Painful births

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"Deborah, I need James," Riley cries to her future mother-in-law as she sat on the sofa with her legs open, panting and breathing out in a quick-paced cycle. She closes her eyes and groans through the pain when she's hit with yet another contraction while she massages her stomach. "I- It hurts," she sobs, her face red with tears streaming down past her cheeks.

"I know, sweetheart," Deborah assures her, rubbing her arm lightly as she stood in front of her almost daughter. "Piper, I need to you to call James right now and let him know Riley's in labour. Tell him to get here as quickly as possible," she orders the younger girl who had just arrived downstairs after leaving her bedroom. She was totally confused as to what was happening, but the moment her eyes meet Riley, she quickly puts everything together and gets her phone out of the pocket of her hoody. "Riley, I need you to calm down-"

"I can't calm down," the girl cuts the older lady off. "It hurts so badly. And I'm two weeks early." She lays her head back down when she's hit with a sudden wave that courses through her stomach and she grits her teeth together. "James should be here by now," she says through an exhale. "I need him, where is he?!"

"He's coming, love," Deborah responds, trying to remain calm and collected for Riley's sake. She keeps her hand on Riley's arm and turns around to face her own daughter. "Piper, where is he?" she whisper-yells. "Riley's suffering here and she needs him, tell him to hurry up."

"He said he wants to talk to Riley," Piper reports. Deborah takes a look down at the crying dirty blonde haired girl, before ushering her hand back and forth to gesture for Piper to give the phone to her.

"Put it on speaker," she instructs the sixteen-year-old, just before Riley screams through her teeth, whimpering in pain.

On the other side of the line, James was in the car, his phone in his hand as he drove back from the shopping centre to his house. He comes to a stop when he reaches a red traffic light and his heart stops, bringing his full focus to his fiancée as he heard her yell in desperation for comfort.

"Ri, baby," he says softly. The tenderness of his voice brings the girls loud wails to a halt as she tries to focus on the father of her baby. 

"James," she whispers, still with tears in her eyes as a whimper escapes her lips. Deborah puts on a pair of gloves and slowly reaches over to rub her hands over the twenty four year old's exposed belly, gently pushing it down every now and again. Instead of setting her concentration on the contractions striving through her body, she focuses on James's next words at the same time as he begins to drive again.

"Riles, I'm coming okay. I'm just around the corner so I need you to be brave for me, and I need you to breathe in and out."

"I can't, James," she sighs, closing her eyes tightly and wincing when Deborah presses down on her stomach a bit harder than expected. "Where are you? I need you here," Riley continues, her voice becoming a mere whisper and only just detectable for James to hear.

"I'm on the high street," he tells her, looking around to find the nearest shop in his view. "I'm by the pizza and pasta place, okay," he adds, but in response, he gets another loud moan when Deborah tells her to push. The moment James hears her cries, his heart pauses again but only for him to join a traffic jam, cars beeping here and there and red and amber lights surrounding him fully. "Ri, close your eyes and think about something, okay, hon. Don't focus on the pain. I want you to imagine your body feels numb right now and I'm right beside you. The second I get home, I'll be there to cuddle you, baby girl," James continues to say. 

Back home, Riley nods to herself, listening to his every word and longing for his touch, hoping for him to be there soon, not knowing the amount of traffic he was stuck in.

"Shall I call an ambulance?" Piper asks into the phone to her older brother as her mother was preoccupied with trying to help deliver the baby. Having been a nurse in the past, it wasn't total rocket science for her when it came to midwifing. 

"Yes, just as precaution in case of anything," her brother responds. "Use the landline though. I need to keep talking to Ri."

Piper follows the instructions given to her and sets the mobile phone down by Riley's side for her to listen to him, whilst the teenage girl enters the opposite room to grab the house phone.

"Jay, I can't do this without you," Riley cries as Deborah prepares a towel to wrap the baby in. "She's on her way but I just . . . I can't-"

"Ri, you can, sweetie," he reassures her, looking up and viewing just how long the queue of cars was. He looks back down at his phone and listens as the female adult's sniffles fill his ears. 

"Jamesss," she shrieks in a loud scream when she pushes harder than before along with Deborah's help. Sweat had filled the girl's head and neck by now and her head was pounding, with nausea caught up in her throat. The male looks around him before turning the car around and switching gear to park up along the side-walk. He opens the car door and takes both his car and door keys with him before closing the door shut and he begins to speed-walk down the street to reach his parents' house.

"I'm coming, baby. I'm just a couple of blocks away." Riley moans again in spite of Deborah's encouragement when she mentions being able to see the baby's head. 

"The ambulance are on their way. They said to give you this," Piper informs when she re-enters the room, giving her future sister-in-law an icepack wrapped in a muslin cloth. "It'll keep you cool."

"It won't calm me down though," the blonde spits back, not being able to help it. She takes the icepack anyway and dabs it at her head, closing her eyes and arching her back to get ready to push again.

"That's it, darling," Deborah says sweetly. "Now, when you're ready, let me know and we'll push together okay."

