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Top : Jeonghan

Top : Cute, adorable, soft.


Joshua is sitting quietly on a bench in front of the basketball court, reading a book or trying to, but honestly he's more focused on observing his boyfriend Jeonghan's every move. No one knows they're a couple, and yet they're not particularly discreet, but when they do act as a couple they take care that no one is around them. They're different from each other - Jeonghan is extremely popular, Joshua is not. But opposites attract, right?

Just as he was about to concentrate on his book, he felt a presence at his side so the young man turned his head to see what was going on and all he got were his boyfriend's lips on his, Joshua started to blush and he pushed his elder away.

" Darling, why are you pushing me away ? " Jeonghan are sad but have a playfull smile on his lips.

" If the others see us, Hannie-ya. " Say Joshua, whispering softly.

" No one will be able to see us, they're all changing in the locker room. We are alone now, love."

Jeonghan smiles wryly and grabs the back of Joshua's neck so he can kiss him again without him being able to escape a second time, the exchange is sweet and relaxing, their hearts beat in unison and the American calms down he lets Jeonghan do it, anyway he doesn't have much choice, then suddenly the bell rings.

The American places one of his small hands on his lover's chest and gently pushes him away, Jeonghan grunts in disappointment but steps back all the same, the two lovers stare into each other's eyes and the elder can't help but place one last little kiss on his lover's forehead before leaving to get changed himself.

The black-haired man smiles, while thinking that he'd like their relationship not to be a secret; he'd really like Jeonghan to call him Darling openly, without thinking about the others and the reprisals that might ensue.

The young man gets up from the bench and heads for his classroom, which he obviously shares with Jeonghan, and at this time of day they always make sure they're together. When the black-haired man enters the room, he sits down at a table for two and waits for his boyfriend.

He soon arrives with Seungcheol, his best friend, and the two bicker as usual, which makes Joshua chuckle discreetly. Jeonghan sees his boyfriend, so he joins him.

During the hour, Joshua feels his lover's hand on his thigh. At first, he doesn't pay much attention, but when he feels his boyfriend's hand moving upwards, he panics a little, starts to blush and gently slaps his elder's wandering hand.

When the American turns his head and his eyes meet Jeonghan's he understands what's going on inside his lover's head so he bites his lower lip and thinks.

" Teacher-nim..."

" Yes Joshua, what's going on ? "

" I'm not feeling very well, I can go to the infirmary, please. "

" Of course, Jeonghan please accompany him."

Jeonghan smiles, the plan has totally worked and the two boys can get out of the room with ease, once outside the classroom, the blond grabs his lover's wrist and he pulls him towards their room. They call this room that because it's the only one they go to for peace and quiet, and they're even the key so they can lock the door completely and be left alone.

Once they arrive inside, Jeonghan locks the door and places his back against it, Joshua comes in front of him and his elder firmly grabs his hips so that their two bodies meet.

" Darling ~ "

" Hmm ? "

" You know without you i'm so lonely."

Joshua begins to giggles slightly; they've been apart for twenty minutes and it's already too much for Jeonghan. Honestly, the American thinks it's cute, and he loves it when his boyfriend is begging for love and affection, as he is right now.

" I care for you.."

" You care for me. Yeah, like I care for you Hannie-ya. "

" We can be all we need."

" Yeah we're all we need to be, a wonderful couple. "

" Kiss me baby. "

The American giggles again and slowly places his lips on Jeonghan's. The Korean places his hands on Joshua's back and accentuates the exchange by sliding his tongue inside his lover's oral cavity. The kiss remains extremely tender and sweet, in keeping with their relationship, and after a few kisses they pull away from each other and simply cuddle until the doorbell rings.

" Darling, I'll go out first and you go out after."

The black-haired man gives a slight pout and the blond man's heart melts at the sight, so he kisses his boyfriend for the umpteenth time and opens the door at the same time.

" Don't make that little face."

" Hannie-ya are you ashamed of me ? "

" No, why would you think that ? You're the person I love most in this world."

" Why don't you feel like calling me Darling in front of the others ? Why do you wait until it's just the two of us to do it ? "

" I honestly thought you wanted us to stay a couple secretly. "

" I'm scared for you, I know your basketball team is full of homophobes and I'm afraid they're going to hurt you."

" They won't do anything, they're scared of me don't worry."

Jeonghan comes to stroke his boyfriend's hair and he opens the door, when it opens the two lovers hear screams, Jeonghan turns slowly and he takes Joshua's hand in his, the students look at them with disgust.

" Stop looking at us like that, it's about time the truth came out. Joshuji and I have been a couple for a few months now. "

" That's a lie ! Oppa you're ours."

" No my heart already belongs to my Darling."

Joshua starts to blush, he hides behind Jeonghan's back and this makes the blond chuckle, he feels a light pat against his back and he finds it so adorable that he turns to face his boyfriend and he takes him in his arms.

" I love you so much Darling. "

" I love you too Hannie-ya. "

The other students make noises of disgust until a voice echoes.

" For God's sake leave that poor couple alone shit."

" Thanks Cheol ! Now if you've got any balls... "

" I'm also in a relationship with a boy, he's not in the establishment but I love him mightily. "

" And he's my cousin ~"

Seungcheol sighs and rolls his eyes softly, Jeonghan starts laughing and he tells Joshua that it's time he really met the older boy and his cousin, a four-way date might be the best idea ever.

Now nothing will stop Jeonghan from calling Joshua, Darling in front of the whole establishment, nothing will stop him from showing the world that he loves Joshua and that the young American belongs to him. And nothing will stop Joshua from sticking by his eldest all day long, now their love just has to shine through.

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

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