Drabbles #3, #4 and #6

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A.N. Hey everyone. I hope you enjoy here what I've brewed up for you. Obviously I do not own Little Women or its characters, that's a no-brainer. You can also check out my LW fanfictions on Fanfiction.net, the source of all my LW fanfics.


Laurie woke up to the bright light of early morning. He stretched, and got up from his bed. He looked through his bedroom window at the March household, specifically at his best friend's bedroom window. He yawned and stretched some more before going downstairs to eat breakfast.

After he ate his breakfast, he pondered on what to do, what to do with Jo. He had many plans for today, too many indeed to accomplish in just one day. He then strolled out, heading to the Marchs' home.

Jo, already awake, saw Laurie walking towards her own home. At first she wanted to announce his coming, but held it back as she thought it unnecessary. She ran down the stairs, gently being reprimanded by her older sister Meg for that, and threw open the door, awaiting Laurie. Laurie saw her and sped up on his pace and shook hands with her.

"What a fine August day it is today, Jo," he commented on the weather. "Why, yes, it is, Laurie. Come inside! I want to show you my latest and greatest story, and hopefully we can have a Pickwick Club meeting next." Jo said.

Jo beckoned to Laurie to come with her upstairs to the garret. He followed her and when he entered the dusty yet comforting attic he plumped down onto the sofa. Jo snatched up a paper which seemed to be her "latest and greatest" story.

"This, Teddy, is the newest story that I have written. Do you want me to read it to you or you read it silently by yourself?" Of course, Laurie had chosen the first option as he wanted hear her (in his opinion) her beautiful, melodious voice.

After she had read out the story to him and Laurie had given her his opinion, they held a meeting of the Pickwick Club: Meg being Mr. Pickwick, Jo as Mr. Snodgrass, Beth Mr. Tupman and Amy Mr. Winkle.

"So Rodrigo pierces Antonio with his bright sword, and you, Meg, will fall down to your knees, greatly wounded." Jo directed the others' roles.

Suddenly Laurie spoke up. "Why don't you have a girl's role?" He asked nonchalantly.

Jo paused first as if thinking about what he had said, then laughed as if that was the most preposterous thing she had heard in her entire life. "A ridiculous question that is, really, Teddy. You know fully well that I hate being in women's garments, and besides their roles in life are unfairly limited. All they do in most stories is cook, clean, and care for the children, and I wouldn't want to end up like them."

Before Jo thought this could get any worse, the others had already joined in the controversy.

"Actually, Jo, you should act like a proper girl now that you're fifteen years old." Amy protested.

Meg's eyes went wide with excitement, she being the hopeless romantic of the family. "Jo, you could be Diana! Then you'd be saved by Rodrigo, and be married to him, a happy ending."

Laurie's eyes darted everywhere as he watched the scene in amusement.

"Meg," Jo began, holding back her indignation. "Have you been deaf all these years? I truly and utterly loathe the idea of... of being..." Her voice trailed off, afraid of completing her sentence.

"Lovers?" Laurie finished the sentence for her.

Jo nodded, avoiding his gaze at her.

"Well, enough of this foolishness. Let's get on with the play!" Jo called out, resuming with all the activities, trying her hardest to forget Laurie, the word he uttered to her and his long, seemingly intimate gaze at her.
A few weeks had passed after the 'fiasco' in the play. Jo pondered about this. Why had Laurie asked that dreadful question? The thought of her and Laurie being lovers? She just had to gag at this. But for some certain reason a blush crept to her cheeks instead. Thoughts of Laurie came into her mind. His soft, slightly curled locks and his big hands calloused whenever it touched any part of her body, his black eyes, always with mischievousness, his lean, lanky and slightly tanned body, always towering over hers. Jo blinked in surprise. Since when had she thought of those kinds of things about Laurie?

Little did she know that she was madly in love with her best friend. Of course, she was oblivous to this, thinking that it was a sickness that must be cured instantly.

She plumped herself onto her bed, lying down and staring at her ceiling, unconsciously thinking about Laurie again. She fell asleep, dreaming only of Laurie at that night.
It was Valentine's Day. The holiday Jo despised the most. She for the most part hated the idea of love and romance, perhaps except in books. Everyone knew that yet at times they ignore it. The most ignorant of those people was Laurie.

Laurie was already at the door, hands full of chocolates and flowers and gifts - of course commanded by his grandfather old Mr. Laurence, his reason being "they have given us a great deal of happiness, the least you could do to them is to give them gifts". Laurie of course was more than happy to buy gifts, especially for his Jo.

Marmee opened the door and welcomed Laurie in, greeting him as well as thanking him for the gifts. "You needn't buy them, Laurie, but if it was your grandfather's wish, please send him our thanks."

Laurie left the rest of the gifts and ran up the stairs, heading for the garret. He then spotted Jo.

"Jo, dear, happy Valentine's Day!" He greeted.

"And to you too." Jo said sulkily.

"Why the long face, Jo?" Laurie said, puzzled by her behavior.

"It's Valentine's Day."


A silence filled up the room briefly, only to be broken again by Laurie.

"Well, cheer up, fellow! I won't have you gloomy and down in the dumps on this fine day." At this, he gestured to the window, the sun shining and the sky blue. "Say, why don't we go out for a stroll?"

Jo looked up now, longing for an adventure. "Okay, then."

After Jo got ready, they set out. Laurie secretly picked Jo's favorite flowers along the way, then offering them to Jo, who accepted them gratefully. He took this opportunity to observe her: her thin yet pretty face, her soft dark brown hair, her long creamy legs (he then reminded himself to look up), her gray eyes always filled with excitement, curiosity and wonder. Laurie sighed, as if he couldn't take in too much beauty.

"Shall we go to the hill?" Laurie suggested.

"Okay," Jo said. "Race you there!" Then she ran as fast as her legs could carry her, which was pretty fast.

Laurie laughed aloud and raced after her, then picking her up in his strong arms as he caught up with her, causing a troubled look to appear on Jo's face.

"Put me down, Teddy! You're making me cheat!"

"No, Jo. Today I will be your prince and you my princess. Let's storm the citadel!"

At last they arrived and Laurie reluctantly put Jo down. They lay down on the grass, staring at the blue sky, panting slightly of exhaustion.

Laurie's hand carefully crept up to touch Jo's hand, and fortunately for him, she didn't flinch. He then wrapped his big hand around her small and slender one.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Jo."

"And to you too." Jo said, sounding more pleased this time.
A.N. Give me comments on what you want for the next set of drabbles. Salut!

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