Noahs anxiety sky rockets when he's away from james

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Tw-mention of school shooting

Noahs pov
I drive off crying,i go to the next step knowing I won't be able to sleep. I walk in and i put my bag down. I begin to dance but remember richelle tends to check my location to make sure I'm okay so I quickly turn it off. I go back to doing pirouettes,I'm trying to get even more control on them but each time I think about james I fail! I swear to god that boy is driving me crazy. I think about him all the time,I think about him when he isn't with me,I think about when he is with me,and even now I can't stop thinking about him but he's just being stupid! How can he not see his dad is involved in the shooting I don't get it! I hear a door slam open,i jump! Richelle walks in "what are you doing here?"i ask "I could ask you the same question!"richelle says crossing her arms "there's no point me going home because I won't be able to sleep"i explain and she nods as she walks over, "you have to try!"richelle says hugging me "yeah but there's no point!"i say and she pulls out her phone "what are you doing?"i ask "nothing just keep dancing!"richelle says and i notice her typing but I keep dancing eventually she joins in but I hear a door slam and i jump "it's okay let's keep dancing!"richelle says and we keep dancing until james walks in. "Did you text him?"i ask "yes but only because I know that you won't sleep else!"richelle says "it's fine going to meet up with max!"i say and i notice james tense up. I ring max "hey Noah what's up it's late?"max says in a sleepy voice "hey yeah sorry if I woke you up but I was wondering if you could come over to the next step to talk for a bit?"i ask "yeah I'll be there in a sec!"max says "cheers"i say before hanging up. "What are you doing?"richelle asks "what?"I ask "you know he has a crush on you!"richelle says looking at james quickly "and james isn't my boyfriend anymore I can hang out with anyone i like"i say looking at james who looks like he's about to punch something. "Plus james made it quite clear that me and him are no longer dating so uh yeah"i say grabbing a drink "hang out with whoever you like but not max!"james says "why not your not my boyfriend anymore!"i say just as max walks in "hey Noah what's up?"max says and by the look on James' face i could tell James felt like killing max. "Nothing me and james broke up"i say and i notice max smile "oh you did?"max asks "yeah we did"i say looking at james "bro if you hurt him!"max says about to get in james' face "no i didn't but go ahead hurt me I dare you!"james says "no max don't!"both me and Richelle say at the same time. "Come on let's go!"i say and me and max walk off. I notice max keeps trying to get closer but I keep moving away from him.okay so maybe max is cute but james is so much better then max! We end up going back to my house and i lay down on my bed with max "noah?"max mutters "yeah?"i ask looking at him "you ever think that maybe your making accusation against James' dad because you want that shooter to be arrested because your scared"max mutters looking at me "no he got the shooter into school!"i say getting angry "okay but that shooter has a name!"max says he's got to be kidding "he ruined 28 student lives by killing them and who else how many other students like me that can't sleep at night because of him NOW GET OF MY HOUSE!"i say practically pushing him out of my bed. He leaves and i try to close my eyes but all i can hear is the gun shots again and i keep seeing his face. I hear my front door open but I recognise the's james🙄. He opens my door "what do you want?"I ask "shut up richelle told me can't sleep without me being here and now I can't sleep knowing you can't sleep so ima talk until you fall asleep and then leave"james says "I'm fine"i say lying "no your not"james says sitting on my floor "I know we've broken up but you can lay down on my bed"i say getting closer to my wall "thanks"james mutters climbing in my bed "whatever"i mutter. "Nope can't do it"i say jumping up "noah"james says. I feel like I'm about to faint,i sink to the floor,struggling to breathe.james jumps up "hey hey look at me it's okay"james says rubbing my cheek. James sits next to me and he wraps his arms around me. "Shhh it's okay"james says softly "i-i can't breathe"i mutter punching my chest "look at me it's okay come here"james says hugging me. I guess james will always be there for me?

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