First Impressions

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Hailee's View

"Are you excited about tonight?" Griffin asks.

"Eh." I say.

"I dunno why you said 'eh,' like you win awards on the daily. I don't even know how the hell you got nominated." Griffin says.

I glare at Griffin and he shrugs.

Tonight is the Surfey's and I'm nominated for Fan Favorite Actress. I won a Surfey for Song of The Summer, which was Starving, but I haven't gotten any nominations since.

"Do you think you'll win?" Griffin asks.

"I'd be surprised if I did." I say.

"You gotta give yourself a little more credit. Your acting isn't that terrible." Griffin says.

"Gee, thanks." I say.

Griffin laughs and I smile.

Time Skip; Y/n's View

"I'm so nervous." I say.

"You'll be fine." Max says adjusting the camera.

I asked Austin if Max could be the cameraman for the night so I can have someone to save the day when shit hits the fan.

"How you guys feeling?" Austin asks walking over.

"Stressed." I say.

"You'll do great." Austin says.

"Define great." I say.

You can practice interviewing me." Austin says.

"Okay." I say.

"I gotta record this." Max says, chuckling.

"So I'm here with..." I say.

"Austin Sidesurf." Austin says, speaking into the microphone.

"How're you feeling? Excited to be here?" I ask.

"Yeah, of course. Not so happy to be paying for it." Austin says.

I chuckle and Austin smiles.

"Who's your pick for-" I ask.

Someone walks by and accidentally nudges Austin. He bumps into me and I drop the microphone. The mic makes a loud screech and I look at Austin.

"What are the odds of that happening?" I ask as Austin bends down to pick the mic up.

"It's 100% possible, it's not your fault." Austin says.

"I think it's broken." Max says.

"What is?" Austin asks.

"The microphone. I'm not seeing any sound waves." Max says.

Austin and I look at each other and he sighs.

"I'll get another one." Austin says, giving me a pat on the back.

Austin walks away and I sigh.

"This gonna be a shit fest." Max says.

"Tell me something I don't know." I say.

Hailee's View; 30 minutes later...

"My oh my." Someone says.

I turn around and see Austin.

"How are you?" I ask, smiling.

"Good." Austin says as we hug.

"You look nice." I say.

"Right back at you." Austin says.

"Have you done an interview with Y/n yet?" Austin asks.

"I have no idea who that is." I say.

"Very egotistical." Austin says.

"What?!" I ask as we both laugh.

"I'm kidding. She's one of my journalists. Can you talk to her a little before you go inside, please?" Austin says.

"Yeah, sure." I say.

"Thank you, right over there." Austin says pointing.

"Okay." I say.

Austin smiles and walks away. I walk over and the man behind the camera looks up.

"I'm Max." He says.

"Hailee." I say as we shake hands.

"I dunno where her ass went but imma let you know right now, she's cursed." Max says.

"What?" I ask, laughing.

"I'm telling you, something's up with her." Max says.

"I'm back, sorry." A woman says walking over.

"Y/n." She says holding her hand out.

"Hailee." I say shaking her hand.

I've never heard of this woman before but she's kinda cute.

"What took you so long?" Max asks.

"I went to the bathroom and the security guy wouldn't let me back through because he didn't know who I was. I tried to show him my pass but I apparently left it in the bathroom so I had to walk all the way back to get it." Y/n says.

"It's fine." I say.

"You ready?" Y/n asks standing beside me.

"Mhm." Max says, fiddling with the camera.

"I'm here with Hailee Steinfeld who's nominated for Fan Favorite Actress. How are you feeling about tonight?" Y/n says.

"I mean, I'm just happy to be here. If I win that's great, if I don't, that's fine by me." I say.

"Your song Starving won the Surfey for Song of the Summer, a few years ago. When can fans expect new music and another chance for you to win a Surfey?" Y/n says.

"My inspiration for music is at an all time low. People can tell by the sound of your voice if what you're singing actually happened. They can hear that emotion. Unfortunately for me, I write love songs and that part of my life has been very dry lately." I say.

"Have you tried writing about other things? What about your favorite color?" Y/n asks.

"Yeah, it's true. My color is blue. That's no lie, I think it's so fly." I say.

She laughs and I smile.

"Before I let you go, I gotta ask, who do you want to win Trendsetter of the Year?" She asks.

"No comment." I say.

"Oh, come on." She says as we both laugh.

"Everyone who's nominated deserves it, and there's a lot of arguing about who deserves it so I'm gonna steer clear." I say.

"What about fashion icon?" She asks.

"Zendaya, easily." I say.

"A bit more spicy one - Fandom of the Year." She says.

"You tryna get me killed?" I ask.

Y/n laughs and I smile.

I watch pollen fly through the air as the wind blows and her eyes start to water. She brings her elbow to her nose and sneezes.

"Bless you." I say.

She sneezes again, and again.

"You okay?" I ask, chuckling.

She sneezes again and I grab a bottle of water off the table behind us. She sneezes again and I hand it to her. She sneezes and opens the bottle.

"I have never... seen something like this before." I say as she sneezes again.

She drinks some of the water and I give her a pat on the back.

"You okay?" I ask.

"Holy hell." Y/n says rubbing her eyes.

I chuckle and she blinks a few times.

"Sorry about that." Y/n says.

"You're okay." I say.

"I'm gonna let you go. Enjoy the show, have a good night." Y/n says.

"Thank you. It was an honor to witness the world record for the most consecutive sneezes be beaten right in front of my eyes." I say.

She chuckles and I smile before walking away.

I hope I get to see her again.

Y/n's View

"The hell was that?" Max asks.

"Fucking pollen." I say rubbing my eyes.

"It hasn't been windy all day and all of a sudden a strong gust of wind blows pollen through the air?" Max asks.

"Anything that can go wrong, will." I say.

"Other than you breaking 3 microphones, accidentally setting off a confetti cannon, and sneezing 500 times, I think these interviews went pretty well." Max says.

"If you say so." I say.

1150 Words

What a fucking weekend 😭

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