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(T.W. bl**d and d**th)
Y/N walked around until she found a faint noise from room 109 so she decided to go in she walked forward a bit and right when she did she saw Amy holding a toy on fire as she screamed.

Y/N jumped back a bit from fear and then took out the radio after she disappeared.

"Is it Amy?"

"Yes I'm Amy"

"I saw you holding a toy on fire. What happened?" Y/N asked a bit concerned for Amy's story

"My hand got burned, it was really hurting, but I couldn't tell anyone."

Y/N nodded and put away the radio and peeked her head out first then walked until she saw a flicker in a hallway of room 102/103.

Just as she got there Amy came out of room 102 saying. "I'm telling you, Jimmy, you can't do that! You're horrible..." And walked back inside the room.

Y/N went inside 102 and took out the radio again. "Is it Amy?"

"Yes. It's me"

"I saw you outside a room. Something frightened you. What was it?" Y/N asked

"I was trying to find a doctor. But Jimmy threatened me and made me stay."

"When you said you needed a doctor but Jimmy threatened you to stay. Does that have anything to do with the sword?"

"Yes - he got it down from the wall. It looked really sharp. He made me promise not to tell anyone and he said he could make my hand stop hurting."

Y/N got confused but put the radio away and walked out to hear Hugo called out again. "I'm coming now!" From somewhere close so she ran inside a room and hid in the bathroom waiting a bit.

After a few minutes, she got out of the room and headed down the hallway to the right.

Y/N soon got to room 112 and walked in but knew she already checked this room so as she was about to leave Amy showed up but seemed disgusted by something she just drank. So when she coughed and walked into the bathroom Y/N took out her radio. "Is it Amy?"

"Yes I'm Amy"

"I saw you drinking something. You didn't seem to like it. What was it?"

"The boy told me it was medicine. It tasted horrible."

"When you said the medicine tasted horrible, does that have to do with what you said about the whiskey bottles?"

"Maybe - he told me to keep drinking it. It was horrible. Then I started to feel strange..."

Y/N had a sick feeling in her stomach. 'This poor girl...' She thought and went to the elevators before Hugo could catch her as she hopped onto the elevator and pressed the third-floor button.

As she did she saw Hugo look inside the elevator at her once again but this time she stepped back not falling.

Once on the third floor, she stepped out and went to the right to the door that leads to the staircase.

She looked inside and saw Amy looking down while humming a soft song but then giggled.

Y/N had an even sicker feeling when she backed up and disappeared out of sight. So she tried pushing on the door to open but it wouldn't open. She ran to the elevator and ran to another way in that staircase. She went to the ground-level floor.

She walked off and to the door pushing it right open. She ran up the stairs to the top where Amy was and turned on her radio.

"Is it Amy?"

"Yes. I'm Amy"

"I saw you at the top of the stairs, on the banister. What were you doing?"

"I felt really light, I really thought I could jump down to the bottom" Y/N got a worse feeling. 'Oh no,' she thought and walked down to the bottom. She faced the door but didn't want to turn around but knew she had to.

As she turned around and saw Amy lying dead on the floor with a pool of blood around her some of it was even dripping down the stairs.

Y/N felt like she was gonna throw up. But the lights flickered off then back on and she was back to being alone again.

Y/N pulled out the radio and turned it on. "Is it Amy?"

"Yes. It's Amy"

"I saw you lying at the bottom of the stairs. What happened to you?" Y/N knew exactly but still needed to know her story.

"I jumped, but then it all went dark and I couldn't wake up. I can't wake up anymore. I don't know where I am."

Y/N was about to cry at the last part but held it back. She wanted to confront Jimmy or even Hugo she just wanted answers.

Y/N went up to the first floor and stepped out of the elevator. "Hugo! Jimmy! Come out now!"

"Well... well... well... I see you completed Amy's story how was that little experience?" Hugo said with an evil snicker.

"Why did you do that to her?! She was only ten!"

"She was a bad egg and you know what you gotta do with bad eggs..."

"Doesn't give you the right to do that! She was only a little girl! She didn't know any better!" Y/N grew angry with Hugo as she saw him soon hold his head and back up.


Jimmy looked at her. "Yes, miss?"

"Why did you give Amy Bell alcohol?..."

"I know it seems bad and it is but you have to believe me I never meant to hurt anyone it was all his fault that all these deaths happened here."

Y/N studied him for a bit longer than she should've. "Alright then try to control him... For me? So I can hear all these stories"

"Fine, fine, fine. Yeah I will try my best but I can't promise it forever"

Y/N nodded as she began to leave.

"Wait Y/N"

"Yes?" You stopped to turn to face him.

"I really do care about you... I will try my best to protect you the best I can I promise you" Jimmy said with a small smile. Which made you smile at his comment

"I care about you to Jimmy I will try my best to not die from Hugo for you"

Jimmy laughed a bit. "See you around"

"Most likely," Y/N said leaving finally and went into the elevator.

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