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The first thing that happened at the meeting between the current lieutenants of the paranormal liberation front and the heroes was not peaceful words being spoken.

It was a gunshot.

Hawks stood paralyzed, the members of the league, not even registering what had happened until Twice crumpled to the ground next to him, his head bumping down into rock hard pavement. It made a sickening crack.

And for a moment there was tense silence. Shocked silence. And in that silence Hawks looked down to see the massive pool of blood already on the ground.

He gasped, and knelt down beside Twice, fully not understanding what had happened.

"Hey! Hey! Wake up-" he said, lightly shaking his shoulder, his head refusing to believe he was touching a dead body. His soul refusing to believe he was the reason this man has just died.


Hawks snapped his head over, "what?" He choked, but someone sort of shoved him to the side in attempt to remove him from the bloody body in front of him.

He felt a harsh kick to his back, then at his side as he was pushed away from Twice. When he finally looked to see who was doing it, he was faced with Dabi.

"YOU SAID THERE WOULD BE NO WEAPONS!" He yelled, picking up Twice's body and turning to the rest of the league, "RUN! HES A FUCKING TRAITOR."

And soon there was chaos.
Police were running after them all.

But in a split second, Dabi had grabbed Hawk's by his collar, Twice, still dead and bloody, the only thing separating them.

"you killed him." He spat.

And then they were gone.

Hawks looked down and his hands were covered in blood. Twice's blood.

Oh god.

What had he done?

He felt his whole body trembling as the air around him thickened with the movement of tires on hot blacktop, the sound of sirens ringing in his ears and shrilling as they bounced off the glassy windows of buildings around the abandoned area. He felt himself start to cry as wet tears began to roll down his cheeks.

He felt this pull of shock in his torso and some vague wave of nausea as he lost touch with his emotions and the tears stopped. He just kept staring at his hands and then the pool of blood on the ground, partially on his boots.

Twice was dead.

Twice was dead and it was his fault.
He felt a hand on his shoulder and in his periferal vision saw blurry, deep blue. A police officer's uniform, a bullet proof vest, a gun strapped safely to his side.

But Hawks couldn't help it.

He whipped around and sent a punch right into his cheek, "How could you!?" He shouted, not yelling at this man in general, but now the whole force of people who had agreed to meet peacefully.

"We agreed on peace! We agreed no weapons!! THEY BROUGHT NOTHING AND YOU KILLED-" He yelled but his voice gave out as he now faced a crowd of officers ready to restrain him. He watched someone pull out a pair of cuffs.

He watched someone carry away Twice's body on a gurney.

He watched the police officer he'd punched wipe Twice's blood off his face with his sleeve.

And then he saw his hands again, covered in opaque, dying blood. He felt himself slipping into dissociation. He saw the dead bodies from so many scenes he hadn't gotten to quite in time. He saw himself with his stomach ripped open. He saw every dream where all his loved ones were dead.

And now part of that dream was a reality.

"Put your hands in the air!" Someone shouted.

But Hawks didn't move, just stared at the blood of one of his friends. His friend who had been promised peace and reform and a chance to start again, but instead was met with violent death. An end.

A man who'd simply found his home, and blindly did anything to keep that feeling of home, had been shot and killed simply for showing up somewhere he was told he could get a new start. A new opportunity.

Kiego felt handcuffs around his wrists, cold and weighty against Twice's warm, no longer hot, blood.

"You have the right to remain silent." He heard as his slipped farther into his head. He didn't move. He couldn't think.

"Hawks, get in the car."

He didn't move. He couldn't move. Every second he fell farther from the outside world and more inside his head.

"Hawks!" Someone yelled at him.

And then he was shoved forwards. He jerked out of his paralysis, but instead of fighting back, just fell to the ground, curling into a ball as he began to hyperventilate. He tucked his wings tight around his body and instinctively began to sob as a harsh panic attack took over his body.

The policemen just kept trying to haul him off the ground and he just sobbed harder. In grief and in fear he just cried out.

"Cut it out! Cut it out!" Someone yelled. A lower gruff voice.

He clung to it.

And soon he was hugging onto the person owning said voice. The familiar gray scarf said it all.

"They killed him. They killed him." The hero sobbed, "they weren't supposed to kill him. They said they were gonna-" Hawks let out another harsh sob into Aizawa's shoulder, his bloody, cuffed hands tucked up to his chest and his wings blocking out the sensory in his side vision so the only thing he was understanding was him and Aizawa.

"Killed who?" Aizawa asked.

"Twice! You don't understand all he- he- all he wanted was a fucking home. He-" but the hero couldn't finish his thought because he couldn't breathe.

He pulled away from Aizawa, clutching a hand to his chest, then both because they were cuffed together. He was hyperventilating so severely he saw black covering his vision.

"Kiego, you've gotta inhale. You've gotta take deeper breaths." Aizawa said, almost frantically, "hey hey, hey. You've gotta calm down."

Hawks wailed in panic and in pain, his whole body shaking so severely and he felt like he was gonna throw up as he thought of all the gore and then saw the blood on his hands.

On his clothes.

On Aizawa.

All over.

"Paramedics! Can we get help?" Aizawa shouted, knowing he was completely unable to access the man in front of him right now.

They ran over with an oxygen mask, which was strapped to his face.

Someone took his hands out of cuffs and despite the blood, Aizawa wrapped held Kiego's hands in his own.

He finally began to calm down, staring Aizawa straight in the eyes as he began to talk Hawks down from the whole thing.

Kiego was dissociated for the rest of the day.


Dabi and the rest of the lieutenants got to their panic room. Not to the base because obviously the heroes knew where that was. Obviously the heroes wanted all of them dead.

But the secretly white haired, scarred man had seperated himself from the rest, preferring to sit alone in silence. He was grieving. He was upset. But more than anything he was angry.

He was angry his friend's life was unfairly taken.

But the one thing Dabi never did was sit around and wait for someone else to do something about it.

He decided to take matters into his own hands.

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