Word Count: 1028
Pairings: John Constantine x Reader
Warnings: angst, fluff
A/N: A long overdue part and I'm extremely sorry for my lack updates in all my books, I can't find time like I used to, but I'll start updating more regularly again soon.
Summary: With the demons still after you and your hellish dreams persisting, you're stuck with the petty dabbler of the dark arts until a solution can be found, and you must be going crazy, because that's starting to seem like a good thing.
You laid back on the couch, staring at the mirror that hung over the fireplace, watching the figures in it, mostly John, some were you and all of them playing out of sync with your time. Currently it was John sitting on the same couch you were laying on, drowning himself in cheap booze, smoking cigarette after cigarette. Which you've come to realize he did a lot. The faint sound of the millhouse door opening drew you from your barely coherent thoughts and you tore your gaze from the mirror.
The sound of footsteps grew steadily until a familiar pair of shoes began to descend the twisted staircase. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding and settled back onto the couch as John came into view. He paused a moment to stare at you before continuing in his way towards the kitchen.
"Have you moved at all since I left?"
"No, what would I do anyway? You told me not to touch anything."
He chuckled a little, setting the bags on the counter before approaching you. His smile fell a little when he saw the bags under your eyes and the exhausted expression on your face.
"You look like hell."
He was as blunt as always, but in truth it'd become something of a comfort to you this past month. You wanted answers, someone to just tell you why you were being hunted by demons, without tip toeing around the subject, and that's exactly what John did. Even if you wished he wouldn't sometimes.
"I haven't slept in two days of course I look like hell." You muttered dryly.
He stared at you for a moment, contemplating something, you could practically see the gears turning in his head.
"Don't strain yourself there." You quipped.
A smiled played on his lips and he shook his head. When he started moving around the house, collecting various substances you sat up a little.
"What are you doing?"
Your curiosity over the dark arts had only grown during your time with him, although with your current demon problem you weren't exactly eager to learn it right now. That didn't stop you from asking him countless questions you were sure he was growing tired of.
"Fixing your little nightmare situation, can't get rid of your demons just yet love, but I can make them a little quieter, the ones in your head anyway."
He laid out various herbs you'd never seen before and wandered into the kitchen. You sat up fully running your fingers over the smooth marble of the small bowl he had gotten. When he walked back in, he carried a knife. You raised an eyebrow but said nothing.
You watched him with fascinated curiosity as he added the herbs, crushing them and mixing them together. You were nearly pressed to his side, eager to see how he made, whatever it was he was making for you. John paused a moment watching you out of the corner of his eye.
"Mix these for me would you love? I forgot something."
Your eyes lit up and you nodded eagerly, John chuckled as he handed you the bowl before standing up. You had ground the herbs into a fine powder by the time he returned, and looked up as he sat a small first aid kit down. It looked a little worse for wear, but you were more curious as to why he had it.
"What's that for?"
John paused a moment as he opened the kit.
"Ah... well it's for you..."
Your eyebrows drew together in confusion.
"For me? But I'm not hurt."
"Not yet, but unfortunately I need a little of your blood to complete the spell."
You blinked slowly, gaze falling on the knife that sat on the coffee table.
"Just a little cut love, nothing to worry about."
You held your hands close to your chest, eyeing him with unease.
"Is there any chance it'll work without my blood?" You asked hopefully.
John gave you a sympathetic smile.
"Afraid not."
You hesitated a moment before nervously giving him your hand. John grabbed your wrist, but you noticed him looking at something behind you. You looked over your shoulder, but found nothing, you did however feel the sudden piercing pain across your palm. You let out a yelp, instinctively trying to jerk your hand towards you. John held your wrist tight, holding your hand over the bowl to allow the blood to drip in.
"You son of a bitch!" You hissed.
John smirked, as he held your hand, carefully wrapping the gauze around it.
"You aren't the first to call me that love, and you won't be the last." He shrugged.
You watched your blood mix with the herbs before turning your attention back to what John was doing.
"Will this work?"
John hummed a little as he tied off the gauze.
"Magic is a fickle thing, it might work, or maybe it's just a fluke, guess we won't know until you try it."
John held the bowl for you, as you cradled your injured hand to your chest.
"Was that positivity? I didn't know you could be positive John." You teased.
"Yeah, well don't let anyone else know, I've got a reputation to keep." He muttered.
You scoffed, shaking your head.
"It's not a good one." You reminded him.
"No but it gets the job done now doesn't it?"
John held the bowl out for you.
"Drink up doll, let's see if we can fix those nightmares of yours."
You stared at the bowl a moment before taking it from his hand and setting it on the coffee table. John looked at you confused and was about to ask you what was wrong but you wrapped your arms around his neck. The pain in your hand was ignored.
"Thank you John."
He froze for a moment, unsure of what to do, people didn't thank him when helped them. They cursed him, told him never to come around again, sometimes claimed he only made things worse. Your appreciation was an almost foreign thing to him. Hesitantly he wrapped his arms around you, hugging you back.
"As long as you're safe love." John whispered, holding you just a little tighter.
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