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(Maomao P.O.V)

*smirks* I will definitely win that first place prize. It's too good to pass up heheheh.

I look to my opponent and could see that his checking me and then smiles as if he's already won the game.

The game is simple.

It's a best out of 3 game of Weiqi (or GO) and whoever wins will advance in the next round.

Simple, right?


It wasn't your regular game of Weiqi that when you win 2 out of 3, you get to advance undoubtedly, the catch of it all was that in every round there will be 3 cups of tea placed on the side of the board.

One of them will be laced with poison. Just enough to make the one who drinks it forfeit his match and request for an emetic agent.

The winner of the round will get to choose a cup of his choice first before letting his opponent pick one for themselves.

Which means it's game based on purely luck.

You may have the advantage to choose a cup first if you win the round but there's no guarantee that the cup you'll choose will NOT be laced in poison especially in a best out of 3 game.

That's where I come in. Poison is my specialty, if there's anybody who can handle it best, it is me.

Now, back to my still smiling opponent who doesn't seem to understand the situation he put himself in.

He may be good at this game but he is surely not good at guessing.

On the 1st round of my first opponent, I purposely lost against him and you will soon know why....




"I FORFEIT! CALL A DOCTOR!" He started to look nauseous and on the verge of collapsing.

Apparently the man thought that the clearer the tea, the less likely it is poisoned.

He even confidently chugged it down and made it look like it was some kind liquor meant to be drank as a shot.

What a conceited man, and that led to his downfall.

The faster he drank it the greater the effects it'll have. Good thing he made the right choice of losing this game rather than losing his life, At least.

I continued winning for 3 more games after that.

The 2nd opponent was not smart in the slightest but he was crafty.

On our 2nd round, He won and took a cup then proceeded to cheat by knocking down a cup on purpose so I had no choice to get the last cup that most likely had been laced with poison.

And it was, unfortunately it didn't affect me that much and I pretended that it wasn't the poisoned cup even though I could really use an emetic agent right now.

That seemed to make him furious as he was sure that it was the poisoned cup then suddenly pulled out a knife and lunged at me.

Thankfully I dodged in time but my sleeve was slightly grazed that's why we had to take a slight break before I advance to the next round.

My opponent was restrained and is going to get punishment for harming his fellow competitor.

I was declared the winner for that round.

The 3rd and 4th opponent were decent players and gave me a hard time, fortunately they forfeited on the 2nd round of our games otherwise I'll look suspicious as I am the only competitor so far who has not drank a SINGLE poisoned cup.

Actually the 1st round of my 4th opponent was my 3rd cup of poisoned tea and I'm feeling light headed since earlier.. ugh... eyes on the prize. I can do this.

Before the Finals match between me and some guy named Jinghou?...Jingshua?... or was it Jinshen?

Arghh whatever, They gave us a 5 minute water break so might as well go to the restroom.


"hehehe first prizeee"

"Wow not only are you a pervert but your also a creep."

I look to my right and saw a tall man with bright purple eyes and hair.

"HEUK! WTF Man, appearing out of nowhere and what did you mention about a creep?!? As far as my eyes see your the creep here."

"Did you just call ME a creep? Unlike a pervert like you who just came out of the WOMEN'S bathroom, with a weird creepy face, I am the son of the Em- Eunuch." he nervously ended his speech.

I was about to counter his perfectly flawed accusation when the bell for the final round rang, signaling for the final competitors to begin in a minute.

"You were lucky this time you creepy eunuch!" I ran as fast as I could and made it 20 seconds before the game began. yes I was counting.

I look to my opponent's seat and saw that it was empty and I started rejoicing, thinking he might not show up and I don't have to play and I can get that first place pri-

The rambling in my head stopped as I saw the SAME MAN enter the room and sat on the empty seat....

... HE was my opponent. Ugh talk about advanced bad luck.

"So pervert, I didn't expect you to be my final opponent. Sorry to tell you but it's better to forfeit now unless you actually are planning to die."

"We'll see about that you creepy eunuch"

"Don't say I didn't warn you because unlike you who's actually been drinking poison. I on the other hand have not had a single drop of it since the beginning of this competition."


He knew I was drinking poison and still challenged me knowing I couldn't win in 3 rounds if I drink the poisoned cups in each round.

The finals were a bit different, this time there is 2 cups of poisoned laced tea and 1 cup of unpoisoned tea, Additionally the winner gets to choose FOR the loser first before drinking her own cup.


To think that I would pass out after the 3rd round is infuriating. Not only did I lose to that creepy dude but most importantly...

....MY PRIZE... (」゚ロ゚)」ᴺᴼᴼᴼᴼᴼ~

"Hey, So you're finally awake. How are you feeling?"


"That's true, the doctor said you probably drank 6 cups of poisoned tea. I'm surprised you're not dead."

"No idiot, I'm miserable because I couldn't get the prize." I said disappointingly.



"I can't give you the prize but I can give you this." He suddenly spoke up.

My eyes instantly brightens to what he has in his hands.

"REALLY?!? YOUR GIVING IT TO ME??? THANK YOU JINGO!" My eyes sparkles as I snatched it from him.

"First of all I don't see why you get so excited about... an extra prize... and Second that is NOT my name. It's Jingshi. Idiot." He then showed a blinding smile.

"This is actually what I have been aiming for since the beginning, I didn't want the first place prize itself but the extra prize that came with it so I guess I should apologize cree- I mean Jingshi." I did my weird dance in celebration.

Mission accomplished and nobody found out-

"By the way Maomao, Are you actually.......

......a girl?"

-Shi. I spoke too soon.


A/N : How are you all today? I hope everybody is fine and doing well.

I decided to write a new chapter in appreciation of kumargaraj who added my book to their reading list. As a new and simple writer it makes me happy. Thank you po.

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