Chapter 9: My name is Nate by the way

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"Ahh now I have to change," I groaned in my mind. I didn't want to look either over dressed or under dressed.

I stood and took a look in my wardrobe. I didn't know what to wear as usual. I was so jealous of boys that can just put their hand in their wadrobe and pick whatever shirt they want and match it with any Jeans and still look good.

After going through hundred of clothes I finally picked out what I would wear. I picked a mini pink skirt that have a bow with a white laced long sleve shirt. I paired it with a pink high heels. I brushed my hair and left it flowing on my shoulders then put a little make up. Pink lipstick and a little mascra with some eye liner.

"Am ready," I said as I walk downstairs.

"Wow sis you look so beautiful as always,"

"Awww thanks Jamie, " I said hugging and kissing him on the cheeks.

"Well not bad," Jason said.

"Duhhh," I replied.

"Whatever bye," he said .

"Am heading to Tylan house," he added.

"What !which Tylan ?"I asked

"Tylan Steven," He said.

"Why will you not take James then,"I said getting annoyed.


"Well I was going to take but since you agreed to do that I guess I don't have to, " he said.

"Don't tell me it's one of your bets JAMES!" I said turning and glaring at James.

"It's not. I swear it's not sis. He just asked me to ask you if you can take me. I asked him why but he refused to tell me and told me to do as he said.," James started babbling.

"I don't know you don't want to go. Don't worry you don't have to take me. You can just stay if you like,"he continued.

"It's okay Jamie. I don't mind taking you. Maybe I will meet some of my friends ," I told him. The ones that won't recognize me I added in my mind.

"Yeah you will surely meet your boyfriend," James said.

"What?who?" Jason asked with a surprise look on his face.

"Nate of course. Cassie said he was her best friend and is now............," James started.

"James shut up!,"I said.

"Ohhh oops sorry sis" he said.

"Now let's go."Bye mom'" I shouted and exited the house.

"You look pretty sis" Jason said.

"Whatever," I replied back as I climbed the back seat of his car instead of the passenger's seat to show him I was still angry.

"So who do you dressed up for," He asked again.

"None of your business," I replied. It was not my nature to get angry easily so if I do.....

"Come on essie you can't stay angry at your best brother for that long. Please forgive me," he said with his best puppy dog face.

"Fine. But if you try anything like that again. Am not going to forgive you,and for your information James is my best bro not you," I said.

"Yaaayyy!!." He said acting like a child whose mother just agreed to give him sweets.

"Now come back here," he said tapping the passenger's seat.

"Naughty boy," I said as I climbed to the passenger's seat which was so difficult due to my skirt.

"Don't tear your skirt," Jason said.

" I hope I won't," I said laughing.

After some minutes we reached their street. I felt so nervous.

James was busy babbling about the gift he bought saying I hope cassie will like it.

"Jessie do you think she will like it," James asked.

"Jessie!Jessie! Jessie!" He shouted.

"Sorry Jamie what did you say?," I asked.

I was just thinking about what to do in the house. I would just escort James in then go out as fast as I could so that no body would see me. Maybe I would find a shop close by or a library. I decided not to spend more than five minutes in that house.

"Are you okay," my two brothers asked me at the same time.

"Yes am just not feeling fine," I lied .

"I told you not to come but you said you must come," James said.

"Don't worry, I am okay Jamie," I said as I opened the door. We were already there.

"Hey Jessie, " my older brother said.

I turned back and looked at him.

"Won't you even say goodbye,"he said.

"Ohh sorry bye" I said and started walking but he stopped me.

"Are you sure you are okay. If not I can take you home," He said in a brotherly tune.

"I am," I replied.

"I know you don't want to come. Am sorry I forced you to come. I just want you to have fun. Okay? And if anything happen to you don't forget to call me. I am ready to break anyone's nose."

I laughed and said," I can't call you because I know you are not strong and can't break anyone's nose ."

"Come on you know am stronger than all your friends," He said contrasting his biceps.

I laughed and waved him goodbye.

"Don't forget to call me if you need me", he shouted.

I smiled and headed inside. Nothing had changed in the house. The house was still the same if not for the decoration. It was perfect for a little girl's party. Everything was pink with Barbies and the Disney princesses. James was no where to be seen. Now what would I do?

It won't be fair on James to leave him alone in a party. I decided to just find James and tell him I will go to a library .

Feeling statisfied with my brilliant idea I started looking for my brother. The whole children were almost the same height as he was so it was so difficult to know who he was. And I couldn't even remember the clothes he wore. Yeah call me an uncaring sister but I was too busy with my thoughts in the car that I didn't even notice the clothes he wore.

Finally I found him. "James I have been looking for you," I said turning him to my face. Much to my surprise it was not him but someone that looked exactly like him. The same eyes. The same blonde hair. E.t.c.

"Ohh am sorry I thought you are James, "I said.

"Well I am James,"he said.

"Ohhh well I mean James my brother," I said smiling.

