closed at around 6:30pm. Mom said it was okay for me to go to the arcade each day, Mr. Litwack allowed regulars to have an allowance, their parents did this pre-paid system with him where they paid in advance for a full days worth of gaming. Mr. Litwack gave the kid a stack of quarters and the kid would have fun. Usually the parents paid around 20 to 40 dollars... this system made it easier for him to not have to bank so many quarters. Your mom would give you around 15$ plus the additional pre-paid amount to Mr. Litwack as to keep you entertained.

Mom was very busy with work, unlike grandma who made racing her entire career, your mom was an accountant. Sadly, Nana became paralyzed after a racing accident. Racing in real life vs racing in video games; humans don't regenerate when bad stuff happens, we don't eat some type of fruit, vegetable, fungi (looking at you Mario), candy (Kirby), pie, ect... that heals our wounds in a flash or makes us invincible. When bad stuff happens, sometimes we rise up from the ashes (credit to owner of sentence), other times we can't even get up let alone open our eyes (apologies for sadness here). Mom did track as a hobby, a hobby she barely does... yesterday she was able to go, but that was after a year long hiatus. Right now she prefers to drive around in her free time.

Currently, I'm waiting for my turn on Sugar Rush. Out of all the games in the arcade, Sugar Rush is the easiest and funnest to play. I don't like the other games all too much. Not into fighting games, dance dance revolution is impossible because of... everything! I'm not good at the games that involve shooting, or those games where I have to use those toggle switches and press a button. I guess, like my mom, and Nana before me, I'm a racer. Fast and furious is my nature.

Finally the kid was done on the game, so I put my roll of quarters on the console and sat down. Inserting my two coins, the new 9 characters now included this funny looking one:

I moved the gear shift that was used to pick the characters, he said his name, "King Candy!"

I couldn't help but smile a little, the goofy way he said it too, I shook my head, "cute." I muttered and move the gear shift toward the next character, to bad I didn't notice the slight change in facial expressions with his character. Maybe if I noticed it...

Well, I didn't... so, I picked this girl, "Candlehead."

This time I saw a frown on his face. But to his defense all the other characters looked unhappy too. So, it must be part of the game.

It was only 15 minutes later and I was continuously loosing. I picked all seven other candy kids; Snowanna RainBeau, Sticky Wipplsnit, Minty Zaki, Rancis Fluggerbutter, Gloyd Orangeboar, Adorabreeze Winterpop, and Taffyta; but each one was bested by none other than King Candy each time. I guess coming in second place behind King Candy each time is still counted as a win, but winning second place each time isn't the goal of the game. Its was weird... I can understand a win every few games, but every game. There's no way a character's code is pre-programed to beat the gamer who is paying to play the game. That is unethical and definitely a ripoff on the gamers end. Each and every time he won he would say, "better luck next time, Sugar Cube." What was also weird was when I watched him beat the other player though, he didn't say that, he said, "Have Some Candy, Losah!"

I would make a comment about it to Mr. Litwack, but that would sound as if I'm crazy and would make it sound like I'm being a sore-loser... and also sound as if I'm trying to get my money back from him.

Maybe I should see what would happen if I played as his character, "okay, King Cavity, your turn." I muttered.

Turbo/King Candy:

"Okay King Candy (Cavity), your turn." I swear it's about time Sugar Cube!... wait?! Did she call me King Candy or King Cavity?... Ah who cares! Finally she's picked me!

One would think after loosing the first time or maybe the second time to me, she'd wise up and pick me... really does she not remember how I always win from TurboTime? Hmm... maybe...

Well I can think about that later, now it's time to get down to business. I need to make a good impression on my dear sweet sugar cube so she will always pick me from now on.


Damn this guy is fast, is this even allowed? "Winner!" Geez this guy is fast! Was he holding back or is he just fast when a gamer plays him? "That's Right My Loyal Subjects Your Royal Leaderth Won!"

Turbo/King Candy:

I'm so happy that things are back to normal, I smile and wave to my loyal saps. Looking through the screen, my darling Sugar Cube looks to be in Awe. Good! I hope she uses me from now on. I am after all, the king of racing! However, I suddenly notice she's getting up, what?! Wait! Why is she getting up?! She's not leaving is she... did I do something bad?


I'm gonna mess with my phone for a moment, I noticed it was getting dark out, the storm clouds were closing in and it began to rain. The arcade was pretty much deserted. I came to the arcade pretty late, because of how hot it was earlier. But now the clouds were really dark and it was already 6:15pm. Mr. Litwack said it was okay for me to use my charger and plug it into an outlet in the center so I could charge it up enough. I needed to call mom or dad to come get me.

Mr. Litwack had to go in the back to finish some paperwork, he knew my mom and he trusted that I wouldn't do anything bad. I sat there waiting for a few minutes, checked my phone, but just as I checked it there was a huge flash of light and then nothing. My phone had slid across the floor under one of the arcade consoles.

Me however...

"$&@<#?" I heard this weird noise...

"Mama Mia! She's alive!" I heard Mario's voice.

(Just a heads up I don't know that many arcade games)

"What?" I groaned opening my eyes.

"%#£¥^$&" qubert said.

"I don't understand."

"He said, you just surged right here out of that station that use to say (y/n) phone!" Sonic clarified.

"I don't... where am I?" I asked

"You're in Game Central Station." Sonic replied.

I looked at everyone, "wait... Mario, Sonic... you're video game characters."

"Well yeah, duh!" Sonic responded.

"What'a Game are you from?" Mario asked concerned with a hint of suspicion in his tone.