"Okay," Riley breathes. "James, where are you now?" she asks, still with her eyes closed.

"I'm walking down the street. I'll be by the house in just a moment, love."

"Okay," she says again, her voice tired as she gulped for breath. "Okay, I'm ready," she says, opening her eyes and looking at her fiancé's mother. 

"You sure?" Deborah asks precautionarily as she sets her hands on Riley's stomach.

"No," she breathes out, sighing again. "I can't do this," she says once more, taking her self back to square one. Deborah sighs a little but reaches up to look at her face properly. She takes hold of one of Riley's hands and squeezes her palm a little as she looks into the girl's scared and prudent eyes.

"Riley, that gorgeous baby girl is counting on you," she says slowly and softly. "Your daughter is in there, waiting for you to bring her into this world. You've already done all the work of keeping her healthy and carrying her, suffering from morning sickness and all different kinds of hormones because of her. Now you're doing the last small bit of bringing her here. I know she's two weeks early. I know that might worry you, but there's nothing to be scared about. Loads of babies come out as premature. The longer you keep her held up inside of you, the more it's going to hut and more damage will be done. This baby is coming right here, right now, so I need you to do as I say and push for me, sweetheart," the baby's grandmother instructs. 

Riley slowly nods, James still listening to this whole conversation as he walks past the neighbours' houses before reaching the front door where he takes his set of keys out and begins to unlock the door.

"Okay," riley says, unaware of James's whereabouts. "Okay."

"So are you ready?" Deborah asks. Just as she's about to nod and begin to push again, the front door unlocks and opens for James to rush inside. He quickly makes his way over to the sofa and slides in beside his future wife, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and bringing her to rest her head over the top of his chest.

"James," Riley sighs in relief, sinking into his body. He rubs her arms softly and kisses her forehead, holding one of her hands to comfort her.

"It's okay, angel. I'm right here, okay," he reassures her. 

She nods and closes her eyes a little as Deborah lightly presses down on the girl's stomach, causing her to wince or grimace every so often. James looks to his mother, awaiting her signal which is shortly given to him in a brief smile. 

"Riles, I need you to breathe in and then push for me, babe," he says. "I'll do it with you, okay. So in . . ." he guides her, causing her to do the same. "Now push." Riley groans ever so slightly as she pushes harder than she had been doing last time. She focuses her mind to her fiance's heartbeats that are heard through the fabrics of his clothing and he continues to press kisses to her hair. "And pause and breathe out," he says, watching the body of his first child slowly begin to emerge. 

"James, I'm bleeding," the girl gasps, looking down, but James shakes his head and chuckles softly.

"You're not bleeding, Ri, it's her head, okay. You're doing good. Almost halfway there."

"I don't know if I can push anymore," Riley replies. 

"Please, honey. You're almost there and I'm right here. Two more pushes and she'll be in your arms," he tells her, somewhat building up the girl's courage as she sighs and reopens her eyes.

"Okay," she says, nodding. She holds onto James's hand and then breathes out before closing her eyes and breathing in again as she pushes. She squeezes his palm so tightly that it turned red, but he didn't care and used his other hand to rub her back soothingly. She groans loudly, breathing back out again and trying to maintain her breathing rate before finding the perseverance to go again, pushing two times more before letting go.

"You did it, Riles," James whispers into her ear, kissing her temple. She smiles softly but that was all as she was far-too worn out to say anything else. She closes her eyes and keeps her head rested on James's chest as Deborah cuts the umbilical cord which connects the baby to her mother. Once lifted up into the air, a small and light smack on the arm causes the baby to start crying, signalling that she was in fact breathing, putting a smile on the pair of lovers' faces. Deborah grabs the spare towel from the floor and wraps it around the miniscule and naked body before passing her into Riley's arms.

"There you go, lovely," she says as she passes it. Riley opens her eyes and puts her arms out to hold her first baby, smiling as she looked down at the girl's body and showing her fiancé as well. Her crying had come to a halt the moment she was placed in her mother's touch as she cradled her lovingly.

"She's beautiful," Riley says softly, her voice almost angelic as she looked down at her precious daughter.

"Like you," James adds, kissing the top of her head again.

"What's her name?" Piper asks gently, taking several steps forward to make herself known in the conversation. Riley and James each exchange looks with each other before smiling as Riley answers:

"Lillie-Rose Emilie Salvatore."

"Aw, cute. Can I hold her?" she asks apprehensively. Riley nods and gestures for the girl to make her way over before she passes the new-born baby to her aunt for her to cradle. Riley shuffles up to James, knowing full and well that she needed a shower, but as the ambulance arrives outside, she doesn't bother getting up and instead remains where she was sat.

"I love you so, so much, Ri," James whispers into her ear. She turns around to face him and smiles softly.

"I love you too, babe," she responds before pressing her lips onto his. It was short but sweet, and when they pull away, she rests her head in the nape of his neck while Deborah opens the door to the nurses before they make their way over to the couple.

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