"Aww I like your smile. You look so se...,"the little boy that looked like James said.

My mouth was hung open.Where did this little boy of five year old knew that word. My question was answered when I heard someone calling him.

"James!James!. Come and greet Nate," Nicole said.

She was wearing a mini skirt liked mine but her's was much tighter and even some inches shorter. Her shirt is so tight and covering not even her whole body.

Isn't she ashamed of exposing herself like that.In a party of a five years old, I asked myself.

"Wait one minute sis am just telling this girl how she looks soo.......," The boy who was probably Nicole's brother and who looked like James and whose name was James said.

"Ohhh hey," Nicole said acting like she didn't know me.

"Ohh hi," I said joining her in her acts. Don't worry I was quite good at acting too.

"Am Nicole , You look familiar.Have I ever seen you before," she said.

You know how all those bitches act. They act  nice in front of you. Like they don't care about you. But in reality they hate you so much. This girl is now one of  them. But I knee how this act works.

I gave her my most fake smile.

"Am Jessie, Or really? You look familiar too. Are you from broodhood high school?" I asked.

"Yeah. Ohh I remember you. You are the one in math class right,"Nicole said.

Just then the other four came.

"You have taken so long Nicole, " Evan said.

"We are going to cut the cake but Nate said we must wait for his girlfriend," Rivers said.

Alicia was busy with her phone and Nate was looking at Nicole with love.

They were so perfect together. I didn't need to be there. I had to go. None of them even noticed me. Was I invisible or what? I felt like crying. That girl took my place . I was suposed to be her. They had all changed.

Before I knew what I was doing I was heading to the door. I knew they didn't want me to be there. Even Evan and Rivers.

"Who is that girl with pink skirt," Nate asked as I reached the door.

"Nobody important, "answered Alicia and Nicole.

"Let me go and check, "said Rivers

"You don't have to ,I will. " Nicole said

"No don't worry I will," he said and headed to my direction.

I tried to walk faster. I heard him shouted, "wait wait". But I just ignored him. After some minutes he caught me by my wrist. And turned me so that I would face him.

"Jessie,"!! He was so surprised when he saw who I was.

"Are you crying,"he asked hugging me.

"No," I answered.

He wiped my tears and hugged me tighter.I relaxed in his arms. After some minutes I wiped my tears and stood up.

"Why are you crying" Rivers asked.

Hmmm I didn't like lying to that guy so I just told him the truth.

"Oh my God Jessie we are so sorry. We didn't see you there. We were not looking at your direction," he said

Maybe it was true since I was looking at Nicole and Nicole was looking at them. I just noticed now that I just heard their voice and didn't look at their faces.

"I thought you don't want your friends to know me. You are embarassed or something like that,"I said frankly.

"Jessie you are such a child. You know I could never do that,"he said.

"Yeah I know" I said punching him in his shoulders.

"So what do you want to do, You want to go back to the party or what?"

"I don't. Not right now," I said.

"Okay let's go" he said.

"Where?" I asked.

He grabbed my hands and continued walking.

We went to a restaurant first. I washed my face and applied a little make up. We ate and gisted for a long period of time. We then headed to a park. And gisted again.

It was about five when we were heading back to the house. Rivers squeezed my hands as we entered the house.

"Where have you been Rivers, " Nate,Alicia and Nicole ask him.

Immediately Evan saw me he came and enveloped me in a big hug.

"I missed you,"he said.

And then Jamie came and said, " I have been looking for you all day. Cassie come and meet my lovely sister,".

I saw a cute little girl in a pink dress." Hello Jessie," She said giving me a hug with her tiny arms."

"I have heard so much about you," she said.

She was so cute. I already liked her.

"Bye. Am going to go and play with James,"she said in her cute voice and took his hand.

"On minute, "Nate said.

" You should smile and say cheese." He said bringing out his phone and taking them a picture.

I took my phone too and took a picture of them.

"They will make a great couple," Nate said.

I was so suprised that he talked to me but I answered him .

"I know right. Am going to put this as my profile picture and on Instagram . Cutest couple of the year, "I said laughing.

He laughed back. Rivers and Evan were laughing too but Nicole was frowning and Alicia was on her phone again.

What if all those two weeks was one of his plays? He was still the same. Even his laugh was the same . I really missed him. I just remembered why I liked that guy. I was just about to run in to his arm and hug him tightly so that he will never act like he doesn't recognize me again when he said,

"Am Nate by the way"


Soooo. What's up ? First of all, this will be my last update for a while. Maybe I won't update till a month or so because am going to write my promotional exams soon . I hope you enjoyed this because I spend a whole day writing it instead of studying.

So what do you think of Nate . Do you think something is wrong with him? And what do you think will happen next. If you have any suggestions please tell me. And I have no idea who will be the casts. Am not into celebrity stuffs that much so if you have any idea please tell me.

Thank you.
Ramadan Kareem to all Muslims.


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