"Game? I'm not from a game! I play games!"

"What, so you're like a player? Sure, Yeah, right! There's no way a human can somehow become an electrical current and zap themselves in here." Sonic sarcastically theorized.

"Sounds about right, I think..."

"If that's the case, then we all should be panicking, am I right guys?" Sonic chuckled. He looked around him seeing everyone had a horrified face. "Guys?..."

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" All in a panic. "RUN!!!!" Everyone in grand central station ran around screaming in a panic, trying to get back to their games.

Getting up off the floor of what appears to be similar to a train station, I began walking around, "whatever..." I mumbled. I was more concerned with something more important, like how am I supposed to get home? Mom is gonna freak.

Seeing an outlet called Sugar Rush, "hmm... Maybe I can find out why King Candy was the fastest racer out of all the other racers." I walked inside the giant outlet, noticing something similar to train tracks. A train made up of gingerbread and icing came up and parked ready to take me to Sugar Rush.

Didn't think this was going to be one hell of a "Sugar Ride."

Time skip... mostly walking on yellow and pink striped sour strip walk way. Seeing nothing but puke worthy sugary treats that would put me in a diabetic coma. (Give me Thai curry any day.)

Walking up the pink sugar dust road to candy castle. Maybe I could start my search for answers from the Candy Cavity King himself. Strangely enough however, I heard a car heading towards me, it honked at me telling me to get out of its way.

I noticed it was his Rootcanaliss himself (so many dentist jokes, too bad I'm not an orthodontist), he passed me, but stopped and put his kart in reverse. He looked at me flabbergasted, he just stared at me as if I'm a snake that will strike the moment he moves or blinks. "Yes?"

"You're actually here!" He nervously laughs.


"My Darling Sugar Cube You're Actually Here!" He cries out happily!

"Um what?!"

"Hey, get in, or um... slide in behind me if you can... it's gonna be uncomfortable but it'th only a little ways away to my castle!" I got into the kart, it definitely was a tight fit.

Once at the castle King Candy would not shut up!

"So um thith is my castle, which I bet you already knew becauthe I'm King Candy, and as a King I should live in a castle so that should be obviouth." He again laughs nervously while babbling.

"Kinda pink for a guy..."

"It's Salmon my dear, but I guess salmon is commonly mistaken for pink stho I can sthee the confusion, heh hehm... oh uhh... over there isth the east wing which contains my library full of racing books, and to the opposite is the west wing where my room is. Of course, I'll have Sthour Bill arrange a room for you sinthe you need a place to stday, right?" He asked.

I only caught half of what he said, he was seriously annoying with that lisp. I wanted to punch him because of his nonstop talking, maybe he'll shut up. He looked at me, "hey, You didn't anthwer my question." I looked down at him.

"Oh um what was the question again, I was kinda distracted by how big your castle is..." I smiled awkwardly.

He furrowed his eyebrows, "uh huh... right, you need a placthe to stday, right? If stho, I'll have Sthour Bill prepare a room for you, if you'd like."

"Oh um, sure that would be great. Thank you." I answer him back awkwardly smiling.

His smile grows wide, "Excellent! Well I'll have my cookths prepare a meal fit for, well, us. I'll have Sthour Bill show you the rest of the castle. I have some business to take care of at the racing track." He got in his little light pink and white car, "I'll be back thoon. Sthour Bill!"

"Yes." A little ball like candy with tiny hands and feet came out, "show (y/n) around the resth of the castle. I'll be back momentarily."

"Yes, sire."

"Geez, put some emotion in your voice why don't ya'?" He exclaimed as he left.

Sour Bill looked up at me, "well follow me." Now this guy, I already like.

Later on after King Candy came back from setting up the racing roster. We were at the Royal Dining table with wouldn't you guess. A meal of nothing but candy and sweets. Pies, cakes, ice cream, chocolate, lollipops, licorice, candy canes, if it was candy or sweet it was here.

I wanted to puke looking at all this blood sugar nightmare. Could feel my weight go up just staring at this Hansel and Gretall all you can eat candy buffet.

"My dear, is something wrong? Why aren't you eating anything." He asked.

I looked at him, "because I can't stomach this much sugar, the air alone makes me sick to my stomach."

"Oh why didn't you say so! I'll have to take you to a bar I know that not only serves the besth root beer in the arcade but the besth burgers too. You'll love it." He added.

"I'd appreciate it." I now felt bad for making a comment about his generosity.

"So my dear, I want to know why haven't you come to visit in a long while?" He was finally done talking.

"What? I only just started coming to the arcade yesterday, my parents moved here a month ago!" I glared at him. "I seriously have no idea what you're talking about."

"Theriously? You don't remember all the fun we had back in the day winning every race?"

"No! What part of I started coming to the arcade yesterday didn't you understand?!" I frustratedly replied back.

Turbo/King Candy:

"My dear," I nervously laugh, "you really don't remember me? You must've had a bad accident in the real world, well good thing you'll never have to worry about that here."

"What?! I have to get back home to my parents!"

"Thorry, but we don't have a way for you to go back."

"... I'll never see my mom and dad again, I'll never learn how to drive."

"My dear I've met, well technically seen your mother though the consoles screen, lovely lady. A racer through and through, and trust me when I thay racing ith in your blood just asth it ith in my code. And Code and Blood ith Similar in that way, it ith written within us of Who We Are, tho my dear, You cannot Change who you are, but you can change what you become.

I promithe you, I will teach you to drive and betht of all Race!"

(I feel I rushed this... but I will edit this)

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